Beans Variety "Black Eye": description and characteristics

8.04.2019 Beans

A variety of beans called "Black Eye" is becoming very popular. It meets all the requirements for a healthy diet, boils quickly, has a delicate and mild taste. This product saturates the body with useful protein, vitamins and other valuable substances. You can buy such beans in any store, but it is much more interesting to grow the variety yourself. This process is simple, even a beginner gardener with minimal experience can do it.

A bit of history

Black Eye Beans came to us from India. The first mention of this plant is found in documents dated 500 AD. At first they began to grow it in other Asian countries. Then a popular product reached South America. Then the plant was transported to the United States. Now in America, this product is among the most popular.

After the Civil War in the United States, a tasty and nutritious product was needed that could be easily obtained. They became Black Eye Beans. It is easy to grow, and in terms of nutrition and taste it is able to compete with meat.

Then from America, this bean culture was transported to Europe and quickly spread there. Its beneficial properties for enriching the soil with nitrogen were noted. Therefore, they began to grow it to improve the yield of subsequent crops.

Description and features of the variety

Beans The black eye belongs to the legume family. This is a low grassy annual, reaching a height of 30 cm. All the main parts of the plant are very similar to other legumes. The difference is only in the structure of the flowers. At the Black Eye, the flower corolla is bent and resembles the shape of the bow of a boat, while in other varieties of beans it has a spiral shape.

Other grade features:

  • the plant reaches maturity 120 days after germination of the first seedlings;
  • this bean variety prefers to grow in a warm climate;
  • bean ripening speed is almost independent of the amount of sunlight;
  • this crop grows best in loamy soil, but it can be grown in sandy or clay soil;
  • the yield of this variety reaches 3 kg per plant.
On a note!
The name "Black Eye" was given by beans for a reason. This variety has white grains with a small black circle on its side.

The benefits and harms of black eye beans

This bean variety is useful as a diet food. Such use is possible due to the high nutritional value of the product. Its calorie content is 345 kcal. 100 g of grains contain:

  • 55 g of carbohydrates;
  • 21 g of protein;
  • 2 g of fat;
  • 14 g of water.

The chemical composition of the product includes such ingredients as phosphorus, iodine, iron, manganese, cobalt, sodium, magnesium. Due to this useful composition, the regular inclusion of dishes from this variety of beans in the diet is beneficial for diseases of the kidneys, heart, and obesity. The diuretic effect of this plant is used in the fight against edema. The variety is used as an antipyretic, antibacterial agent, as well as for wound healing.This type of legume normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body, improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, has a mild sedative effect, and stimulates digestion.

black eye bean

Not everyone can consume this bean variety in unlimited quantities. In some cases, the amount of this product is reduced to a minimum or completely abandon it. With caution, you need to include beans in your diet for the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gout;
  • gastritis.

After the age of 60, it is recommended to reduce the number of bean dishes in your diet. But there is no need to completely abandon this product.

Selection rules

When buying the Black Eye variety as a seed for subsequent cultivation, the condition of the beans is evaluated according to the following rules:

You may be interested in:
  1. Beans must be the same size so that all plants sprout and sprout at the same time.
  2. The peel on the grains should be intact, without damage and cracks.
  3. The skin tone should be white, with a glossy sheen and a distinctive black spot on the side.
  4. Grains are chosen smooth, without extraneous growths and dirty spots.
  5. Beans should be dry to the touch.

It is also important to pay attention to the packing time of the beans. Grains retain their germination from 16 to 18 months.

Cultivation and care

Like other varieties of beans, the Black Eye is easy to grow independently in a summer cottage or garden. A site for this crop is selected taking into account crop rotation rules. In one place to grow this plant is constantly impossible. Re-planting beans in the same area is possible only after 3 years. The site is chosen with good natural light and protected from cold winds.

In the southern regions with a warm climate, beans are planted immediately in the ground. In the middle lane, this method does not allow you to get a good harvest on time. Therefore, beans are grown through seedlings. A bed for planting is prepared in advance. In the autumn, the soil is dug up, simultaneously introducing humus or manure. In the spring, re-digging is carried out with the addition of mineral complexes.

Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings in open ground is performed only after the final establishment of warm weather. In this case, the soil should be warmed up to a temperature of +15 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. During planting, the distance between individual plants in a row of 70 mm is observed, and an interval of 80 cm is left between the rows.

