What does a coral mushroom look like and its description (+25 photo)

3.12.2018 Mushrooms

The forests of our country are rich in various mushrooms that differ in appearance, nutritional properties, and growth conditions. Coral mushroom is one of the most unusual representatives of the mushroom kingdom. A few years ago, such instances were rare enough, but today they are widely cultivated, used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. They are also of interest to science due to their non-standard structure.

Characteristic features of the variety

Despite its name, this specimen has nothing to do with the sea. The name rather reflects its external characteristics. In addition to the scientific name - Fucus tremella, this representative has many other names:

  • gelatinous;
  • ice;
  • nautical
  • snow;
  • royal;
  • silver ear.

Appearance and photo

Among all the representatives, it differs in its exotic appearance - it has translucent twigs, lace, and a shape resembling coral. Representatives of the variety are distinguished by an irregularly shaped body, the presence of a large number of twisting branches and processes, as well as many folds.

The size may vary depending on the species: from 2 to 15 cm. The surface is most often white or pale yellow, there are bright yellow specimens. A photo of a coral mushroom gives a more visual representation of its appearance, complementing the description provided.

Morphology of Coral Mushrooms

The leg of the mushroom is massive and dense, deeply planted in the ground, has a white or yellowish hue. Its shape is cylindrical. The diameter is 7-10 cm. The pulp is fragile, light, dry, has a neutral or grassy odor, and may have a bitter aftertaste.

Twigs pointed, tapering up, may have combed tips. The fruit body is very branched and bushy. Depending on the species, the branches can be forked or fan-shaped. Some species may have a spherical fruiting body, consisting of many wavy plates. On one of the surfaces of the plates are spores. The method of reproduction is through spore powder.


Not all types are intended for use in cooking. The following are not eaten because of the pulp, the consistency of which is similar to rubber:

  1. Kalocera is sticky.
  2. Xilaria hypoxylon.
  3. The hornet is horn-shaped.

The remaining species are used in cooking, but only at a young age. Old mushrooms are very stiff and not suitable for cooking.

Rules and Venues

The area in which they can be found is mixed and coniferous forests. They grow in places with high humidity, most often not on soil, but on putrid stumps and wood, and are found on deciduous tree branches (linden, birch, aspen). They can grow in groups or individually.

When collecting them, you must remember that it is impossible to destroy the root system.
For safe collection, which will not lead to a reduction in the population, it is necessary to cut off only the aerial part with a knife, without touching the roots and without tearing them out of the ground.It is preferable to go into the forest behind them at an early time of the day before they heat up under the sun. After collection, they must be processed and cooked as soon as possible.

Do not collect old and darkened specimens. In addition, if the summer was rainy, it is not recommended to collect and dry them: they will lose their taste and will release toxins.

Types, their description and photo

Among coral mushrooms, several species are distinguished, which are different in appearance and taste. Coral mushrooms are most often white:

  1. Alpine blackberry. This is an edible organism, having the following varieties: golden, yellow, reed, cluster-like. Most often found in coniferous forests, on spruce stumps, pines and firs.

    Alpine blackberry
    Alpine blackberry
  2. Bear foot. It features a surface that is covered with yellow spores, white flesh, similar to marble, a dichotomous structure and a light grassy aroma. Its height reaches 20 cm, the central trunk releases 2 cylindrical processes.

    Bear foot
    Bear foot
  3. Horned reed. It is most often found in conifers. Height is not more than 10 cm, the color is most often pale yellow. The shape of the sprouts vaguely resembles the shape of the human tongue.

    Horned reed
    Horned reed
  4. Wrinkled Clavulina. The processes resemble the horns of an animal, their tips become blunt with growth time. The diameter of the organisms reaches 0.4 mm, and the height is 15 cm.

    Wrinkled Clavulina
    Wrinkled Clavulina

Difference from false, inedible mushrooms

There are several species that are similar in appearance to a coral mushroom, but are not eaten. The list of such species includes:

You may be interested in:
  1. Kalocera is sticky. The fruiting body of Kalocera is bushy, but weakly branched, painted dark yellow or orange. It grows both singly and in groups, and is found in forests from July to October. The species is inedible due to the viscous and rubbery pulp.

    Kalocera sticky
    Kalocera sticky
  2. Xylaria hypoxilon. The representatives of the species most often growing in bunches are characterized by pointed, branches bifurcated upwards, white flesh, and weak branching of the fruiting body. The pulp of Xylaria is too hard, which does not allow its use in cooking.

