Strawberry leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits and harms

17.03.2019 Berries

Forest strawberries, or forest strawberries, are one of those plants that, from the point of view of alternative medicine, possess valuable components and properties. In therapy, all parts of the plant are used - rhizome, berries, inflorescences, but most often leaves.

Wild berry leaves is a multivitamin agent that is effectively used to eliminate the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, for the treatment of pathologies associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Despite all the medicinal properties of strawberry leaves, before you start treating them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to their use - this herbal medicine is not useful to everyone, in addition, plant materials can cause serious allergies.

The chemical composition and general beneficial properties of wild strawberry leaves

The beneficial properties of wild berry leaves are determined by the chemical composition of the plant. The leaves of wild berries include such components:

  • vitamin A (carotenoids);
  • vitamins C, E, K, groups B - B3 and B9 (nicotinic and folic acid);
  • the mineral composition is represented by iron and copper, potassium and calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, fluorine and zinc;
  • tannic and essential oil components;
  • organic origin of acid - citric, quinic and malic;
  • flavonoid and alkaloid compounds;
  • retinol and tannin components;
  • pectins.
Useful properties of strawberry leaves
Useful properties of strawberry leaves

Due to its composition, the plant has the following actions:

  • diuretic effect with decongestant effect;
  • wound healing effect with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • hematopoietic and tonic effect;
  • antispasmodic properties with analgesic effect.

Teas based on the leaves of wild strawberry are widely used in the treatment of many pathologies:

  • teas and infusions are used in the treatment of seasonal respiratory infections, diseases of the throat and nasopharynx;
  • quite often used for hyperthermic syndrome;
  • herbal preparations based on the leaves of strawberry bush are used for productive and unproductive coughs for better discharge of sputum from the lungs and bronchi;

    leaf-based tea activates the immune system, reduces the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, increases the tone of the body with a breakdown.
  • infusions are used for systemic pathologies and myocardial pathologies, and are also used as preventive measures to strengthen the arterial membranes and the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • the leaves also have a diuretic effect, which is used for infectious and inflammatory pathologies of urological organs, to eliminate swelling;
  • tannin components help with disorders in the digestive organs and with inflammatory processes in the internal organs;
  • antispasmodic properties allow the use of infusions for spasms of smooth muscle fibers of internal organs, muscle and nerve spasms;
  • infusions are used for impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • with dental and infectious pathologies of the oral mucosa, phytotherapy from strawberry rinse the mouth;
  • a strawberry leaf is applied to the affected areas on the skin.

The main contraindications and harm to the body from the leaves

In addition to the described benefits, in the presence of some pathologies in the body, strawberry leaves can harm it. It is forbidden to use herbal remedies in such cases:

  • with allergies to the plant. If this warning is not observed, the patient may develop an allergic reaction to the skin and in the form of bronchospasm. In rare cases, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock can occur, which can cause death;
  • with violations of the digestive tract and chronic liver pathologies, it is also necessary to limit the use of strawberry infusions, so as not to provoke complications of diseases;
  • with exacerbations of ulcerative pathologies in the digestive organs and with gastritis;
  • with appendicitis.

    Also, the use of a decoction can provoke an attack of acute appendicitis.
  • Do not use herbal remedies based on strawberries in pediatric practice and during lactation due to the allergenicity of plant materials;
  • during pregnancy, herbal remedies from strawberry leaves can be used only as directed by a doctor and not used in self-treatment, because strawberries can provoke uterine contractions, which will lead to premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).

Rules for the use of wild strawberry leaves

Forest strawberry leaves are used in the treatment of various pathologies:

  • arthrosis and gouty disease;
  • arthritis of rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid genesis;
  • urolithic pathology and pyelonephritis;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • myocardial pathologies and blood flow systems;
  • with anemia and cholecystitis.

Good to know!
The leaves of this plant also affect the hematopoietic system, improving blood composition, increase the hemoglobin index, which prevents the development of anemia.
Herbal remedies based on foliage of forest strawberries reduce the pressure and cholesterol index, which prevents the development and progression of hypertension and systemic atherosclerosis.

Harvesting raw materials

The best time to collect strawberry leaves is before flowering (end of May - beginning of June). During this period, the leaves contain the maximum number of useful components. Plants do not need to be pulled out of the ground with a root, you just need to cut 2-3 leaves with scissors from each bush so that the bush can bear fruit. After harvesting, the leaves should undergo fermentation. This process is divided into several stages:

  • dry leaves - washed raw materials must be scattered in the shade on a clean surface with a layer of 5-6 cm; for a day. During this time period, the foliage will fade a little;
  • the process of twisting - the leaves need to be placed between the palms of the hands and twisted until the juice appears on them;

    Leaf processing
    Leaf processing
  • fermentation process - the raw materials must be poured onto a baking sheet with a layer of 5 cm, covered with a rag dampened in water and kept for 6-10 hours in an oven at a temperature of 26 degrees;
  • after fermentation, the raw materials must be dried at a temperature of 100 degrees.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation

Infusion of fresh or dried leaves treat gastrointestinal pathologies - colitis, defecation disorders (constipation or diarrhea), gastritis. It is necessary to prepare an infusion according to this recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. l foliage + 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist in a thermos for 8-10 hours;
  • to filter;
  • use 4-5 times a day, 70 ml, 30-40 minutes after eating.

The course continues until a steady therapeutic effect occurs.

With hypertension

It is scientifically proven that strawberry infusion has a positive effect on blood flow and myocardium, namely:

  • lowers blood pressure index;
  • lowers low molecular weight cholesterol;
  • slows down the heart rate;
  • dilates blood vessels.

