These methods will surely help to tie zucchini.

10.08.2018 Zucchini

zucchini flowers

An urgent problem in the cultivation of zucchini is the appearance of a barren flower. The presence of multiple asexual flowers on the bushes causes panic among gardeners. Their excitement is justified, because the predominant number of male inflorescences leads to a decrease in productivity, since they can not bear fruit. If you noticed a lot of flowers on zucchini on a long leg with sharp villi, it means that the problem of the empty flower has also affected you.

What is a webflower?

Empty flowers on zucchini are formed barren flowers, on the site of which ovaries cannot form, and subsequently fruits. Consequently, the harvest will be much more modest than expected. Along with this, empty flowers are not useless parts of the plant, since they are male flowers that form pollen for the fertilization of female flowers, which actually produce fruits. Thus, the presence of a barren flower on a bush is a completely natural and necessary phenomenon. One can speak about a problem only when the number of empty flowers significantly exceeds the number of female flowers. Even worse, when female inflorescences do not form at all on the bush.

It is believed that a large number of barren plants strongly inhibits the plant. In addition, they can cause illness or the appearance of harmful animals. Many even argue that dummy flowers must be ruthlessly cut off. However, experience shows that such flowers themselves quickly fade and fall off.

Causes of the appearance of empty flowers on plants

The appearance of multiple male-type flowers is associated with various factors. Most often, the barren flower arises as a result of making mistakes in the care of zucchini, due to bad weather conditions, poor-quality irrigation. The list of reasons also includes:

  • too acidic soil;
  • thickening of landings;
  • poor pollination;
  • the use of low-quality seeds;
  • lack of lighting;
  • the development of diseases and insect pest.

If in time to determine the cause of what is happening, you can adjust the development of plants and stimulate the formation of female flowers, and not just hollow.

Errors in care causing the emergence of a hollow

Most often, the gardener himself admits the appearance of an unpleasant ailment associated with improper flowering. The most common agricultural technology errors include:

  1. Excessive watering. Yes, zucchini is hygrophilous, but everything needs a measure. If it is watered too often, then pollen will crumble and clump even before the full maturation and formation of female-type flowers. The bottom line is that flowers of different sexes are formed at different times: first, male, and then female. In order for a full-fledged number of female inflorescences to form, the earth must be dried, otherwise you can get only empty flowers on the bushes.
  2. Watering with the wrong water. For the normal formation of inflorescences, you need to water the zucchini only with warm water, the temperature of which is at least 16 degrees. Cold water provokes the appearance of a barren flower.
  3. Help in pollination. Or rather its absence. When there is a shortage of pollinating insects, the formation of multiple barrenness is sometimes observed. Summer residents who do not understand the essence of the issue do not take measures for artificial pollination. As a result, fertilization does not occur.
  4. Wrong location of the vegetable marrow.In the shade or in a heap planted, plants often suffer from a deficiency of light and nutrients, and a netflower develops.
  5. Excess fertilizer. In particular, frequent nitrogen supplementation will result in fatliquoring of the bush and the absence of ovaries. And if the flowers appear, they will be mostly inferior. Before flowering, the nitrogen concentration must be reduced in favor of potassium and phosphorus.
  6. Bush overgrowth. If you do not pinch the growth point and do not remove the stepsons, the plant will devote all its efforts to the growth of unnecessary shoots, which will affect the quantity and quality of the ovaries. To stimulate the formation of female flowers and reduce the number of empty flowers, it is necessary to regularly pinch the growth points and pinch bushes.

Using “Wrong” Seeds

Often, even before sowing, zucchini summer resident makes a fatal mistake, using young seeds for planting. In fact, the best, better crop yield old, 2-3-year-old seeds. It is known that from young seeds there is usually a small crop, since plants grown from them tend to form a huge amount of barley. If you already use young seeds for sowing, then you can improve their ability by treatment with a growth stimulant or by soaking in boiling water and warming at high temperature.


It is best to use hybrid varieties of zucchini. Their seeds give the best germination and most often hybrids - self-pollinated, that is, their flowers have both female and male organs, and therefore the problem of empty flowers will disappear by itself.

Poor soil quality

One of the reasons for the improper development of plants is unsuitable soil. Poor in fertilizer, oxidized, heavy, wet or overdried - all this affects the condition of squash bushes. It is known that female flowers do not form on land flooded with water. If it’s not about watering, then perhaps the land is over-fertilized. In this case, ash is added to the soil, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. If the soil, on the contrary, is too depleted, then complex mineral and organic compounds are added to it. The soil becomes depleted during the perennial planting of the same plant. Therefore, the culture must be planted each time in a new place, and a different type of plant should be planted on the old one. If the soil is too acidic in the area, then the pH level can be leveled with lime, which is added during autumn digging.


Too wet cloudy summers can give plants a lot of empty flowers. Firstly, such weather cannot contribute to the formation of female flowers; secondly, rain and wind distract the bees from pollination. To attract pollinating insects, it is necessary to spray the flowers with a honey or sugar solution. And if this does not help, then it is necessary to conduct artificial pollination. Excessive soil moisture should not be allowed, for this, in the rainy season, watering is significantly reduced. With frequent rainfall, a protective awning is pulled over the bed with zucchini. So that moisture does not accumulate between plants, plantings need to be thinned out and stepsoned. This is especially true for those bushes that are planted in the shade. There is no particular need for frequent watering even on sunny days. If the nights are cool, and in the morning there is plentiful cold dew, then you can warm the plants by watering with warm water. “Warm” zucchini with warm moisture is also necessary at temperatures below 10 degrees and after cold rains.


The biological processes of plants are influenced by insects eager to feast on succulent foliage. The impact of harmful living creatures leads to an imbalance of flowering - more and more empty flowers are formed to the detriment of female flowers. Insects that cause such an unpleasant phenomenon include:

  • melon aphids;
  • sprout fly;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly and many others.

