Wild strawberries! How to choose the perfect variety and grow it right?

16.03.2019 Berries

Strawberries - a fragrant berry, which should be on the personal plot of every self-respecting gardener. Despite the fact that this plant is not very whimsical to care for, the successful cultivation of this crop still has its secrets. Their knowledge will be needed for those who have never grown strawberries or tried to do it, but did not succeed, as well as those who are eager to find the perfect strawberry variety for yourself and your garden.

Ideal for planting garden strawberries

  • It should be as sunny and bright as possible. It’s also very important that before that wild strawberries in this soil did not grow.
  • This berry loves fertile soils. In order to make the land as suitable for growing strawberries as possible, it is enough to fill up the outdated soil with two buckets of compost or horse peat. Naturally, it is also important to make room for planting from weeds.
  • The size of the place for planting the plant can be chosen at your discretion, however, an approximate bed width of 90 centimeters is the most convenient for growing strawberries. In order to feed the whole family with strawberries and leave a sufficient number of berries on the blanks, it is enough to plant about 50 plants.

Features of planting and growing strawberries in the garden

Strawberry seedlings are advised to plant around late April. It is important before that to properly prepare the bed for planting plants. You can also plant bushes of strawberries throughout the summer. Some varieties of strawberries after planting in the spring are able to give the first crop.

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In particular, care for garden strawberries includes regular watering. In addition, one interesting feature of growing this plant is the shade of strawberries - just put some material (preferably not fabric) on top of just that planted plants for a couple of days. This method helps strawberries to take root in the garden, due to protection from excessive sun and strong winds.

If you start planting strawberries later - from mid-May, then a special frame will already be needed for protection so that the plants are not burned in bright sunlight.

As for harvesting strawberries, in the main ripening period, which falls at the beginning of July, it is necessary to pick berries often enough - every other day or every day in hot weather.

If we talk about how this plant survives winters, it should be noted that it is mostly good, even foreign varieties of berries. The main condition for preserving the plant in winter is snowfall, if during severe frosts they do not fall for a long time, you need to warm the strawberries yourself.

How to choose a variety of garden strawberries

It is believed that 50% of success in the cultivation of strawberries falls on the right choice of plant variety. The most important signs that the gardener pays attention to when choosing a strawberry variety are the taste and size of the berry. But each grade also has many advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantages include lack of resistance to cold and susceptibility to disease, so be sure to focus on these issues when choosing your own variety.

When choosing strawberries to the brightest taste, you should pay attention to such varieties of berries as "Malvina", "Vivaldi", "Holiday", "Honey", "Regiment" and "Eliani". The main taste leader among strawberry varieties in Russia at present is the Borovitskaya variety.

If you choose among the repairing varieties - fruiting several times a season, then the leaders here will be such varieties as "Elizabeth II" and "Irma". Their main advantages are increased productivity, frost resistance and disease resistance. In addition, these strawberry varieties are almost in no way inferior in taste to non-permanent leaders.

When choosing a variety of garden strawberries, it is important to consider all the features of its planting, cultivation, care in the summer and winter. We must not forget that gardening is a creative process, so you can experiment here.

You can choose the varieties to your taste, try to combine completely different ones on your garden, but the most important thing is not to forget about proper care, so that strawberries delight the crop for a long time.

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