When is it best to plant fruit trees in autumn or spring

26.09.2016 The trees

When is it better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumnIf there is a need to plant any tree bearing fruit on your plot, it’s worth preparing a good place for planting, it’s ideal to use a large and spacious garden, but if you don’t have one, you can use the land near the house, and it’s better to choose a place more remote so that the roots did not damage the house itself. When there is a large and quite spacious garden, you can plant a large number of different plants on the site, be it different fruit trees, berry bushes and berry trees, so that in a few years you can enjoy fresh apples or fragrant pears. Ideal for growing in the garden grade of cherry "Iput".

Growing your fruit is not only pleasant, but also beneficial, because such fruits will have a completely environmentally friendly composition, without various impurities of chemicals and additives that are often used in the industrial cultivation of fruit trees. Such apples will be an excellent vitamin supplement to the diet, you can treat your children and grandchildren with them, and a complete renewal of trees will be good for the garden. It is worthwhile to learn more about when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn, so that the tree will take root well in a new place. It is very important to replace old trees with young ones, as old fruit trees can bear fruit less often because of their age.

It is worth mentioning that after removing the old tree, at least a couple of years should pass, during this time the soil will have time to recover, and the remains of the roots will rot enough enough not to interfere with the young plant to grow its new root mass. In two years, the soil will be able to accumulate nutrients, but this does not mean that there is no need to saturate the soil with useful components, since when planting a small seedling, a large amount of substances will be necessary for normal development.

When is it better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn

What is the best time to plant a fruit tree in the ground?

If a gardener is interested in when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn, then he should pay attention to the region of residence, for example, if the climate is favorable and warm enough, then fruit seedlings are planted in the ground in both the one and the other season. All such for small plants, the ideal time for planting will be the moment when all the trees go on vacation, and in our strip autumn is such a period.

It turns out that it is best to plant small trees in the ground in the autumn season, in which case the plant will be able to accumulate many useful substances, and next year it will easily grow. The spring season is also suitable, but planting is carried out only at the moment when the first young buds have not yet begun to open on the trees. Such a landing is made exclusively in Central Europe. Try to make it yourself do-it-yourself rose support.

If we talk about a more accurate planting time, then everything will depend solely on which variety is used for planting, what are the climatic conditions in this region of cultivation, and also how high-quality soil is on the plot near the gardener. Most often, planting any fruit is recommended to be made after September fifteenth, and they finish planting at the very beginning of November, at this time the autumn is still not too cold, and the first frosts can manifest themselves in November, for this reason the planting should be made in the period provided. If there is a need to plant seedlings in the spring season, it is recommended to select numbers after the fifteenth of April and ending in mid-May.

When is it better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn

But still, much depends on the variety used for planting, gardeners often ask when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer if there is no information about the fruit variety, as some varieties can be planted in soil exclusively in the spring season. Most often these are plants that are hard to survive frosts, in this case, planting in the spring gives the tree to gain strength and nutrients in order to survive the winter. Gardeners also recommend planting only in the spring season when the soil on the site is quite dense and heavy, since it will be difficult for a young seedling to start growing in the fall.

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When the gardener begins planting in April, he should make sure that the soil has thawed enough and there are no frozen areas on it, otherwise you can completely ruin the plant. If the summer resident is interested in when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn, then it is worth taking care of the weather conditions, since on rainy days the seedlings take root much worse, but if the weather is dry, it is recommended to plant the plant in its new place of growth. When the gardener chooses the right time for planting, and also holds it according to all the rules, he will be able to get an excellent harvest in a few years.

How should a gardener handle a new plant?

Before starting planting, it is necessary to properly care for the plant in that period, while it will be out of the ground. To begin with, after the seedling is just acquired, it must be placed in the ground, it is enough to dig it in a little, and it is absolutely not important when exactly the plant will be transplanted to a constant place of growth, only in this way the seedling itself can be preserved. Better to carry planting onions under winter on the lunar calendar.

When is it best to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or

Before you start planting a new plant in the ground, you should carefully examine the new sprout and its root system, if it has damage or is not well developed, you will have to be very careful about such a seedling. Also, dry roots or broken roots can remain on the plant, they must be removed from it, so that the plant does not suffer from their presence. And in order to remove such a dry place on the root, it is necessary to go to a living place, and then cut off the unnecessary part with the help of a secateurs.

How to plant seedlings in a new place?

Before taking seedlings to the street, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance special pits having a depth of half a meter, sometimes it is necessary about seventy centimeters, each of the holes should have a width of at least one meter and no more than one and a half meters. Between each sapling they make a distance of empty land of five meters, it is not worth less, as adult plants have a wide crown.

If a gardener wants to know when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring or autumn, then he will have to choose in advance the best place to plant them. For example, if the garden is located in lowlands, where humidity is often increased, and a lot of water accumulates in the soil, then the hole itself should not be deep at all, only thirty centimeters deep, in this case the water will not get to the roots, and the roots will not rot .

When is it better to plant seedlings of fruit trees

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At the same time, it is recommended to dig such holes one month before planting, and then add additional fertilizers there, this will help improve the condition of the seedling after transplantation and activates its growth.

Planting a new tree on your plot is not so difficult, but you will have to take into account some nuances, for example, the climate of the region, the fertility of the soil, and also which variety will be planted.In this case, it will be possible to grow a wonderful fruit plant.

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