Ultra-early varieties of tomatoes resistant to disease and frost

19.01.2019 Tomatoes

Crop of tomatoes is directly dependent on several factors. This is a variety of seeds, their quality, the conditions under which seedlings were grown, the conditions for growing a tomato bush (in a greenhouse or open ground), watering, fertilizing, processing, tomato resistance to various infections, and soil composition.

The laying of the future crop occurs at the time of purchase of seeds. None of the varieties have 100% resistance of tomatoes to late blight and other fungal diseases. Believe bright and catchy advertising about the absolute resistance of the new super hybrid is not worth it. But there are representatives of the tomato family who are more resistant to unpleasant weather surprises than others.

Early tomato varieties

Gardeners plant tomatoes for fresh consumption, for spins, salads and canning. Early and super-early varieties are good in that they give the main crop before phytophthora begins to rage. The greenhouses are humid and warm. The microclimate, as well as possible, is suitable for the growth and fruiting of a tomato. But it is favorable for a billion bacteria and viruses. Therefore, to obtain a large number of fruits under shelter in the regions of uninhabited agriculture, professional gardeners:

  • conduct preventive treatment of greenhouses from diseases at the beginning and end of the season;
  • pick the earliest varieties suitable for this region;
  • select varieties that are more resistant to late blight and temperature changes.
It should be remembered that it is not possible to collect seed material from hybrid varieties. Every year you need to buy new seeds.

Firebird F1

A hybrid variety bred in Siberia for cultivation in harsh terrain in greenhouses. It begins to bear fruit 3-3.5 months after planting seeds. The bush grows to 60-90 cm, has a large leaf mass and needs to be tied to a support. The bush is compact, per 1 square. m have 5 seedlings. Tomatoes weighing 130 to 150 g of orange color are located in a brush of 7 pieces. Indoors with proper care with 1 Firebird bush get up to 13 kg of tomato.

Tomatoes are covered with a thin skin and have an original taste. Under the skin, not prone to cracking, few seeds. The fruits are used mainly for consumption in vegetable slices and salads, but are suitable for preservation and pickling. Tomatoes contain a high content of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, so the juice from orange tomatoes is tasty and healthy. Hybrid Benefits:

  • forms ovaries even in cool weather;
  • transportable;
  • It is resistant to tobacco mosaic;
  • can be stored for a long time;
  • does not react negatively to lack of moisture in the soil;
  • unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • ripe and unripe fruits can be plucked together.

Diva F1

The hybrid was obtained as a result of breeding developments by Russian scientists. The first tomatoes can be picked 90-95 days after planting the seeds. It grows to 130 cm, has a sturdy stem covered with small setae and medium leafy. Bushes need garter. In closed ground from 1 bush receive 8 kg of tomatoes. Fruits weighing up to 120 g are red in color, rounded in shape with a little pimple on the end.

The taste of the fruits is sweet and sour, the skin is thin, without cracking. Tomatoes have fleshy flesh. Tomato is valuable in a large number of nutrients that are stored after heat treatment. Tomatoes are more suitable for use in salads and fresh. It is also possible to freeze, dry, use for the preparation of juices and pastes.


  • transportable;
  • resistant to verticillosis, alternariosis, tobacco mosaic;
  • matures quickly;
  • stored for a long time;
  • bears fruit in adverse weather conditions.
The prima donna manages to frustrate phytophthora, which begins to rage in the second half of the summer, before the height of it.


Of the early varieties known Mikado PinkBred by Moscow breeders. It grows to 180 cm in height. Needs a mandatory garter, the plant is led into one trunk, stepsons are removed. Begins to bear fruit in 95-110 days. The fruits are pink, very large, weighing up to 350 g. But this size vegetables only on the lower branches. The higher the brush, the smaller the tomato. Suitable for salads and fresh consumption. The pink fruits are slightly flattened and taste great. One plant gives about 2 kg of tomato, and with 1 square. m collect about 5 kg. Benefits:

  • has large fruits;
  • characterized by excellent fruit taste;
  • in closed ground it is not affected by late blight.


  • in open ground during revelry phytophthora instantly becomes infected;
  • has a small yield;
  • cracking of fruits is possible.
Mikado pink is one of the best early grades for making sauces.

Experienced gardeners grow good tomato crops even in high-risk areas. This requires early varieties that are disease resistant and able to bear fruit in cool weather, covered ground, necessary care, including watering, fertilizing, removing stepchildren, preventive treatment of soil and plants, fertile land.

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Comments on the article: 3
  1. Avatar


    Hello! Many varieties of tomatoes about which you give information are interesting to me. But, where can one get these seeds? I live in Latvia, is there such an opportunity to order a shipment?

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    1. Avatar


      Perhaps, “here” you will find something

      To answer
  2. Avatar


    I cultivated last year in a greenhouse Primadonna. I liked the variety, the crop is good. But the fruits are not of the same shape as in the photo in this article, they are more rounded, also with a pipette and larger.

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