What does a red mushroom umbrella look like and its description (+26 photo)?

22.01.2019 Mushrooms

Mushrooms of the Champignon family have a high culinary value, they are tasty and will decorate any table. A blushing umbrella is a popular mushroom from the genus Chlorophyllum, but, despite its high taste and nutritional qualities, the variety rarely gets into the basket even for very experienced mushroom pickers. This is due to fears of poisoning.

This species has several toxic doubles. Therefore, those who want to enjoy delicious mushrooms should carefully study their features and individual differences.

Characteristics of a blushing umbrella

The reddening umbrella is very similar to other types of umbrellas. The most striking feature characteristic of this species is the reaction to air during mechanical damage.

Description of appearance and photo

A detailed description of the appearance of the mushroom and a photo will completely distinguish it in the forest:

  1. The fruit body consists of hats and legs, which are easily detachable.
  2. Hat in light shades: gray-beige, beige.
  3. The leg is beige. There are many rings on it, so the impression of stripedness is created.
  4. The mushroom has quite impressive dimensions: the diameter of the cap reaches up to 20 cm, and the length of the leg is up to 25 cm.
  5. On a hat there are dark rags characteristic of all umbrellas.

Young fruits resemble caramel lollipop: a round hat is attached to a long thin leg. Adult mushrooms look like umbrellas, because as they grow older, the hat straightens the edges, taking on an umbrella-like shape. You can consider the details of appearance in the photo of the mushroom.

Structure and species differences

Initially, the egg-shaped or spherical hat, the edges are wrapped inward. Then it becomes wide-conical. In old mushrooms, the hat takes an umbrella-like shape, spreading the cracked edges. The surface is radially fibrous.

The main tone of the hat is beige, but the tubercle located in the center is always a tone or two darker. On the surface of the hat there are easily detachable flakes, in the form of dark brown rags.

The leg is cylindrical, hollow inside, has a rigid fibrous texture. It can be straight or curved. It is spherically thickened at the base. There is a ring on the leg that moves easily over its entire surface. Volvo is missing. Also on the leg there are the remains of a filmy blanket, white on top and brownish at the bottom. It easily moves away from the surface. Leg detaches effortlessly from the cap.

The plates are thick. They taper to the leg, form a cartilaginous collarium. Young umbrellas have white plates, but as they age they acquire a cream or beige hue. The plates are easy to detach. When pressed, they turn red-orange. Spores of a mushroom of white or cream color.

Mushroom description
Mushroom description

The pulp is fleshy. In young animals, it is loose, but eventually becomes denser. The pulp is white, when cut, it acquires a reddish hue - hence the name of the species. The pulp has a pronounced mushroom smell and a pleasant nutty taste.


You can search for umbrellas in different types of forests. They can also be found in the steppes, parks, fields, meadows and household plots. More often, the fungus grows in groups resembling circles or rows, very rarely - alone.

Umbrellas are distributed throughout the globe, with the exception of the lands of Antarctica.They grow especially abundantly in Eurasia, namely in Turkey, Siberia, Transcaucasia, China, Japan, as well as in Australia and the American continent (in Canada, the USA, Chile) and even North Africa.


The reddening umbrella belongs to the category of edible mushrooms. It has a pleasant taste and is appreciated by culinary experts all over the world. However, eating raw mushrooms is not recommended.

Before eating, it must undergo at least minimal heat treatment.

Rules and Venues

The rules for collecting umbrellas do not differ from the general principles of mushroom collection:

  1. Do not take dubious specimens into a basket.
  2. Do not tear or break mushroom units, but carefully cut with a knife so as not to destroy the mycelium.
  3. Go mushroom hunting in the early morning.
  4. Replace rotten or wormy units on the spot so as not to occupy a place in the basket.
  5. Go for mushrooms with wicker baskets or baskets and do not use plastic bags.

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Umbrellas prefer to grow in open, well-lit places. Especially a lot of them on humus-rich lands. Mushrooms are found singly or in small groups. Sometimes they form rows or rings, known among mushroom pickers as witch circles.

