How to cook and fry mushrooms and cap boletus mushrooms (+17 photos)?

29.11.2018 Mushrooms

There are a lot of ways to cook mushrooms - boiled, fried, salted, pickled, dried fruits have high taste. The tubular mushrooms popular in our country have special nutritional value. Most of the dishes from them are based on boiled mushrooms, so it is important to know how much boletus and boletus mushrooms should be boiled in order to preserve their useful properties.

Species features

Fragrant and appetizing boletus and boletus mushrooms have always been an integral food in Russia. Despite the fact that both species are similar to each other, they nevertheless have significant differences.


Walking along the birch grove, especially in those places where the sun warms the earth well, you can often find a boletus mushroom - tall, slender, with a long leg and in a beautiful convex hat, which over time becomes like a pillow. Its diameter can reach 15 cm. Its appearance looks like a boletus edulis mushroom, but in contrast to it, the leg of the boletus is covered with small gray or black scales.

The color of the fruit varies depending on the place of growth and can be from light beige to black and brown. There are several types of boletus: Common, Swamp (or White), Black, Rose, Tundra, Harsh, Gray and Colorful.

Most often found common boletus. It is recognized by its uniform color and leg, which thickens from below. Love him not only for taste. Pereberezik cleanses the body of toxins, positively affects the nervous state, regulates blood sugar, helps with kidney problems, has a beneficial effect on the skin and is not at all high-calorie (only 20 kcal per 100 g) and is rich in various trace elements needed by the body.


In mixed forests and an aspen grove, mushrooms with bright red hats and a scaly chunky leg can be found. These are the boletus. They got this name because of their color, which is very similar to the autumn leaves of aspen.

But contrary to popular belief that these mushrooms grow only near aspen, they can be seen under oaks, lindens, poplars, willows and other trees. They love to live in a humid environment among moss, thickets of blueberries, grass and fern.

Boletus are several types. The most famous: Red, Painted, White and Oak. Boletus is very valuable for its healing properties. It is believed that they purify the blood, help reduce cholesterol, remove salts of heavy metals, poisons and radionuclides, have an antitumor effect, favor the normalization of intestinal microflora, and increase immunity.

Cooking preparation

Recommendations for the preparation of common for boletus and boletus. In order for the mushrooms to bring maximum benefit and not harm, they must be properly processed. Returning from the forest, carefully review your "prey." Remove debris, grass or leaves trapped in the basket, cut off particles of mycelium and earth.

Cooking preparation
Cooking preparation

For processing, you need to choose only good quality fruits, young and healthy. You need to know that they can have worms. To check this, you can simply cut and well check both the legs and the hat. If there is even the least doubt about the safety of the fungus, it is better to throw it out.

After this, the forest harvest must be thoroughly washed under running water. Then gently peel the fruit with a knife, while removing the film. Soaking them in cold water is advisable. This is necessary not only for bitterness to come out. This is very important to avoid poisoning, as mushrooms easily absorb toxic substances in the air and in the soil.

Differences in the heat treatment of both types of mushrooms

Despite the similarities, aspen and boletus are still different, and therefore there are differences in their preparation.

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How to cook boletus and boletus?

Pure boletus, preferably freshly picked, is poured with cold water, heated, salted and gradually stirring, brought to a boil. During the cooking process, a foam appears that needs to be removed. This is convenient to do with a slotted spoon.

After the broth boils, cook for another 20 minutes over low heat. Experienced mushroom pickers advise changing the water and after boiling simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

Boletus boiled for a little longer. Most often, this process takes about 40 minutes. It is believed that all toxins and toxic substances should be released during this time.

Mushroom cooking process
Mushroom cooking process

People say that they also need to be boiled not in one water, but in two, and some housewives put the onion in the pan - if it turns blue, it means the mushrooms are poisonous. In no case should you eat them. If the brown boletus sank to the bottom, then they are welded correctly.

Cooking before frying

It is important to note that mushrooms must be boiled before frying, which is explained by the unfavorable environmental situation. However, it is not worth digesting them, since useful properties are lost during the cooking process.

To preserve the unique, incomparable taste of this delicacy, you can cook for 10-15 minutes, but after that they must be well roasted. And to get the golden color of the dish - discard the mushrooms in a colander, let the excess water drain.

Fried mushrooms
Fried mushrooms

How much to cook boletus mushrooms before frying depends on many factors, but on average - 10-15 minutes after boiling will be enough. After this, you need to wait until the water leaves, discarding in a colander, and you can fry.

Cooking before freezing

Modern technology allows you to save products in a variety of ways. One of them is, of course, freezing. It makes it possible to enjoy fresh berries, fruits and vegetables in the winter. However, unlike them, forest mushrooms are recommended to be boiled before freezing. This must be done until ready.

Cooking before freezing
Cooking before freezing

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, you can eat them immediately after thawing.
  2. The second reason is their reduction in size, which will save space in the freezer.
  3. And most importantly, the destruction of toxins.

Cooking before salting

Heat treatment of both boletus and boletus is also necessary before pickling - they cannot be salted raw.To do this, the fruits are peeled, washed and dipped in boiling brine for 15-25 minutes. But as mentioned above, it is advisable to boil them twice - the second time after changing the water for 5 minutes.

Cooking Dried Mushrooms

Dried fruits can also make a wonderful and very tasty dish. To do this, first you need to soak the mushrooms for several hours, so that they become soft.

Mushroom soaking
Mushroom soaking

Now you can start cooking. We thoroughly wash the fruits, change the water and put on fire. Cooking such mushrooms will take quite a long time - at least two hours.

Answers to widespread questions

Even the most experienced housewives still have questions regarding proper cooking:

How to cook mushrooms so that they do not blacken?
These gifts of nature often change color, turning black. This is due to a chemical reaction with air. This can be avoided if you rinse them in water with vinegar or citric acid before cooking. Some experts advise pouring vinegar into the water during cooking.
Can I boil boletus and boletus in one dish?
To preserve the unique taste and aroma, it is best to cook them in different pots. However, they complement each other perfectly in the same dish. What delicious mushroom broths are made from them! Cook them together, add vegetables, salt and spices, and the soup is ready.
Does cooking affect taste?
To keep the mushrooms as fragrant and not lose their taste, they need to be cooked only using medium heat.
How many calories are boiled mushrooms?
Boiled foods contain fewer calories than fried foods. And the mushrooms themselves are dietary fruits, but their nutritional value depends on the preparation. The calorie content of boiled boletus and cap boletus is only 15-30 kcal per 100 g.
How to fry boletus in a pan?
Mushrooms of both types, first of all, you need to boil. Further cooking depends only on the preferences of the culinary specialists. Some of them prefer stewing under the lid - the fruits are soft and tender, and someone likes a crust and fries in an open pan.

Boletus and cap boletus are certainly a frequent guest in the kitchen of a Russian person. But when preparing culinary masterpieces from them, you must always remember safety. Arriving from the forest, first of all, you need to thoroughly review the "catch", removing spoiled fruits and various garbage. Before frying, pickling or cooking any other dish, they must be boiled.

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