Supplementation for zucchini per hole when planting

11.08.2019 Zucchini

Zucchini love fertile soil with humus, and the reaction should be neutral. The place chosen for zucchini should be fertilized with organic substances in the fall. Then carry out liming. If autumn fertilizer was missed, you can resort to spring. It will take about 15 kilograms of compost, 60 grams of superphosphate, wood ash, per 1 square meter.

Supplementation for zucchini per hole when planting

To grow zucchini in a greenhouse or on a ridge, special holes should be made. This is required for planting seedlings. The depth of the hole should be no more than 15 centimeters, diameter no more than 35 centimeters.

The pits need to be filled with mixed fresh humus with sod soil from compost in a ratio of 1 to 1.

You can plant squash seedlings in peat cups, with a lump of earth, or 2 units of seeds (with a depth of 3 cm, a distance between seeds of 5 cm). If everyone has sprouted, you can just plant it.

To the hole:

  1. Granular superphosphate in the amount of 10-12 grams, mixed with 200-300 grams of humus. The mixture will speed up the process of fruiting, increase the yield of vegetables.
  2. ½ bucket with compost or humus, superphosphate - 20 grams, potassium chloride - 10 grams, urea - 5 grams.

Dressing zucchini spend no more than 3 times:

  1. The first time is ammonium nitrate in an amount of 10-15 g with potassium chloride 7-10 g. Concentration is calculated on 1 square meter.
  2. In 2 subsequent times, top dressing with the same substances in double concentration.

Before open seedlings it is recommended to feed the soil with mullein in a proportion of 1 to 10 or bird droppings 1 to 15. 1 glass of substance is necessary for 2 plants.

Recommendations and proportions of fertilizers

When the soil is too heavy for zucchini, first add sawdust to the trees. So the soil will become looser, oxygen and water will be better conducted. As a mineral fertilizer, use crushed superphosphate powder. During the preparation of ridges for planting seedlings or planting soaked seeds, it is imperative to add organic and mineral substances to the wells. Seeds will germinate better, seedlings will be more likely to take root.

Growing zucchini in open ground, you should remember:

  1. Sod-podzolic land. The use of peat-and-dung compost in the amount of 6-8 kg per 1 square meter.
  2. Floodplain soil. Peat and dung compost 3-4 kg per 1 m square.
  3. During the growing season, add 2-3 fertilizing with nitrogen. Foliar one week after planting. Then, with abundant flowering - 10 grams of urea, 8 grams of potassium chloride, boric acid, manganese sulfate, ammonium molybdenum acid, each 3 grams per 10 liters of liquid. To the mixture add a water extract of superphosphate - 50 cubes. Keep the solution for a day in a container of wood, glass, enameled dishes. Mix periodically;
When using 2 traditional top dressings, choose the following combinations: at the beginning of flowering, phosphorus-nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, with fruiting the same thing and as little nitrogen as possible.

Never use fertilizers with chlorine. His zucchini does not tolerate, will begin to fade. Thus, 1 time per 10 liters of liquid, dilute 1 tablespoon of nitrophosphate, half a liter of liquid cow manure. Water exclusively at the root. Dilute already a smaller dose 2 times - 2 tablespoons of wood ash per 10 liters of liquid. Under the plant, 1 liter of solution is introduced.

During growth and development, zucchini requires nutrients. The vegetable does not require special care, but needs fertile land. So he will maintain health, delight with beautiful fruits. Traditionally among gardeners, feeding 2 times for the entire season: as soon as flowering began and when fruiting. Because at this time the most active consumption of nutrients occurs. It is important to remember that fertilizers are not allowed to get involved. Very frequent top dressing affects the accumulation of salt in the ground. It is better to avoid yellowing, curling leaves. Proper care will help grow good zucchini.

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