Why do not bloom irises in the garden

6.06.2015 Iris

Why do not bloom irises in the gardenIris (Íris) - a representative of the large family of Iris. The genus includes more than 800 species having a rich variety of shapes and colors. These flowers can be found on almost all continents except distant Antarctica. The main number of species grows in the countries of the Mediterranean, South and Central Asia. Irises bloom single flowers or several in inflorescences, in some species the flowers are slightly fragrant.

Plants are unpretentious, not demanding on soil, winter-hardy, but poorly tolerated by too moist lands. In one place, the bushes fully grow up to 7 years. Sometimes it happens that the plants do not bloom. Let's find out the reasons.

Why irises do not bloom in our garden plots

1. The root system is very deep. In this case, the “back” of the rhizome is poorly warmed by the sun. Therefore, when planting, you need to pay attention to the fact that the root neck comes out of the soil 1/3. If it is sprinkled with earth, the plant will intensively grow foliage and flowering may not occur at all.

irises flowers

2. Many irises are sunbeams. In the shade, they can simply grow, and only in the sun in all its glory show their magnificent flowering.

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Why irises do not bloom in our garden plots

3. These flowers love space and little space - this is another reason why irises do not bloom on the site. Their rhizomes grow rapidly and occupy a lot of space around them. After 3-4 years, they are pressed too tightly, leaving no room for the release of new peduncles. To irises continuously bloomed, at the age of 3-5 years, the bushes are divided, and the dividers are planted in new spacious, well-lit places.

Why iris flowers do not bloom

4. Today there are hundreds of species and varieties, each of them has its own specific features. For example, bearded irises cannot tolerate acidic lands, and Siberian irises, on the contrary, grow perfectly on them. Therefore, before buying, you need to consult: what soil does the selected flower prefer, how does it react to light, watering and top dressing. This information will help to understand: what are the best varieties to plant next, so that they are "friends" and harmoniously complement each other.

Why do not bloom irises in the garden

5. Each plant has its own attitude to wintering. Some species and varieties are quite winter-hardy, for example, Siberian irises. They do not need winter shelter. Tender bearded irises from Holland can freeze out in winter, so shelter should be provided for them in regions where there are severe frosts. However, if you cover the plantings early, in the warm autumn they can shut off, if late, they will freeze and will not bloom at all next spring.

Why do not bloom irises in the garden

We also advise you to find out how to grow cannes in the open field and at home. These flowers are very beautiful, but also require special care.

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