Strawberry transplant in the fall: when to exercise and how to do it

6.11.2016 Strawberry

sroki-kogda-peresazhivat-klbuniku-osenyuStrawberry transplantation in the fall is no less important than dressing and watering, especially those gardeners who are counting on a rich harvest. But, it is one thing to carry out a plant transplant, and another thing to do the same work, but at the right time. It is the time when to plant strawberries in the fall, in which month to do this, affect the further growth of strawberries and its viability.

Why do we need strawberry transplant in autumn

Before choosing the dates when and in which month to transplant strawberries in the fall, you should understand why to do this. Strawberries can not be grown on the same month for more than three years, and transplanting in the autumn period of time helps to rejuvenate the plantings. If you do not transplant strawberries, then in the place where it grows for a long time, too many bacteria and fungi will accumulate, which can become a serious threat to the health and life of the plant as a whole.

Important! Digging up a whole bush and planting it in a new place does not make sense, since old plants still give few inflorescences, not to mention a small crop. Therefore, strawberries must be definitely planted using the division of bushes or with the help of antennae.

Dates, when and in what month to transplant strawberries in the fall

There are three seasons when you can take care of strawberry transplants: spring, summer, autumn. Most gardeners leave this job in the fall, and there is a logical explanation for this.

Spring transplantation contributes to the fact that the bushes of the plant are well taking root and are actively developing, but they will bring the crop only in the next season.

Summer transplantation is carried out immediately after the last harvest. It is believed that such a transplant will be the most appropriate and productive, but only if August is not too hot and rain falls periodically. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the weather in advance. That is why, reducing the risk of unforeseen situations, gardeners leave this job in the fall.


As for the dates when and in which month to transplant strawberries in the fall, it is best to choose the beginning of September. In September, the soil already becomes quite moist, and the air temperature is such that the soil has not yet frozen, but has already cooled down from the summer heat. Also, autumn is the best time for a strawberry transplant, because from the moment of transplant, the plant has already formed enough leaves to hide from winter frosts, and by summer the transplanted plant will yield a crop.

Therefore, choosing the dates when to transplant strawberries in the fall, September should be preferred.

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Transplant Preparation

Before dealing directly with the transplant, you need to choose and prepare a place for this. Given that strawberries are not whimsical in their care, difficulties with the preparatory work should not arise.

What is the best place to change

Strawberries grow well in almost any soil. But, without what this plant definitely can’t, without feeding and fertilizing. Therefore, choosing a place for transplantation, mineral fertilizer must be applied to the soil, and this is done a month before the planned work. Loosening of the selected site, which is done immediately after fertilizing, will not be superfluous.

Read also: How to plant strawberries in autumn.

How to transplant strawberries

So that after the autumn transplant, the crop was already in the next season, it is necessary to root two-year bushes. Seedlings for transplantation must be dug from the soil immediately before the transplant. If for some reason it was not possible to immediately transplant the dug seedlings, then you need to wrap the root of the plant with a damp piece of tissue and do not remove it until the time of sowing to a new site.


It is necessary to transplant strawberries in the evening, or choose a day covered by gray clouds for work. Squeeze the strawberries in 2-3 lines, observing the distance between them of 25 centimeters. The distance between the rows should be 40 centimeters.

The hole for transplantation must be done so deep that they correspond to the length of the root of the plant. The hole is filled to the brim with water, and only then can strawberries be transplanted into it. When all the strawberries are transplanted, you need to introduce mulch into the soil.


Only a timely strawberry transplant, with due dates for when to carry out this work in the fall, will guarantee a rich harvest in the coming season. It should be remembered that the autumn transplant is one of the items on the list of how to care for strawberries so that they bear fruit abundantly and grew healthy.

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