To make the infusion, you need to take 50 g of boiling water for 50 ml of leaves. Insist 4 hours and after filtration, drink 150 ml three times a day.

With heavy periods

To increase the tone of smooth muscle fibers of the uterus and reduce abundant secretions during menstruation, it is recommended to use strawberry infusion;

  • 3 tbsp. l ground leaves + 400 ml of boiling water;
  • withstand 6-8 hours and filter;
  • drink ½ tbsp. l four times a day.

For allergies

To treat seasonal allergies, you can use this recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l dry leaves + 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 30 minutes and filter;
  • drink four times a day, 50 ml.

Against nervous tension and sleep disorders

Infusion to relieve nervous system tension and insomnia therapy. It is necessary to prepare the following collection:

  • 1 tbsp. l chamomile;
  • 1 tbsp. l melissa;
  • 1 tbsp. l strawberry leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l cuffs;
  • 1 tbsp. l berries of barberry.
Grind and mix all components. For 250 ml of boiling water, 1 tbsp is needed. l collection. Insist 10 minutes and filter. Use as tea twice a day.

With vitamin deficiency

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To relieve severe symptoms of vitamin deficiency, you can prepare such an infusion:

  • 2 tbsp. l chopped leaves of wild berries + 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist in a thermos for 2 hours;
  • after the infusion is filtered, it must be drunk throughout the day in several stages.

The standard recipe for infusion for use in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, inflammation in the internal organs is as follows:

  • 3 tbsp. l of leaves;
  • 500 ml of boiling water;
  • stand in a thermos for 2-3 hours and filter;
  • drink 100 ml three times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Also, this infusion can be used for gastrointestinal pathologies and as an external agent for external hemorrhoids (as lotions).

Alcohol tincture is used to strengthen immunity, lower blood pressure, for the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral and infectious pathologies:

  • 1 tsp crushed foliage;
  • 200 ml of vodka;
  • insist 7-10 days indoors without daylight;
  • filter and consume 25-30 drops three times a day before meals.

With cough and bronchitis

With bronchitis, as well as any type of cough, you need to drink a decoction based on strawberry roots and leaves. Prepare a decoction of the following recipe:

  • 20 g of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of water;
  • boil for 15 minutes and cool;
  • after the broth is filtered, you need to add water to the original volume;
  • take thrice-four times once a day for 1 tbsp. l

For cleansing blood vessels

To cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol layers, you must use this method:

  • 1 tbsp. l dry leaves + 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist wrapped up or in a thermos for 50-60 minutes and filter;
  • use infusion three to four times a day for 150-200 ml.

With cystitis and urolithiasis

For the treatment of cystitis and kidney stones, you can use this collection of herbs:

  • leaf of forest strawberries - 30 g;
  • blackcurrant leaf - 50 g;
  • Mullein inflorescences - 15 g;
  • linden color - 20 g.
Mix all the components and for the manufacture of the decoction take 1 tbsp. l of the mixture in 200 ml of water.

Boil the mixture for 20-25 minutes and let stand a little. Filter and take 100 ml twice-thrice a day.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetic procedures, strawberry decoctions and infusions are used as part of masks to improve the structure of the hair and cleanse the epidermis, as well as eliminate pigmentation and freckles. To eliminate freckles:

  • 20 g of leaves to steam 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 30 minutes and filter the infusion;
  • for external use, put compresses on face for 20 minutes before going to bed. To wash off the remnants of the infusion from the face is not necessary.

To strengthen hair follicles during baldness:

  • 2 tbsp. l dry leaves + 250 ml of boiled water;
  • it is necessary to insist 2 hours and filter the liquid;
  • take three times a day for 1 tbsp. l

Mask for dry skin type on the face:

  • juice from fresh foliage of strawberry bush - 1 tbsp. l;
  • 1 tbsp. l of castor and vegetable oil;
  • add oatmeal so that there is a consistency of thick sour cream;
  • apply on a clean face for 20-25 minutes;
  • rinse the mixture with warm running water.

Mask for the treatment of acne:

  • make gruel from fresh strawberry leaves;
  • mix the gruel with castor in a ratio of 1: 4;
  • apply the composition to the affected area (apply the product pointwise).

Common questions

Often questions are asked about whether it is useful to use strawberry decoctions for the male body. Zinc, which is part of the foliage, promotes the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone, which increases potency, and also improves sperm counts and contributes to the proper functioning of the male reproductive organs.

Are garden strawberry leaves useful?
The leaves and berries of forest strawberries in their structural composition are more effective in the treatment of various pathologies, and also have a more pronounced strawberry aroma.
How long can dried leaves be stored?
Harvested raw materials must be stored in cardboard boxes or in canvas bags, as well as in a glass or ceramic container with a canvas lid. Raw materials can be stored under appropriate conditions for 2-3 years without losing their therapeutic properties.
Do such leaves sell in a pharmacy?
The pharmacy chain sells leaves of forest and garden strawberries loose raw materials in cardboard boxes and in filter bags.
Is it possible to collect leaves if berries have already appeared on the plant?
Theoretically possible, but such raw materials will be of little use. Strawberry leaves must be harvested for the future during flowering until berries appear on the bushes. During this period, the maximum amount of therapeutic components is concentrated in the foliage.

The leaves of forest strawberries (strawberries) are a unique raw material that is used in herbal medicine for prevention and as a therapy for pathologies of various etiologies. It must be remembered that the uncontrolled use of herbal preparations based on this plant can harm the body. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

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