Description of the fungus is a bruise and is it edible (+26 photo)?

2.12.2018 Mushrooms

Rare today in European territory, but very much loved and popular mushroom, which is called a bruise due to the property of the pulp turning blue during a break or cut, is tasty, aromatic and healthy.

Although rare, it can be found in a mixed or coniferous forest or grown by yourself. Dishes from it have an original flavor, are easy to prepare and nutritious.

Features and other bruise names

Mushroom bruise is very easy to recognize by just a photo or description, but it is not so easy to find in the forest due to a decrease in its population in recent decades. Other names for the fungus - bluish gyroporus, birch gyropore - are used much less frequently, since the main distinguishing feature prevails over the others.

Appearance, structure and photo

The felt-type hat of the mushroom changes from convex to flat during growth, it can have whitish, brown and yellow hues, but with a simple pressure it quickly turns blue at the point of contact. The tubular section has few pores, most often white or straw color, and spores are yellow. The leg is loose and hollow, without a ring.

The bruise hat can reach 15 cm, the leg is cylindrical in shape, up to 8 cm high, it has an extension below. The flesh is whitish-cream, brittle. The taste and smell are pleasant. The fruit body, when cut or broken, is painted in a characteristic cornflower blue color.

Place of bruising

Oak forests, coniferous forests, warm sandstones warmed by the sun, humidity and a warm climate are the main preferences of these mushrooms. It grows better under birches, pines, chestnuts and oaks, since gyroporas form a symbiotic association with the roots of these trees - the interchange of nutrients.

In Russia, these fungi are most often found in deciduous and mixed forests of Western Siberia. In Europe and Central Asia, fungus is more common in the steppe zone.

Edible or inedible

Since the mushroom is rare, many people think about whether it is edible or not. It belongs to the second or third category of edibility by different classifications. But according to experienced mushroom pickers, it is edible, tasty and nutritious, although it is suitable for use only after heat treatment.

Cut mushroom
Cut mushroom

Possible individual intolerance to the fungus in connection with violations of the gastrointestinal tract and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Differences from false mushrooms

Gyropora can not be confused with dangerous poisonous mushrooms due to their individual characteristics of blueing.

But due to inexperience, one can easily take the chestnut gyroorus for a bruise, which looks very similar to them, but with the first cut of any part of the chestnut double, the error immediately becomes obvious, its fruiting body never turns blue.

Uncleville boletus
Uncleville boletus

You can also take the conditionally edible boletus of Junkville for a bruise, here his flesh turns blue at the fault location, but very soon the cyanosis turns to black.

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When and how to collect

Bruises require restoration, without which they can disappear as a species, so they must be collected very carefully, being careful not to damage the mycelium. It is better to cut off only part of the leg, not to take old and damaged mushrooms, leaving them for further reproduction.

Good to know!
The most suitable time for gathering is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

Types and their description with photos

Several types of mushrooms are classified as bruises. These are gyropoors, tubular-cap, heading the genus Gyroporus, and the family of the Giroporovs and oaks from the genus Boroviks of the Boletov family.

These are edible mushrooms, their flesh has the characteristic property of being painted in blue or its shades. They have a spongy, central leg, without a net pattern. The pulp is light, the hymenophores are folded by free tubes and regular rounded pores. Their individual features are as follows:

  1. Gyroorus blue - edible mushroom, has a velvety hat reaching 15 cm, which can be convex or flat, light yellow or darker, even brown. The pulp in this case is white and cream, after breaking it acquires a bright cornflower hue. Leg up to 10 cm, conical with a thickening below, in young mushrooms filled with cotton-like tissues, and in mature specimens - hollow.

    Most often grows near birches, oaks and chestnuts, prefers sandy soil in mixed and deciduous forests. Fruits in July to the end of September. It has a strong pleasant aroma and taste without bitterness, it is used in dried form for the further preparation of soups and sauces.

  2. Olive brown oak - refers to conditionally edible, requires mandatory boiling followed by a replacement of water, otherwise it can cause gastric and intestinal disorders, especially with the simultaneous intake of alcohol. It is easy to distinguish from edible species, it has a very large hat (up to 20 cm) in brown with an olive tint.

    The flesh is yellow, the base of the leg is reddish. With any pressure, the entire fungus becomes stained, on the faults the fruit body turns blue, but soon becomes brown. It lives on calcareous soils of mixed forests. Heat-loving, the harvest season is August. More often harvested in pickled form.

  1. Speckled oak - at a young age it is distinguished by a convex opaque hat of various brown shades. The leg is red-yellow tuberous or barrel-shaped with red scales. When cut, it acquires a blue-greenish color in the hat and reddish in the leg.

    He loves acidic soil, marshy areas and mosses, is more common in coniferous parts of the forest. Begins to bear fruit in May, can be found until the end of October. Since the mushroom is conditionally edible, without preliminary 15-minute boiling it can not be consumed. More used in dried form.

Useful properties of bruises and cooking features

A mushroom of the third category of edibility, which is pleasant to the taste, does not have bitterness, it does not appear stiff during cooking, with an inherent strong aroma, contains many useful substances, including the natural antibiotic boletol with a wide range of action and minimal side effects .

Antioxidants in the fruit body of the bruise are used in the prevention of various types of tumors. Potassium, magnesium and sodium in well-absorbed forms contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system and increase the defenses of the human body.

But bruises also have poorly digestible compounds, so people with impaired functioning of the stomach, liver and kidneys, as well as pregnant women and children, are not recommended to use them.

The young instance is distinguished by the fact that it does not have a pungent smell and bitterness; its taste wears notes of nuts.
It can be stored raw for up to two days, and boiled - 2-3 days in a liquid. It is suitable in boiled and dried form; soups, sauces and stews are prepared from it. You can fry and stew with vegetables and without.

Spicy, original in taste and nutritious, it turns out a bruise soup with raisins and prunes. For its preparation, it is better to use dried ingredients, to which are added potatoes, onions, a little wheat flour and vegetable oil for frying, parsley and salt. In this case, the mushrooms are boiled first separately and the resulting broth must be merged.

Fried mushroom bruise
Fried mushroom bruise

The bruises fried with nuts are delicious. For 0.5 kg of fresh bruises, take a glass of walnuts, peeled, onions, cilantro, apple cider vinegar, ground pepper, butter and salt.

Answers to widespread questions

Blue gyroorus due to its rarity and little-knownness raises many questions among inexperienced mushroom pickers:

Why are bruises forbidden to collect?
Bruises have long been collected in large quantities for drying and treatment, their mycelium is poorly restored, and its number has drastically decreased in the European region. Therefore, the mushrooms were in the Red Book. To restore their population, these mushrooms are not currently allowed to be harvested.
How many calories are in mushrooms?
A great advantage of bruises is their low calorie content with high nutritional value. In 100 grams of fruiting bodies, only 19 kilocalories, with proteins - about 2 grams, fats - only 0.7, and carbohydrates 1.5.
Is it possible to grow bruises at home?
Bruises are easy to grow in summer cottages or near the house. To do this, the powdered mycelium must be mixed with the corresponding soil or sand and deepened by 5-15 cm under the trees, which this species prefers in nature. The procedure can be performed at any time of the year, and the crop can be harvested in spring and autumn.

Tasty, fragrant and healthy bruises with bluish flesh are rare, but are found in European forests. Carefully collecting or breeding them yourself, you can diversify your diet and enrich the body with useful substances.

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