Sea buckthorn leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications, method of use and what can you drink from?

25.03.2019 Berries

Sea buckthorn is a small tree that grows up to 3 meters in height. The branches of the fruiting tree are densely dotted with orange slightly elongated berries, thorns and long narrow leaves. Harvesting begins in the fall, and the berry has a wide range of uses. Unfortunately, sea buckthorn leaves often remain intact, since their medicinal properties are not well known, and the drink made from the leaves does not have the contraindications that the berry has.

The chemical composition makes leaves a universal auxiliary tool for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments, strengthening immunity and saturating the body with vitamins. With proper collection and processing, you can prepare a very useful drug that will be stored all winter.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn leaves and chemical composition

When it comes to useful properties, the main emphasis is on berries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are well studied and are actively used by official medicine. The leaves do not have such a complete description, since their use is not wide enough, but the American biologists from SCI were interested in the leaves because the whole synthesis of chemical compounds occurs in them.

In the process of research, two substances very important for the body were discovered:

  • tannins - contain tannic acid, which allows talking about anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing properties. Tannins help in the absorption of vitamin C, absorb heavy metals and are effective in treating diseases of the oral cavity.

    Sea buckthorn
    This substance is safe, can be taken even by young children and during pregnancy.
  • serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known as the “pleasure hormone”. This hormone affects digestion, mood, helps to remove harmful substances from the body (stimulation of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for vomiting reflexes), is responsible for sleep and awakening. A lack of serotonin leads to a general malfunction in the hormonal system.

Also included are:

  • coumarin - has an antispasmodic and anticoagulant effect;
  • trace elements;
  • flavonoids - in their action are similar to vitamin C and when combined with the body, their effect is enhanced many times. Strengthen the immune system, prevent cell aging and increase the activity of enzymes;
  • volatile - have an immunomodulatory effect on the human body;
  • folic acid (B9) - the human body is able to synthesize it on its own, but this dose is not enough to meet all the needs, because this substance is involved in a large number of processes. For example, in the work of the heart, the nervous system, it is involved in hematopoiesis.
    Benefits of Folic Acid
    Benefits of Folic Acid

    The need for folic acid increases during pregnancy, in old age, when recovering from injuries and operations. The first symptoms of a shortage appear very quickly, but often they are not paid attention. Should alert: sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, depression or aggressiveness;

  • vitamins C, PP;
  • Inositol (B8) - one of the most important vitamins of the group. Participates in metabolism, enzyme synthesis and regulation of cholesterol;
  • oleic acid;
  • ursolic acid - is involved in the metabolism, normalization of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, reduces estrogen, without affecting testosterone.

The main contraindications and harm to the body

The leaves have no contraindications and are considered a safe and versatile supplement to any treatment. The only possible option when the decoction can do harm is an individual intolerance to the components.

Tea and infusion of leaves can be given to children from the age of one year, they are not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Tincture, which includes alcohol, has contraindications due to the presence of alcohol. It should be borne in mind that the drug is not recommended for children, pregnant women, during the period of hepatitis B, it can also reduce the reaction rate and attention, therefore it is better not to use it during the working day.

It is worth remembering that the leaves are only an addition to the treatment, while the main therapy is prescribed individually by the attending physician.

From what can I drink a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves?

The broth can be drunk for:

  1. Strengthening immunity and assisting the body in recovering from viral infections and colds. For these purposes, a drink of their collection of sage and sea buckthorn is well suited. Pour dry greens with boiling water and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. After this, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Strain and drink hot before going to bed.
  2. Normalization of blood pressure due to sedative properties. To prepare a drink, 2 tablespoons of leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and allowed to boil. As soon as the broth begins to boil, it is immediately removed from the heat and left to infuse for 1-1.5 hours.
    This medicine should be taken 70 ml three times a day.

    1 tbsp. l dry chopped herbs pour a glass of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. During this time, part of the water will evaporate, therefore, having filtered the remainder, you should add as much pure water as possible to make a glass of broth. Divide the serving into two doses throughout the day.

  3. Support or treatment of the liver. There is evidence obtained experimentally that substances in the composition of the sea buckthorn leaf have a hepatoprotective effect and restore liver cells. The recipe is very simple. A glass of boiling water is taken on a teaspoon of grass. The drink is infused for half an hour and is ready to drink. You need to drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Also, similar infusions are useful for:

  • maintaining the cardiovascular system;
  • lowering blood sugar as an additional treatment for diabetes;
  • joint treatment.