The sooner the presence of insects is detected, the faster you can get rid of them even before flowering.For example, soap spraying and processing of garlic infusion will save from a tick. Aphids can be exterminated with a solution of yarrow. With whitefly, medical spraying with a dandelion solution can cope. If folk remedies do not help, biological and chemical preparations are used, the best of which are Teppeki, Tanrek, Fitoverm, Confidor, Aktara, Aktellik and others.


With proper care - regular watering, sparse plantings, top dressing and frequent ventilation, pests on zucchini appear extremely rarely. They like moist, warm, enclosed spaces.


The development of infectious diseases is also the cause of the appearance of multiple barrenness. The diseases that affect the appearance of pathology include:

You may be interested in:
  • white rot;
  • downy mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • spotty mosaic.

It is very difficult to cure these diseases, since they are developing rapidly, and not every remedy can keep up with viruses, bacteria and fungi. Distributors of diseases can be pollinating insects, pests. In addition to them, the disease can bring infected seeds, dirty garden tools. And of course, many of these diseases appear due to improper agricultural practices.


To eliminate harmful microflora, soil disinfection and treatment with ammonium nitrate are used. Sometimes two or three foliar top dressings with a solution of urea, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate and water help to cope with the disease. To treat plants from powdery mildew, a solution of colloidal sulfur is used. Many diseases are sprayed with Bordeaux fluid. Absolute disposal of diseases can sometimes be achieved with fungicides, however, most often, they only inhibit the development of the disease until the time of harvest.

The most common remedies include Hom, Oksih, Abigu peak, Strobi (goes as an addition to other fungicides), Vitaros, Vectra and others. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of these drugs is shown only when used correctly according to the instructions and repeated processing of plants that are completed three weeks before harvest, so as not to harm the fruits. Significantly lower the chances of the occurrence of the disease will help disinfection of seeds before sowing.


Always remove from the beds the affected areas of zucchini plants and the fruits themselves, as they are the spread of diseases and pests.

How to overcome the Netherflower

What you need to do immediately is to stress the plants by completely removing watering for several days. Even withered foliage should not bother you. But the lack of water will stimulate the bush to develop, a splash of female-type floral ovaries. After 10-12 days, watering must be resumed again, but no longer allowing too much moisture in the soil.

If the flowering is sparse, and few female flowers are formed, then boron will help to activate their formation, since it is this chemical element that makes the plant bloom. Bushes of zucchini are sprayed with a solution of boric acid. The product is prepared from a liter of water and 4 grams of boric acid. Medical treatment instantly nourishes the plants and gives impetus to the formation of inflorescences.


There is a specialized preparation based on Boron Macrobor for sale.

spraying zucchini

Even if there are a lot of empty flowers, then the situation can be saved “manually”. You need to conduct pollination yourself, and then remove the empty buds from the bush. Activate the formation of ovaries will help specialized tools - stimulants of flowering and fruit formation. You can spray the plants with a solution of the drug "Ovary" ("Bud", "Bloom").

An infusion of weed grass will help plants increase immunity and give strength to even out the number of flowers of both sexes.To prepare a useful product, a mowed grass is placed in a barrel of water and left for a couple of weeks for infusion. Then the concentrate is diluted with warm water and watered zucchini.

Zucchini love heat and cold nights act extremely negatively on their growth. Therefore, when lowering the temperature, it is necessary to cover the bed with lutrasil.


It is also not necessary to overheat the plants - at an elevated temperature, the pollen becomes sterile, fertilization is impossible.

How to prevent the emergence of a hollow

The number of empty flowers on plants can be controlled by competent agricultural technology. To reduce dummy flowers, you must resort to the following measures:

  • properly store and pick up seeds;
  • attract pollinating insects;
  • to place beds with zucchini on fertile, well-fertilized land;
  • in the process of seedling growth, treat it with growth stimulants;
  • watering zucchini need only warm water under the base of the bush. Moisture must not fall on leaves and flowers - this can cause pollen to stick together;
  • create a comfortable microclimate for the proper development of plants;
  • regularly treat the area with fungicides and insecticides.

Professional Tips

Since in conditions of high humidity the squash ejects a lot of empty flowers, it is advised not to grow this crop under a film or in a greenhouse. Plants must breathe and pollinate in time. Insects rarely get into the greenhouse, and therefore pollination may not occur at all. As a result, you can get a lot of dummy flowers.


If there are not enough pollinating insects, you need to use a brush to collect pollen from the male flower and transfer it to the female.

The flowering quality is affected by the proper storage of seeds. They can not be frozen, kept in cold rooms.

When planning the beds, it should be borne in mind that zucchini likes light partial shade. Therefore, you need to plant zucchini in the eastern open areas. In hot weather, plants should be shaded. But you should not keep the culture in shortage of sunlight, because it is the sun that allows the formation of female flowers.

When planting zucchini, the optimal spacing between the bushes must be observed. It should be 35-45 centimeters. If planted more often, then as the bushes grow, they will begin to obscure each other, and moisture will accumulate in their “more often”. If you planted zucchini too close to each other, then they will need to be thinned out at the very beginning of growth.

Plants spend a lot of energy on foliage. If the bushes are too large and begin to create a shadow, then you need to cut off the unnecessary leaves - lower and damaged.

zucchini bush


A large number of empty flowers should not scare the gardener. Yes, this is an unpleasant phenomenon, but even with this circumstance, you can get a pretty good crop. The main thing is to determine the cause of this phenomenon in time and adjust the conditions for growing the culture. It is not worth hurrying to pick off male flowers, because you can disrupt the pollination process, the plant will not be able to form fruit ovaries.

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