Bee pork: beneficial properties and how to take

27.07.2017 Beekeeping

Bee pollen: benefits and harms, how to takeBeekeeping products are in great demand because they have a complex effect. Not everyone knows about how to take bee pollen, as well as what benefits and harm it does to the body. A few decades ago, only advanced beekeepers knew about such pollen, but now it is actively used to treat various diseases.

What is it?

Many people call bee bread bee bread. The pollen processed in a special way is sealed in a honeycomb and hardens thanks to lactic acid. Insects make reserves for the winter in this way. After people learned about the benefits of bee pollen, they began to use it to maintain health.

I would like to note that beekeepers have not yet learned how to fake pollen. Therefore, the goods are supplied in limited quantities. For 1 tsp bread, the bee should work 8 hours.

The composition of the bee bread includes a large set of amino acids, vitamins, useful trace elements, digestive enzymes, phytohormones and growth stimulants.

About application in pictures:

General recommendations for use
With anemia


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Benefit and harm

In addition to bee bread, pollen is also sold in stores. It would seem that these products should have the same properties, but in fact bee bread is more useful. Due to the fact that pollen cannot be processed, it is more difficult for the human body to absorb it.

Bread is a balanced and quickly digestible product. Its beneficial properties may vary depending on the type of plant from which nectar is collected. The set of substances remains unchanged.

It includes:

  • monosaccharides and enzymes;
  • a wide range of vitamin substances;
  • beneficial amino acids (serine, alanine, glycine, lysine, valine);
  • hormone-like substances that do not have a negative effect;
  • fatty acids (lauric, eruocvaya, lipoic, arachidonic);
  • trace elements such as calcium, copper, iodine, magnesium, potassium silicon, etc.

Due to its composition, this product will be useful for older people with a lack of potassium, with a decrease in immunity, blood diseases, for the treatment of acne, to achieve a rejuvenating effect, etc.


Bee bread can cause harm to the body only if there are contraindications. It is not recommended to use a bread stick to treat people who suffer from high thyroid activity. The patient's condition after this worsens.

Perga helps increase appetite, so if you are on a diet, you should not use a bee product, it will entail an acute craving for fatty foods.

About the benefits of the video:

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How to use?

The maximum positive effect of the use is achieved if you eat the bread after 30 minutes before the main meal. After this, it is not recommended to eat and drink for at least 2 hours. Experts insist that the prevention and treatment of diseases with bee bread should be carried out in courses, usually they do not last longer than 1 month.

Every day it is allowed to consume 10-30 g of the product; excess dosage can lead to negative consequences.You just need to put the granular pollen in your mouth and dissolve it for several minutes.

If you include still milk and honey in your diet, then it will be possible to strengthen the beneficial properties of bee bread.

Who is it useful for?

Due to its composition, the grain has a complex effect on the whole body. Depending on the gender, age and presence of pathologies, a different effect can be achieved. Therefore, we would like to consider in more detail what should be expected under certain conditions.

For women

How women can take bee pollen, as well as what will be the benefit and harm of it, is best to consult a doctor.

Typically, women use a beekeeping product to normalize hormonal levels, increase the likelihood of conception, normalize health for bearing a child and remove cholesterol from the body.

Perga is actively used in cosmetology, since it accelerates tissue regeneration and normalizes the condition of the skin. With the addition of this component, masks for hair and face are prepared.

For men

After a few days of using the product, you will notice an improvement in overall health. There is an improvement in heart function, normalization of blood pressure, activation of the process of sperm formation, which leads to an improvement in male potency.

For children

The benefits of such a product in a children's diet are invaluable, since a biostimulating and restorative effect is simultaneously achieved. Bread acts as a natural anabolic, thanks to which the child grows and develops better.

Of course, bee pollen can do harm and harm to children, but only if you don’t know how to take it correctly.

The method of use will depend on the desired effect and the individual characteristics of the body. It is recommended to consult with your doctor about this.


How to store?

Store the product in a dry place at room temperature. The shelf life depends on the conditions, usually the bread retains its useful properties for 6-12 months.


The cost of bee bread is up to 600 p. for 100 g. The price largely depends on the variety of the beekeeping product and where it is purchased.

According to research, even severe patients can notice improvement in health status after 15 days of eating. Therefore, do not neglect such a natural product that allows you to quickly and without negative consequences restore the basic functions of the body.

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