Methods of preparation and use of sea buckthorn leaves

To prepare a healthy drink, it is necessary to properly collect and prepare raw materials. To maximize the concentration of nutrients, it is best to do this during the flowering period of the tree. But it is impossible to completely expose the branches, therefore it is recommended to collect part of the leaves, and during the fruiting period to collect another part.

Collected material should be inspected for contamination or wilting. Since the sheet does not wash before drying, you should carefully consider this stage of preparation.

Greens are laid out in a single layer on a clean, dry surface and dried for several days in a dry, ventilated area. If you use a dehydrator, the process will be faster. Store raw materials well in linen or cotton bags in a cool, dry place.

The drink has a wide range of actions and in order to reveal all the beneficial properties of the leaves in it, one must adhere to not only the method of preparation, but also the recommended doses of application.


The broth is well established in the complex treatment of diseases of the liver, heart, and nervous system. To prepare a medicinal drink, 4 tablespoons of dry chopped sheet are taken and poured with a liter of boiling water. The capacity is sent to the fire for 10-15 minutes, after which it is infused for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

The broth is characterized by the cumulative effect, so you should take it regularly so that the effect is noticeable. A serving is 100 ml 2-4 times a day. This broth can wash your hair, wash, treat wounds or rinse your mouth.


For sea buckthorn infusion, 4 tablespoons of greenery are poured into a thermos and poured with a liter of boiling water. The drink is infused for an hour, after which it is ready to drink.

The daily dose does not exceed 150 ml, no more than 50 ml is drunk at a time. The infusion is recommended for the restoration of metabolism, diabetes, and diseases of the connective tissues. Suitable for external use in the treatment of acne.


Tea is the most popular drink, it will help fight vitamin deficiency, the common cold, inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, chronic fatigue and insomnia. Complementing the main ingredient with other herbs or berries, you can enrich not only the taste, but also expand its spectrum of action.

Tonic drink: mix sea buckthorn and mint in equal proportions, pour 5 l of boiling water and leave for 5 hours.

Herb tea
Herb tea

Cold tea: pour one tablespoon of leaves in a glass of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 15 minutes. Sea buckthorn goes well with ginger, cinnamon, raspberries, citrus fruits. You can sweeten with honey by adding it to a warm drink. Drink drinks such as tea several times a day.


Tincture is a composition of fresh (or dry) leaves and sea buckthorn bark and 70% medical alcohol or vodka. For its manufacture, 3 parts of fresh raw materials (if dry, then take 1 part) taking into account the bark, 10 parts of high-quality vodka are taken. Everything is mixed in a clean glass container, sealed and insisted for 2.5 weeks in a dark, cool place. Then it is filtered through several layers of gauze.

On a note!
The product can be stored for several years. Drink tincture 2 times a day, diluting 1 teaspoon in 0.5 cup of water.

Tincture has several advantages over other drinks:

  • long shelf life;
  • some substances (for example, folic acid) are destroyed by heat treatment, which does not happen when alcohol is made;
  • serotonin is better soluble in alcohol, so its amount in the tincture is greater, especially if it contains a tree bark, which is rich in this substance.
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Reception is recommended for colds, nervous exhaustion, sleep disturbance, hypertension, heart disease, blood vessels, as well as skin diseases. Unlike water extracts, alcohol medicine has contraindications:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • acute liver disease;
  • professions that require increased attention or speed of reaction (for example, pilots, drivers, technicians, etc.)

Common questions

Which tree is better to take leaves from - female or male?
Collect leaves from both trees. The difference in them is only that the male does not bear fruit, but is necessary for pollination of the female tree. It does not affect the beneficial properties of raw materials.
Is it possible to poison with a decoction of leaves?
No, the broth does not contain any substances harmful to the body. However, an overdose can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to drink the drink in moderation.
What can be mixed with sea buckthorn for the treatment of tonsillitis?
It goes well with dried berries of lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries. You can also pick herbs that have antipyretic, analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. These are sage, fireweed, ivan-tea, raspberry leaf, linden, St. John's wort, coltsfoot.
Is it possible to collect leaves with berries?
Yes, this is convenient to do at the same time. But the maximum dose of useful medicinal substances is contained during the flowering period, so it is better to collect in June.

Sea buckthorn leaves - a real gift of nature, the concentration of nutrients and the versatility of use makes it an indispensable supplement in every home. Having correctly collected and prepared such greens for the winter, you can drink a drink as a prevention of vitamin deficiency and colds.

However, one should remember about the possibility of an allergic reaction, therefore, children should be introduced into the diet in small doses, monitoring the body's reaction. And do not forget that herbal treatment does not cancel the consultation of doctors and additional medication.

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