Until the first sprouts appear, the bed is covered with a film or other covering material. This creates greenhouse conditions and promotes the rapid germination of seeds.
bean shoots

After the emergence of seedlings, care consists in timely irrigation of the beds. Between watering, the soil is loosened loosely to provide oxygen to the plant root system. Planting is regularly cleared of weeds. When young plants grow up, they create support in the form of a stretched mesh or twine, for which the lashes will cling. Before flowering begins, the soil is enriched with mineral fertilizers. For every 1 square. m. contribute 5 g of potassium chloride and 15 g of superphosphate.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Beans Black eye can be collected at the stage of milk maturity with shoulder blades or fully ripened. In the first case, the pods are torn off 45 days after the germination of the first seedlings.Then the seeds in the pods will be small, the size of a grain of wheat.

Fully ripened seeds are plucked when the pod dries and begins to open slightly. Then the beans are removed from the leaves and sent for storage or for sale. In the future, beans can be used as food or as seed.

Ripe grains or unripe shovels can be prepared for storage. In the latter case, green beans are cut into pieces, transferred to packets and frozen. You can also make canned food from it.

bean harvesting

Dry grains are stacked in glass jars or canvas bags saturated with salt. To prevent insects from wounding in beans, put garlic cloves in a bowl. Tightly closing the cans with lids, they are left in a dry, cool room. The temperature in the storage should be below +10 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 30%. Under such conditions, the harvest is well preserved for 2 years.

Pests and diseases

Beans Black eye is almost not affected by pests and diseases. The plant suffers from them only in violation of the rules of cultivation. if crop rotation rules are not followed and beans are planted in one place repeatedly, the root system is affected by nematodes.

During flowering, buds produce a lot of nectar. Therefore, they attract bees and other insects. During this period, you can not use insecticides for processing plants, since drugs can harm insects.

Bean Application Black Eye

Bean grains include arginine, which is useful for people with diabetes. With regular use of dishes with black eye beans, metabolic reactions in the body gradually normalize. A decoction of its grains contributes to the treatment of:

  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.
Before using this variety of beans for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult with your doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health.

In cosmetology, boiled beans are used for the preparation of cosmetic masks. They help improve the condition of the skin, cleanse pores, rejuvenate and smooth small wrinkles. In the presence of unwanted pigmentation, masks with beans smooth the skin tone.

Most often, Black Eye is used in cooking. Soups, main dishes, salads are prepared with this bean. It is canned and used for harvesting for the winter.

Okroshka with beans

This dish is an interpretation of traditional okroshka. It is tasty and nutritious. Cooking is not difficult and is accessible to novice housewives.


  • 1 cup Black Eye Beans;
  • 6 pcs small cucumbers;
  • 100 g of radish;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g of boiled chicken;
  • 1.5 liters of mineral water or kvass;
  • 1 bunch of greenery;
  • lemon juice to taste.

How to cook:

The beans are washed and boiled for 40 minutes, during which time hard boiled eggs are boiled in another pan. Finished products are allowed to cool slightly. The remaining vegetables and chicken are cut into small pieces and transferred to a pan. Eggs are also cut into small cubes or large slices. Transfer them along with boiled beans to the pan with the rest of the ingredients. All is mixed and diluted with kvass or mineral water. When serving, you can add a little lemon juice and sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Beef salad

In this traditional Georgian dish, they use, in addition to beans, hot pepper, herbs, suneli hops. Making a salad takes a little time. The result is a delicious and nutritious salad.


  • 300 g of boiled beans in advance Black eye;
  • 300 g of boiled lean beef;
  • 1 PC. large red onion;
  • 1 PC. sweet red pepper;
  • 1 PC. hot chili peppers;
  • 50 g peeled walnuts;
  • 4 things. cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l wine vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • Suneli hops to taste;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook:

The meat is cut into plates of small thickness. Onions and peppers are cut in half rings. Hot peppers are free from seeds and cut finely, mixed with ground garlic and chopped herbs. The walnut kernels are finely chopped and dried in a dry skillet.

bean and beef salad

In a salad bowl spread boiled beans. All other ingredients are added next. To taste, lettuce is salted, pepper, add suneli hops. For refueling, combine olive oil with wine vinegar. The salad is seasoned and mixed well.


Eugene, 38 years old

Beans Black eye grows well if you just sow it in the ground with dry seeds. It is good because insects do not hit it. With proper cultivation, a rich harvest is obtained. I froze it with green pods and use it as necessary for cooking various dishes.

Elena, 45 years old

I did not grow this variety of beans. In our climate, it needs to be planted with seedlings, and this is very troublesome. I buy a pre-packaged product in a store. Delicious Georgian lobio and vegetable salads are obtained from this bean.


Black Eye Beans are good because they do not need to be boiled or soaked for a long time before cooking. It contains almost no fat and is suitable for dietary nutrition. With the regular use of this bean, it is possible to achieve weight loss and improve well-being.

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