Banana - health benefits and harms, properties and contraindications

17.03.2019 Berries

Banana is a popular product that has a pleasant aroma and texture. It allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger, as it is a nutritious and very healthy product. Nutritionists argue that it is difficult to find a similar product with such a harmonious and balanced chemical composition. Fruits are part of many diets due to their nutritional value and relatively low calorie content. 100 g contains approximately 90 kcal.

Exotic fruits contain a large number of beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism. And thanks to its taste, not only adults, but also kids love it. Bananas are often consumed by athletes. With their help, the process of gaining muscle mass is accelerated. However, despite its popularity and benefits, not everyone knows about the dangers of bananas, which, although harmful cases, if used improperly, they can cause the body.

General Description of Banana

Bananas mainly grow in the subtropics and tropics. However, they are cultivated in both central and southern America. The perennial herbaceous plant represents the Banana family, the Monocotyledonous class, and the Flowery department.

Fruits are not only yellow. They are black or red. Golden bananas grow in Seychelles. Taste and appearance of goodies depend on the variety.

Is it a fruit, berry or grass?

Few people know that a banana is not a fruit. The fact is that the term “fruit” is absent in botany. This is a household concept, which is called sweet fruits of large size. Fruits are called organs of plants that help to fulfill the function of reproduction. One of the varieties of fruits are berries. They are peeled, have a juicy pulp and inside contain seeds.

That is, a banana is a berry that ripens on herbaceous plants.

What people are accustomed to thinking of as the trunk of a banana tree is the rooted root system. This trunk can reach 10 m in height and 40 cm in diameter. The plant is distinguished by massive oval-shaped leaves. Their width can exceed 1 m, and the length is 3 m.


A treat is considered to be a nutritious and energetically valuable product. About a quarter of the pulp is sugars and carbohydrates, and the third is dry matter. The pulp consists of starch, proteins, pectins, fiber, essential oils, which give the berry a delicate aroma.

Since starch is present in the fruit, it is advisable to eat them ripe. Unripe berries slow down the digestion process and cause a feeling of heaviness.

Chemical composition
Chemical composition

Also, the fruits are saturated with substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • vitamins (A, B, E, K, C);
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Due to its rich composition, the product is used to treat and prevent various diseases.

Useful properties of banana for the human body

A large number of conditions are distinguished in which an exotic berry should be consumed, due to the presence of substances necessary for the body. First of all, the fruits are excellent antidepressants. When they enter the body, increased excretion of serotonin occurs, which helps to get rid of depression and withstand stressful situations.

Fruits quickly eliminate hunger. Therefore, they are often used in the development of a diet.

Beneficial features
Useful features

Men consume bananas to increase potency. Under the influence of bananas, sperm quality improves, more active sperm are secreted. According to experts, the fruits are natural aphrodisiacs.

General useful properties

Under the influence of exotic berries, the work of the whole organism improves. The benefits are:

  • eliminating muscle pain and preventing the occurrence of cramps;
  • relaxation after hard intellectual activity;
  • protecting the gastric mucosa from the development of ulcers, lowering the level of acidity;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • lowering high blood pressure;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • normalization of visual acuity;
  • preventing the development of cancer pathologies;
  • eliminating insomnia.
Healing properties
Healing properties

The product is also used in the field of cosmetology. With its regular use, the skin condition improves. Various masks are made from banana pulp.

To treat bronchitis in folk medicine, a tincture of banana flowers is used. Banana juice has soothing and anticonvulsant properties. Thanks to potassium, which is part of it, the state of blood vessels and the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole improves.

Lotions of skins or stems accelerate the healing process of boils and burns. In inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the fruits are used to neutralize them.

The use of berries helps to reduce body temperature during fever, eliminate constipation. Scientists conducted a series of studies and came to the conclusion that with the help of bananas you can get rid of nicotine addiction.

Dried bananas are also popular. They have a large number of useful properties, but it is worth considering that this is a higher-calorie product, so you should not abuse it.

The peel is used to make decoctions and tinctures. In its raw form, it is used to whiten teeth, improve the condition of facial skin.

Application for children

The indisputable advantage of an exotic fruit is its good tolerance. It rarely leads to the development of allergic reactions. In this regard, bananas are included in the children's menu in the first year of the baby's life. Potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins and amino acids help the child develop properly.

The product has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. With daily use, babies become less aggressive and moody. It is also noted that the exotic berry helps to increase the degree of attention of schoolchildren. They quickly and easily remember new information, cope with the tasks. As a result, children are easier to overcome physical and intellectual stress.

Banana to children
Bananas saturate the body and give it the necessary amount of energy.

Berries also remove excess fluid from the body and support the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Beta carotene improves vision.

With colds, the pulp is mixed to a pulp state and poured with a small amount of boiled water. To improve sputum discharge, take a teaspoon all day.

What are the benefits of bananas for women

The positive effect of an exotic product on the female body cannot be left unnoticed.