Difference of a blushing umbrella from false, inedible mushrooms

Umbrellas can be confused with such inedible species:

  1. Amanita is smelly.
  2. Amanita panther.
  3. Chlorophyllum is dark brown.
  4. Chlorophyllum lead-slag.

Doubles are distinguished by the following criteria:

View name Unlike a blushing umbrella
Amanita is smelly The mushroom ring protrudes from the ground.
A white hat with a mucous surface on which white membranous flakes are located.
Tuberous thickening at the base of the leg.
The pulp does not change color at the break.
The pulp emits a pungent smell of bleach.
Amanita panther Tuberous thickening at the base of the leg.
There are often brown spots on the plates.
The pulp does not change color at the break.
A sharp unpleasant odor emanates from the pulp at the cut.
Chlorophyllum dark brown Has a tuberous growth at the base of the legs.
Chlorophyllum Lead Slag The hat is white.
The scales on the surface of the hat have a pinkish brown tint.
The white leg turns brown at the site of damage.
Plates of growing mushrooms have a greenish, and then olive hue.

All of the doubles listed above are poisonous, and the fly agaric is considered to be a deadly poisonous mushroom.

Useful properties and restrictions on the use of mushrooms

These mushrooms are part of many diets due to low calorie content. Umbrellas have useful properties. They contain a number of substances valuable to the human body:

  • vitamins C, E, K, group B;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • tyrosine;
  • arginine;
  • beta glucans;
  • melanin.

In traditional medicine, cardiovascular diseases are treated with umbrellas. They are taken with rheumatism. Mushrooms are also used to restore the nervous system of the body.

Among other things, this species has bactericidal properties. Powder from dried umbrellas purifies indoor air. Some groups of people need to take the product with caution. These include the following categories:

  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • patients with pancreatitis;
  • people with chronic liver or kidney disease.
The product should not be eaten by pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as children under 5 years old.

Recipes and features of cooking mushrooms

Mushrooms can be prepared in many ways. The following dishes are considered the most common:

  1. Marinated mushrooms.
  2. In the pan.
  3. Baked.
  4. Stewed in sour cream.

For pickling, perform the following actions:

  1. Mushrooms are peeled, cut into slices and rinsed several times in cold water.
  2. Then the fruits are boiled in salted water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

    Mushroom cooking process
    Mushroom cooking process
  3. Foam should be removed. As soon as all the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan, they are removed from the heat and drained through a colander.
  4. For marinade, pour 2 cups of water into the pan, in which 1 teaspoon of salt and 3 g of citric acid are dissolved. The solution is brought to a boil, poured into it 50 g of vinegar and remove from heat.
  5. Mushrooms are put in sterilized jars and poured with marinade. Banks roll up. The sample is removed no earlier than a month later.

    Pickled Umbrella Mushrooms
    Pickled Umbrella Mushrooms

Umbrellas in a pan can be prepared in the form of an omelet. To do this, they are cut into slices and fried until golden brown with salt and pepper. Then 2 eggs are poured into the pan, previously beaten until smooth. Omelet is fried under the lid on both sides.

Omelette mushrooms
Omelette mushrooms

For baking, just take 2-3 mushrooms. They are washed, cleaned and cut into convenient pieces. 2 eggs beat with salt. There also add a couple of teeth of chopped garlic. Pieces are dipped in egg-garlic mixture and roll in light breadcrumbs. Then they are laid out on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fried until golden brown.

Umbrellas in sour cream are very tasty and tender. The hats are washed, cleaned and cut into pieces. Onions are chopped in half rings. Pieces are passaged with onions, seasoning them with salt and pepper. When the contents of the pan take on a golden hue, a few spoons of sour cream are added there. All simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Answers to widespread questions

Housewives have many questions about the preparation of mushrooms:

Can I eat mushroom legs?
The legs are made of hard fibers. You can eat them, but in a regular dish they are hard to chew. Therefore, for frying, boiling, pickling, only hats are taken, and the legs are dried and ground into powder for use as a mushroom seasoning.
Is it possible to poison this fungus?
You can poison only in two cases: if the mushroom has deteriorated or it was collected in an environmentally dirty place.
Do mushrooms salt umbrellas?
The product can be salted for the winter. Thanks to its strong mushroom aroma and minimal processing, pickles have a high culinary value.

The reddening umbrella belongs to the category of edible. Its culinary value is very high, but not all mushroom pickers risk taking representatives of this species in their basket. The umbrella has several poisonous doubles, so you must be extremely careful when collecting it.

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  1. Avatar


    it used to be one of my favorite mushrooms ... when it’s not been spoiled by nature ... I haven’t found it in the last 10-12 years ..

    To answer

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