About the time of landing of zucchini in the open ground

29.07.2015 Zucchini

how to plant zucchini in the open groundIn general, the time when planting zucchini in open ground with seeds is fairly easy to determine and this is what this article will discuss. But at the very beginning I would like to additionally note that the soil for sowing seeds must necessarily be fertile. So, even before the time of landing on the site where the squash will be planted, the gardener must first make organic, and then mineral fertilizers.

Seed preparation

If you have ever grown pumpkin in your area, then cook zucchini seeds you need to prepare pumpkin seeds for planting. It will be necessary to soak them in a solution of pinkish potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour, then rinse well in running water and allow to dry.

You can plant zucchini at once in several places on the site. It is important that it be a warm and sunny place, as already indicated, with fertile land. It is better to plant several seeds on the minimum amount of land in different parts of the plot.

When to plant seedlings

If you need to determine the date when planting zucchini in open ground in the suburbs to get the earliest possible harvest, you will have to use the method of pre-growing seedlings. In this situation, seeds for seedlings need to be planted already in late April or early May. When the seedlings will be a month, you can safely plant it in open ground.

Since the planting will be early, you need to think about how to cover the seedlings first with a film, providing the necessary level of heat. The seedlings themselves at home are growing rapidly and actively, requiring a minimum of care. It will only be important to water it with warm water, but do it enough once a week.

when to plant zucchini in open ground

How often to feed zucchini

As for feeding, then here gardener with zucchini there will also be a minimum of worries. The first top dressing will need to be done ten days after the seeds are planted. Take two grams of the drug "Bud", which are diluted in 1 liter. water. For 2 plants, a glass of such a solution is taken.

Next, after another ten days, you need to prepare another solution for feeding seedlings. A small spoonful of nitrophoska is diluted per liter of water, water already one glass for each plant.

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Planting seedlings in the garden:

  1. The beds need to be made 60 cm wide;
  2. In no case should you plant zucchini in the place where pumpkin crops grew last year;
  3. Create holes in a row, but in a distance of about a meter;
  4. In prepared wells, you will need to make a tablespoon of any organic fertilizer;
  5. Pour each well with warm water;
  6. Plant seedlings of zucchini in open beds on a cloudy but warm day;
how to plant zucchini in open ground

When to plant seeds

If you have to decide on the date when to plant zucchini in open ground with seeds, it is best to choose the sowing time somewhere from May 10 to June 10. The beds are prepared according to the same rules as when planting ready-made seedlings of zucchini. Then, in each prepared plot, lay two seeds. It is enough to observe a distance of 5 cm.

It will definitely be necessary to cover the beds with additional film. This is done somewhere until mid-June, and when the weather is finally normal, the film can be removed. Watering should be done only under the spine, with consistency: once a week. When zucchini begins to bear fruit, then they can be watered twice a week and always warm water.

Advice! In no case do you need to water the vegetables in question with cold water during the ripening period. Otherwise, do not avoid the decay of new ovaries.With frequent watering, the roots often come out, then you will need to immediately fill them with peat and humus.

Do I need to pollinate zucchini

When your bushes begin to bloom, you can begin to pollinate them manually. You should tear off the male petal and apply pollen from it to the pistils of the female flower, which are located in the center. Of course, bees can pollinate flowers, but then they should be somewhere nearby your site.

planting zucchini in the open ground

Advice! To attract insects, you just need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 0.2 liters of water and water the zucchini that have already begun to bloom in the morning.

It is also necessary to remember when to plant zucchini in the open ground according to the lunar calendar. For each month, depending on the year, the moon phase calendar will be different. But, it is important to always remember that at the full moon and new moon you can’t do any planting work, including planting zucchini in the ground with seeds or seedlings. Do you know, how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way?

If you know when to plant zucchini in the open ground, then the gardener will definitely not be late with this process. There are no exact dates, just need to have time to plant zucchini during May or June. Next, provide the plant with minimal care to obtain strong and juicy zucchini.

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