Good to know!
It helps to cleanse the body at the cellular level, as it removes toxins and prevents premature skin aging.

With regular use, it is easier for women to control themselves during the period of PMS. Bananas not only show a calming effect, but also eliminate pain in the abdomen. They also prevent the manifestation of migraine.

For skin and hair

Women often resort to banana masks. This is due to the fact that with regular use, wrinkles are smoothed out, tone is increased, signs of aging and dryness are eliminated.

One of the main problems of the fair sex are acne. The peel of a ripe banana will help to fight them. Within 10 minutes, it is necessary to wipe the face with a soft part of the peel. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening and leave it overnight.

Banana peel
Wash your face thoroughly in the morning.

Also, under the influence of an exotic product, the condition of the hair improves:

  1. Brittle hair gains strength.
  2. Damaged hair is restored.
  3. Their growth will accelerate.

It is known that hair loss can be the result of frequent stress. Under the influence of bananas, stress resistance increases, so the amount of hair loss gradually stops.

To prepare the masks, the pulp can be mixed with yogurt, olive oil and eggs. It is applied for about 30-60 minutes. After you need to rinse with water and wash with shampoo.

With menopause

Climax is accompanied by hormonal changes. During this period, a woman should pay special attention to her diet. The right products will help you easier to transfer the specific manifestations of the menopause. It is important to fill the diet with food that contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. These products include bananas. They remove toxins, saturate the body with useful substances and improve the digestion process.

Also, the fruits contribute to improving mood, which is very important for sharp bouts of depression or aggressiveness, which can occur with hormonal disruptions.

For weight loss

Women devote a large amount of time and energy to their appearance. To bring the body back to normal, it is important not only to play sports, but also to adjust the diet. However, no more than 3 medium-sized bananas can be eaten per day.

Banana diet
Banana diet

Potassium, which is found in tropical berries, removes sodium salts, which helps to remove excess fluid and eliminate edema. Slag and toxins also come out of the body. Thus, the fruits help to lose weight.

This is a very nutritious product that can satisfy the hunger and protects against overeating. Experts recommend 1-2 times a month to make unloading banana days.

To increase libido

Tropical fruits have a positive effect not only on the health status and beauty of women. Their regular use significantly increases libido. They fill the body with energy and contribute to the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness. As a result, sexual attraction becomes more pronounced. It does not matter in what form the product enters the body - raw or dried.

With heavy menstruation

Menstruation often entails a number of unpleasant sensations. Many women have severe pain in the lower abdomen, copious discharge. This condition negatively affects the mood.

To alleviate the general condition, experts recommend including bananas in the daily diet. They contribute to the production of progesterone. Due to this, bleeding decreases during menstruation.You can mix a little cottage cheese and banana pulp. Such a dish can replace a meal.

In addition, the tropical fetus eliminates muscle spasm and pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. To do this, it is enough to eat 1-2 bananas per day.

During pregnancy

The diet of the future mother should be filled with healthy products, because she cares not only about her health, but also about the baby. The benefits of fruits during pregnancy:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of vomiting;
  • relief from toxicosis;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • elimination of edema.
Bananas also make up for the deficiency of substances that are involved in the formation of the child’s bone tissue. Fruits have a strengthening effect on bones and joints.

With GV

Breastfeeding is accompanied by a number of prohibitions, as a nursing mother needs to give up certain foods. However, bananas are included in the list of those that can and should even be consumed during this period. They are an additional source of nutrients and help get rid of constipation.

On a note!
The product must be administered carefully and gradually. To avoid problems, it is better to start when the baby is one month old.
First, mom should eat literally a slice of banana. If the child does not have a negative reaction, the amount gradually increases.

Under the influence of fruits, mother's milk becomes more saturated and is produced in greater quantities.

The main contraindications and harm bananas

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Despite the fact that banana fruits have a positive effect on the body, conditions are highlighted in which you should abandon their use. The main contraindications include:

  1. Diabetes. The product contains a large amount of sugar, which can increase its level in the blood.
  2. Thrombophlebitis. Penetrating into the body, the substances contained in bananas lead to a thickening of the blood.
  3. Increased susceptibility to the berry.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome.

Overweight people should also use this product with caution. You can eat no more than one per day.

Unripe fruits contain more starch than ripe ones. The substance can cause increased gas formation, bloating, and an upset digestive system.

Do not give a tropical treat to children in their first year of life. Experts recommend introducing it from 12 months.

This will help to avoid negative reactions from the digestive system of the child. There is also a risk of allergic reactions.

Particular attention should be paid to the storage and transportation of bananas. In our country, they do not grow and, so that the berries last longer, they are treated with various chemicals that adversely affect the state of health. In this regard, foods must be thoroughly washed before use.

In the morning on an empty stomach

The issue of using this delicacy in the morning on an empty stomach is the cause of the disputes of specialists. Some argue that berries contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. And others are sure that, on the contrary, they slow down the work and lead to a feeling of heaviness. The most suitable time is lunch or lunch. It is important to eat only ripe fruits.

