Tomatoes Rapunzel: variety description, photos, reviews

23.04.2017 Tomatoes

Tomatoes Rapunzel: variety description, reviews, photos, yieldName of this varieties of tomatoesit was invented for a reason, because Rapunzel, this is a girl with long hair, it is this braid that resembles a plant during fruiting. Below we learn more about how productive Rapunzel tomatoes are: variety description, reviews, which diseases are most affected by tomatoes, and where and how best to grow plants.

The main description of the variety

The description of the Rapunzel variety of tomatoes should start with the fact that tomatoes can be attributed to fairly tall plants, the height of one bush can reach from one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty centimeters, while the bushes are not standard. This variety is classified as a hybrid, but on the market you can not find plants of the same name, which are the same hybrids. The type of plant is considered to be ripe, as the ripening of fruits occurs quite early, this is proved by the reviews and videos of summer residents who have already grown this type of tomato on their site.

It may take from seventy to eighty days from the time of planting to fruiting, such tomatoes are best grown in special containers on the balcony or windowsill, it is very important that the tomatoes receive a full supply of light. It is worth remembering that the bushes are quite high, for this reason far from all gardeners can grow a plant on the balcony.

If growing on the balcony is not suitable, you can simply use the greenhouse in the country house, such a variety adapts perfectly to the conditions of the greenhouse, so the Rapunzel tomato variety will give an excellent harvest with proper care. A plus can be considered that it is the Rapunzel tomatoes that are characterized by increased resistance to almost all diseases, for this reason it is best to place them at home or in the greenhouse.

Variety Productivity

The description of the variety indicates that Rapunzel tomato has excellent yield characteristics, the plant is famous not only for its increased resistance to disease, but also for a very large crop. You can find a lot of advantages in this variety, for example, the fruits are more like cherry tomatoes, and their taste is very delicate and sweet. An equally important advantage is a high level of yield, since more than twenty small fruits can be located on one brush, and also the plant itself perfectly resists the most dangerous and known tomato diseases.

But there are reviews and videos that this tomato has some disadvantages, the main one can be considered inaccessibility, because tomato seeds it is extremely difficult to acquire this plant, often summer residents are looking for the answer to the question of where to buy seeds of this type of tomato. Seedlings are very rarely sold, so if you manage to grow a variety in your garden, you should stock up on seeds so that next year you don’t have to run around looking for varieties in the shops. Also a small drawback is considered to be too tall bushes, since these plants are recommended to be planted at home or in greenhouses, not all summer residents can grow tomatoes, since the bushes grow up to two and a half meters.

Some features of the variety

This variety has the most important feature, because tomatoes are very fond of sunlight, for this reason it will be necessary to constantly maintain the necessary amount of lighting for the plant in order to get a good crop, especially with regard to growing tomatoes at home or in a greenhouse. If we consider the description of the variety, then we can understand that Rapunzel will best feel only in an acidic or slightly acidic soil environment.

When growing, you will have to observe the distance of planting seeds, since shrubs grow quite large in size. Between the bushes it is worth leaving a distance of at least fifty centimeters, the seedlings are planted in the ground in the spring, but only after the frosts at night completely pass.

No less important is the depth of each hole, since due to the high growth of the plant, the roots may not withstand the load if the planting is made too close to the surface. Each hole should have a depth of at least ten centimeters, it is even better to make the holes are deep. Novice gardeners should know that although this plant has high growth, its root system still develops slowly and weakly, for this reason this variety requires constant nutrition with useful minerals and fertilizers.

Fertilizer application carried out at least once every two weeks, in addition, the bushes require timely garter so that because of growth they do not break and fall to the ground under the weight of tomatoes. The formation of the bush is carried out in one or a maximum of two stems, watering such a plant can be carried out as the soil dries.

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If you need to plant other plants next to such tomatoes, then you should give preference to carrots, marigolds, asparagus, lemon balm, basil or thyme, these are the best companions for the Rapunzel variety. Some gardeners say that this variety is poorly grown from seeds, but it is much easier to grow it by the method of cuttings, for this reason it is quite possible that this variety will not be available for sale.

Diseases and Pests

This variety is almost not susceptible to diseases or various pests, although many breeders highly recommend additionally processing the variety with Bordeaux liquid, and the leafy part can be processed using infusion of onions and garlic, in which a small amount of soap is additionally placed. It is also worth constantly cleaning excess vegetation in the beds to avoid pests and the spread of tomato diseases.

Reviews gardeners about the variety "Rapunzel"

Elena, Moscow

I once tried these tomatoes from my neighbor, who often grew new varieties of tomatoes, I really liked the pleasant taste of the fruits, their small size and softness. I decided to beg some seeds for myself, after planting the tomatoes sprouted long enough, in addition, they needed a lot of light and heat. I grew several bushes on the balcony, since I did not have greenhouses at that time. During growth, I encountered problems with a lack of light, I had to constantly light up the tomatoes, it also turned out that these tomatoes do not like excess moisture, so I rarely watered them only when the surface of the earth was completely dry.

Eighty days later, I was able to harvest the first crop, I have a large balcony, so the two-meter shrubs are completely located there, I additionally tied them. Tomatoes grew small in size, tasted very pleasant and a little sweet. I used such tomatoes for seaming in cans and just for salads. Last year I did not find this variety for sale, so I had to grow seedlings from the collected seeds. I didn’t produce any care and I didn’t make fertilizers, so the yield was not too high.

Alexander the Terrible

I have been working in the country for many years and tomatoes are the most favorite vegetables, since we like small tomatoes in jars more, I decided to choose a variety that will bring a big harvest and will not require special personal care.Tomato Rapunzel was an excellent way out of the situation for me, but I saw this variety for sale for the first time, but I decided to try to plant this plant on my site, since the reviews about it were quite good.

Planting was carried out in a greenhouse, care was carried out according to all standards, periodically treated shrubs from pests and diseases, and also watered the soil around the plant a couple of times a week. Almost three months later I got my first crop, from one bush I collected almost six kilograms of tomatoes, the tomatoes were not large in size, while they were very dense and tasted good. My wife used them for sunset, but we still had enough and just eat in salads and dishes.

Nina, Rostov

Wonderful tomatoes, they were grown for several months on a balcony made of seeds, sprouts required a lot of additional lighting, because without light they started to wither, they had to equip the lighting on the loggia. The bushes grew more than two meters, which is not suitable for my balcony, for this reason I had to think about how to place the stems of the plants so that they would not break. Productivity was at a height even without lure, I just constantly watered the plants and harvested weeds. Now this variety is incredibly difficult to find, so every year they collect as many seeds as possible to plant tomatoes already in the greenhouse in the country.

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Nikolay, Stavropol

I heard about a new tomato variety called Rapunzel, and since I am a fan of trying new varieties, I wanted to find this type of plant for sale. As it turned out, it was extremely difficult to buy a variety, since I had been looking for seeds for almost two years, having received a pack of seeds, immediately planted them for seedlings, transplanted large sprouts into the ground in a greenhouse. Here the difficulties began, the tomatoes did not have enough light, so I had to think about how to make the lighting in the greenhouse, I also had to often ventilate the room, since excess moisture adversely affected the plants. Still, after three months, I received an excellent crop of small ripe tomatoes, there were so many that it was enough to roll up and to prepare salads. I advise you to try to grow such a variety in your own area to get an excellent harvest and tasty fruits.

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    Where can I order Rapunzel tomatoes ???

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