Spraying tomatoes with boric acid

7.09.2016 Tomatoes

Boric acid for tomatoes, soakingBoric acid for tomatoes, spraying this vegetable with a product is often carried out, but in this material it offers a broader look at the use of such fertilizer for your tomatoes. You need to start with the fact that boron is an essential element for the growth of garden crops.

Boric acid is used as a fertilizer, to increase the rate of calcium intake to the organs and roots of the plant, to increase the chlorophyll content in the green parts, to stimulate the germination of seeds. Moreover, boric acid, when used correctly, can make berries and fruits sweeter, juicier.

Useful properties of boric acid for tomatoes

To grow a rich tomato crop, you need to make a lot of effort. For this garden plant, top dressing is required to ultimately get juicy, dense and fleshy fruits. It is clear that there are many options for using boric acid as a fertilizer for tomatoes, and only the gardener himself can choose the rational use, depending on specific requirements.

How beneficial boric acid affects the growth and development of tomatoes:
1. Nourishes the ovaries of plants.
2. Saturates fruits with sugar.
3. Protects bushes from parasites and diseases.

If all options for feeding tomatoes (and cucumbers) with boric acid are divided into parts, then this will not only be spraying. Top dressing can be root - when the plant is irrigated with fertilizer (by the way, this method is the main one for delivering useful substances to the crop).

Also, top dressing can be outside the root, when the plant receives additional nutrients through the leaves. But you need to understand that such a supply of vitamins will arrive eight times faster than if you simply water the earth. Therefore, positive results in some cases, after spraying, can already be expected within a few hours.

Boric acid for tomatoes

As for spraying, it is used for tomatoes when it comes to boric acid, in order to accelerate the fruit ovary and activate their ripening. This method is perfect to deal with such a common tomato disease, especially in temperate climates like late blight.

Important! Remember that with boric acid you need to work extremely carefully, because it can harm the plant if it is used uncontrolled. Particular attention is paid to plants that grow indoors, and not in the open ground. Because, they receive much less solar energy.

How to recognize a lack of boron

Reviews of spraying tomatoes with boric acid are very often positive. Because, this substance in the period of always growing garden crops is required - both during pollination and during fertilization of the plant, for the proper exchange of carbohydrates and proteins. Boron is involved in the formation of a certain immunity to a number of diseases. And, remember that tomato bushes, just like other plants, themselves can signal that they lack boron.

First of all, the lack of boron affects the leaves. Young leaves lose their color, starting from the top. Loss of color indicates that the leaf tissue is damaged, although a certain part of the leaf still remains green. But, if you do not take any measures, then the affected tissue quickly spreads throughout the plant.

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The upper leaves begin to curl, veins of black or brown color appear on the affected leaves. When they try to bend such a leaf, it does not withstand the pressure and immediately breaks.Certain elements of the lack of boron are also visible on the stem of the tomato - the growth point begins to blacken, and young leaves grow already from the bottom of the stem. Moreover, their petioles are so brittle that they do not allow new leaves to develop normally. All these lesions are a sure signal to feed the crop with boron solution.

How, when to fertilize

Boric acid for tomatoes, spraying for the ovary is carried out and not only, this is already noted in this material. There are several tactics for using this fertilizer. First of all, we will consider how boric acid for tomatoes can be used even before the planting.

It will be necessary to soak tomato seeds for a day in boric acid. On the packaging you can always find the proportion in which the acid is diluted with clean water. On the eve of sowing, repeat this action, and additionally pour boric acid into the wells for planting.

Boric acid for tomatoes, spraying

As for outside the root feeding method, it has already been separately considered in this material. Out of the root - this means, most often, it is spraying. To prepare the solution, you will need to dilute a gram of boric acid in a liter of hot water. Take for spraying only a small spray, and, by the time the tomatoes are processed, the solution should have completely cooled down. For young leaves, 10 ml of solution for processing one bush will be enough.

Important! The procedure for spraying tomatoes with a solution of boric acid should be carried out during the mass flowering of tomatoes. Moreover, spraying is carried out regularly and the amount of funds increases, gradually, one and a half times. As fertilizer breed quail.

Alternatively, boric acid for tomatoes is used to protect the plant from late blight. There will already need to act right in early June. To do this, first spray the bushes with a weak, barely pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then, after a week, use a solution of boric acid for spraying, diluting only 10 grams of the product in 10 liters of water. After a week, spray the bushes with a weak iodine solution. If you conduct these three sprayings in time, you can be sure that this summer phytophthora will definitely not hit your tomato plantations.

Important! When using any fertilizer, and for boric acid it is doubly more relevant, it is necessary to observe clearly specified proportions. Even a mild mistake can cause the plant to get severe burns and even die because of them. About use coffee grounds as fertilizer.

Boric acid for tomatoes, spraying

With the reasonable and proper use of boric acid as a fertilizer for tomatoes at different stages of growth of this crop, it will be possible to provide yourself with a crop of 50 kilograms from one square meter of seedlings. At the same time, the first fruits can be tasted already at the end of the first month of summer.

When boric acid is used for tomatoes, then spraying, like other manipulations, must be carried out wisely. Boric acid is an important element for the normal growth and development of tomatoes. If boron is not enough, that the tomatoes will be small, affected by diseases, dark spots will appear on top of the leaves. To process tomatoes with boric acid, spray, it is necessary already in the period of active budding, using a solution of 0.05%. You can also spray during flowering, during the ripening of fruits.

However, if boric acid is used too often and incorrectly, in the end this can lead to the fact that the fruits ripen quickly, but to the detriment of their long-term storage. This applies not only to tomatoes, but to any other crops. Yet egg shell can be an excellent fertilizer for tomatoes.

Advice! Very good as a prophylaxis for garden crops is feeding with boric acid and iodine. Almost all garden plants require little iodine, but it is the tomatoes here that are the exception.So, iodine is required for the development of flower brushes, ovaries, for ripening fruits.

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