People with heart failure or angina pectoris are not allowed to eat bananas on an empty stomach, since there is an increased risk of an imbalance of calcium and magnesium in the blood.

Before bedtime

Experts recommend refraining from eating goodies at night. This is primarily due to the nutritional value of the product. It takes time to digest it.If you eat a banana and immediately go to bed - a hectic night is guaranteed.

In addition, potassium is present in their composition, which has diuretic properties, which can cause anxiety. To avoid unpleasant consequences and sleep well, it is better to eat bananas a few hours before bedtime.

The proper use of bananas for gastritis

Everyone knows that bananas are quite nutritious. In this regard, the question often arises whether or not to use them for gastritis. Gastroenterologists recommend using them in a limited amount. The delicacy does not cause significant harm, however, it can cause unpleasant symptoms.

In moderate amounts, the product contributes to:

  • accelerate metabolism;
  • the creation in the stomach of an environment unfavorable for harmful microorganisms;
  • stress reduction.

Also, the application depends on the level of acidity. If the pathology is accompanied by increased acidity, regular consumption normalizes its level, helps get rid of heartburn.

With a reduced level of acidity, the number of berries should be minimized.

Ripe banana
It’s important to eat only slightly overripe bananas (darkened and soft). If fresh fruits cause bloating, you can try dried ones.

When diagnosing atrophic gastritis, doctors often recommend supplementing the diet with tropical fruits. This product contains magnesium, which has a positive effect on the walls of the gastric mucosa and helps to restore them.

The use of banana for medicinal purposes

Banana flesh and peel are often used medicinally. In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on them. The rich chemical composition of the product allows its use for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies:

  1. Banana jelly. Used to remove sputum and facilitate breathing in colds. To prepare it, you need to take one fruit, a little sugar and boiling water. Grind and mix. When the sugar has dissolved, you need to strain the jelly. Take 2-3 times a day in the form of heat.

    Banana jelly
    Banana jelly
  2. Overweight. To achieve the desired effect, you need to knead one fruit and mix with 1 cup of kefir. The result is a hearty and tasty yogurt.
  3. To increase immunity, an energy cocktail based on honey, banana, carrot, lemon and orange juice is suitable. Mix everything in a blender and drink before eating.

In order not to harm the body, tropical fruits should be taken in limited quantities.

With milk

There is an opinion that it is impossible to combine fruits and milk, as this can cause bloating. However, such a reaction manifests itself in the presence of intestinal or stomach dysfunctions. With the proper functioning of the digestive tract, the mixture is well tolerated and has a positive effect.

Banana with milk
To saturate the body with useful substances and cleanse it, you should eat one banana three times a day, washed down with a glass of milk.

Such procedures are best done 1-2 times a week. It is important to use skim milk.

For sight

A tropical treat contains vitamin A, which has a positive effect on visual acuity. Fruits also help maintain and protect eye pressure. With regular use, night vision rises.

To normalize pressure

An exotic product will help normalize blood pressure. Potassium is a sodium antagonist. It is contained in berries in a rather large amount.

With daily use, the water-salt balance stabilizes, excess fluid is eliminated and pressure decreases. In this case, it is better to use ripe berries in raw form.

Outdoor use

Banana peel and pulp are used in the field of cosmetology for the preparation of anti-aging and tonic masks. Beneficial features:

  • the epidermis recovery process is accelerated;
  • Premature cell aging is prevented;
  • the epidermis is saturated with the necessary amount of fluid.

The peel, like the pulp, contains a lot of potassium, iron, iodine, magnesium and other useful substances.

Banana face
According to dermatologists, it is possible to strengthen the positive effect with the integrated use of tropical goodies.

Masks for dry skin are prepared on the basis of bananas, egg yolks, olive oil and oatmeal. For oily skin, it is better to use a mask of pulp, honey and lemon juice. You can carry out procedures 2-3 times a week.

Answers to Common Questions

What vitamins are in bananas?
The composition of tropical berries contains B vitamins, beta-carotene, A, E, K, PP, C, choline.
Can I use bananas for diabetes?
In the presence of diabetes, it is important to ensure the proper functioning of the heart muscle. In order to prevent the development of heart failure, experts recommend including berries in the daily diet. In order not to harm the body should use them in moderation.
Can a banana allergy occur?
An allergic reaction can occur only with excessive use or individual intolerance of the fetus.
At what age can bananas be given to children?
Doctors recommend introducing this product into the diet of babies older than 12 months. Up to a year, the digestive system of the child does not work fully, so heavy food can lead to disruptions.
How do bananas ripen?
At home, for ripening, bananas are best left in a paper bag in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of approximately + 18-20 ° C. Ripening lasts about 2-3 days.

Bananas are filled with vital vitamins and minerals. When used correctly, the fruits contribute to the stable operation of the whole organism. However, excessive consumption can negatively affect health.

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