    Xilaria Hypoxylon
    Xilaria Hypoxylon
  3. Horned horns. The fruit body is brittle, covered with spores, can have a different color: from gray-yellow to bright orange, and its base is painted white. Most common in forests with high levels of humidity. The pulp is brittle, has a powdery smell.

    Horned horned
    Horned horned

Useful properties and restrictions for use

Ice mushrooms are high in vitamins, so they are often used in areas such as medicine and cosmetology. In medicine, they act as natural antibiotics and antidepressants, they make drugs that make antibodies in the body that destroy viruses and bacteria.

In addition, they are recommended for use in Alzheimer's disease. Chinese medicine includes their use as a remedy for tumors and a source of vitamins during the recovery period after chemotherapy. These mushrooms are also recommended for consumption in case of nervous disorders and immunodeficiency.

Other beneficial properties are represented by the ability to:

  • lower cholesterol;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • reduce exposure to radiation;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • liver protection.

Despite the many positive effects provided by these mushrooms, there are a number of restrictions on their use in food:

  1. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  2. Use in mono-diet. Due to the high protein content in this product, a change in metabolism and a violation of oxidative processes are possible. Their use in the diet should be moderate.

    Horned reed
    Horned reed
  3. It is undesirable to eat mushrooms collected in areas with an unfavorable environmental situation. They easily absorb harmful substances, so it is not worth collecting and using them in cooking.
  4. They are categorically contraindicated for use by people with pancreatitis, dysbiosis and individual intolerance. They are not desirable in the diet of children under 14 years of age, since their enzymatic system has not yet been fully formed.

The maximum frequency of use of mushrooms in the diet for a healthy person is three times a week in moderation.

Recipes and cooking features

There are simple recipes that do not require large expenses and high culinary skills. For example:

  1. Snack. To prepare it, in addition to mushrooms in an amount of 70 g, you will need sweet pepper, one fresh cucumber, sesame oil, a clove of garlic, three tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice. Cucumber, pepper and garlic need to be finely chopped. Mushrooms must be poured with cold water for 15-20 minutes, salt, and then left in boiling water for 5 minutes.
    Coral Mushroom Appetizer
    Coral Mushroom Appetizer

    When they are ready, with a knife you need to cut off their yellowish part, which is on the back side. After all the ingredients you need to mix, add lemon juice and oil, and leave to infuse for an hour. This appetizer can be eaten with meat, squid, crab and shrimp.

  2. Coral mushrooms with meat. To prepare the dish you will need 100 g of mushrooms, green and onions (3 feathers and 1 onion), 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of sesame oil, meat of your choice - pork, chicken or beef. Rinse the mushrooms in cold water in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then discard them in a colander, rinse with cold water, cut into equal parts.
    Coral Mushrooms with Meat
    Coral Mushrooms with Meat

    After putting them in a deep bowl, sprinkle with pepper and salt. The meat should be cut into small pieces, salt and pepper, let stand for 10 minutes. During this time, chop the onions and garlic, heat the olive oil in a pan, and fry the meat until it becomes rosy. Then add mushrooms, continue frying for another 5 minutes. Then remove the food from the heat, sprinkle with green onions and season with sesame oil. This dish is served with any side dish or as an addition to rice.

Answers to Common Questions

Coral mushrooms cause a lot of questions in inexperienced mushroom pickers:

Is it possible to poison with mushrooms that look like corals?
Instances similar to corals cannot be poisoned. All edible representatives of this species have a pleasant smell, are easy to prepare and give a rich harvest.
How to distinguish young from old mushrooms?
Young organisms are characterized by a rich aroma, white or pink elastic flesh. With age, their color changes: the flesh darkens, acquires a brownish or yellow hue, becomes hard and stiff. Old ones can be bitter in taste, so collecting young specimens is preferable.

Is it possible to cook desserts from these mushrooms?
These representatives are used to prepare the following dessert dishes:

  • sweet soup (the dish also includes sugar, cherries and water). This recipe is often used in China and Japan, and this soup is an analogue of compote;
  • dried mushrooms. They are pre-boiled, and then soaked in sweet syrup from canned peaches. After they can be added to ice cream, drinks and other desserts.

These mushrooms have an exotic appearance and a wide scope. However, so that their use does not harm health, their amount in the diet should be moderate.

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