How to care for Siberian iris in open ground

12.06.2015 Iris

Siberian iris: planting and care in the open ground has its own characteristics. But practically throughout the whole territory of our country this flower will grow well and actively. For group landings, iris is simply not replaceable, although it will look good in a separate group.

When choosing which iris to plant on your site, you need to stay on the Siberian version. This is a large group of plants of different colors, even differing in the shape of buds. But the big plus is that this type of iris can be grown in the northern regions of the country.

Interesting! Do not worry that the Siberian iris will limit you in the possibilities of landscape design. After all, it is represented by a thousand varieties that differ in bush height, bud shape, flower size and, of course, petal coloring. You know about the ways growing seedlings in plastic bottles on toilet paper?

Some people confuse Siberian iris with the bearded appearance of this plant. But the differences are quite significant and are manifested in the fact that the bearded iris has barbs on its petals. However, Siberian iris differs from bearded iris in more resistance to frost, extremes in temperature, and also poor soil composition.

How to plant

The time for landing must be chosen correctly. This is best done in the fall, and if you do not have time, then in the early spring. Although, much will depend on the specific climate. For example, in areas where it is cold, it will be necessary to carry out a spring transplant only after the snow has melted.

how to grow siberian iris in open ground

Siberian Iris: planting and care in the open ground photos and reviews of gardeners indicate that excessive moisture in the soil and a high level of humidity are favorable conditions for the growth and flowering of this plant. If the climate in your region is mild, then, nevertheless, you need to prefer not spring, but autumn planting: in October, when at least a month and a half has already passed from the moment of completion of flowering.

A distinctive feature of the northern iris is that it has a powerful root system. Often the roots go into the ground for more than half a meter. Therefore, if you plant perennials, the soil must be fertile.

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What points to pay attention to when landing:

  • For the cultivation of irises, good illumination of the site is important. The more sunny the place is chosen, the iris will be more beautiful and more magnificent to blossom. But, in too hot weather, you need to additionally protect the flower from the fact that direct sunlight does not fall on it;
  • As for the mineral composition of the soil, the elegant irises in this regard are not whimsical. But for the most magnificent flowering in your interests, so that the growth environment is alkaline;
  • The soil should be moist, but not excessive;
  • Do not plant Siberian varieties of the described flower next to trees or bushes. They will grow poorly in shady areas. The root system will begin to develop actively and will interfere with the formation of flowers;
  • Between planted plants, it is recommended to leave at least 50 cm of distance;
  • After planting, carry out additional mulching of the soil;
  • Do not transplant irises every year, because they take root in a new place for a long time. The optimal frequency of transplantation: once every four years;

What care to provide when growing

Siberian iris: landing and care in the open ground the video will not tell in detail about what care to provide correctly. But we will try to do this in one article.Depending on the type of special care is not required: this is a plus. If you plant modern perennial hybrids, then they are not whims at all, they tolerate winter well.

Siberian iris

During flowering extremely humid constantly maintain moisture. Watering is rare, but so that the soil remains moist for a long time. Additional mulching will also help to create conditions for active root development.

As soon as irises are planted, you can feed them the next day. Use mineral fertilizers. Up to the moment when the flowers begin to bloom, you can give top dressing two more times. Moreover, not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers.

Note! Removing peduncles that have already become seed boxes is an important part of care beyond this flower. Because, plants can be sown independently. Therefore, if such boxes are not removed in time, the plant will quickly degenerate.

Preparing for the winter

Only after the first autumn frosts do you need to prepare irises for wintering. The foliage must be cut to a height of 20 cm. Then in the spring, new sprouts can quickly break through and grow.

Siberian iris in the open ground

Siberian Iris: planting and care in the open ground in our territories is quite simple. To better navigate, you need a lot of practice. So, feel free to buy a plant for planting and begin its active cultivation, admiring flowering, and then quickly collecting seed boxes.

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