Opening dates for roses in spring after winter shelter

14.04.2016 the Rose

When to open roses in the spring after winter sheltersHow to understand when to open roses in the spring after winter shelters? If you carefully read the information on this issue once, then from now on the main points that should be paid attention to in this process will be remembered once and for all.

If the timing of the opening of the bushes is late, then they can block. Most often, the bushes cannot be saved from such a situation and they die. Therefore, we begin our practical advice and sensible recommendations precisely on how to prevent roses from locking up.

Rescue roses from excessive moisture

The situation described below is most often encountered by young and not yet experienced flower growers. It seems that in the winter the bushes were properly covered, everything was in order with them during the cold weather. Even when the shelter was removed in the spring, the shoots looked healthy and green. But, after some time, the bushes began to blacken and die. What is wrong and at what stage could a fatal mistake for roses be made?

Experienced gardeners say that it is extremely important in time in the spring: not earlier, but not later, to remove shelter from the bushes. This is a crucial period, which can begin already at the very beginning of spring, or maybe, depending on the weather in a particular year, postponed to other dates. Most often, the described option for the death of rose bushes is due to the fact that the flowers were locked up. That is, the shelter was removed too late.

Important! To prevent this from happening and even a few days of delay in removing the shelter did not lead to disaster, you need to choose the right method of sheltering flowers for the winter. Many people choose the air-dry method, which is considered the least dangerous.

In the video given in this material, you can clearly understand how to determine the timing when to disclose roses in spring after winter shelters. Detailed information on this issue will also be given in the second part of our material. In the meantime, consider what needs to be done so that your bushes do not trap.

What to do to save the bushes:

  • Rose bushes always react to warming. As soon as warm days arrive, the plant leaves the dormant period and begins to form buds. But, if the earth is still frozen and cold, then the root system does not work yet.
  • Already in March, the sun often shines brightly and warmly, so that the tops of the shelter of roses begin to bare, snow also disappears from the ends. During this period, you should carefully monitor the exposed areas, cover them additionally.
  • Already at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, shelters can be completely removed. But it is important to make bypass grooves so that meltwater does not stagnate in the root system.
When to open roses in spring after winter shelters photo

When to take cover

As already noted, the above problems simply will not arise if the shelter is removed on time in the spring. But how to understand, especially, without experience with flowers, the timing most suitable for this? To determine when to open roses in the spring after winter shelters in Ukraine or another country, you can by the bush itself.

Important! If you open the roses too early, then spring frosts will harm the buds that have time to form. The late opening of roses will lead to the fact that the bushes will be barred and as a result will turn black, will perish.

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The soil began to thaw - this is the first signal that should remind the grower that soon is the right time to take cover from the roses. When the weather is warm, but in winter rare and not severe frosts occur, you can remove the insulation.But only if the grower checked that by this time the soil had thawed to a depth of 20 cm.

It is necessary to remove shelter from roses on a day when there is no sun (or in the evening): this will help to avoid sunburn, which is dangerous for delicate bushes. It should also be noted that the shelter with roses should be removed in several stages.

When to open roses in the spring after winter shelters tips

Stages of competent and gentle removal of shelter from roses:

  • Initially, you need to open the ends of the bush.
  • Next, you should open the northern, eastern sidewalls (you can do this not in one day, but one after another).
  • The third step will be the complete removal of the shelter.
  • At the same time, it is recommended that the bushes that have already been completely opened be additionally shaded for some time using paper and spruce branches.

Advice! When the rose bushes are already open, it is recommended to carry out cosmetic pruning. Dry twigs, parts that could break due to frost should be removed. Do the same with those leaves that could remain on the bush since the fall.

About the treatment of spring roses

With the dates when to open roses in the spring after winter shelters, is it all less clear? It often happens that after the winter the bushes are damaged or the shelter was not made correctly. In this situation, you need to understand: what exactly was the problem with the plant and how to solve it in order to save the bush? pay attention to the most fertile zodiac signs.

When the ground is completely thawed, it will need to be removed from the bushes. This is done very carefully so as not to touch the bark of shoots that are tender during this period. It is also imperative to free the neck from the ground where the vaccine was given. Wipe this place with a cloth, rinse with a solution of copper sulfate 1% (you can use a light solution of potassium permanganate).

When to open roses in the spring after winter shelters recommendations

Sometimes shoots after the winter can be freezing. They appear due to the fact that water falling into the cracks of the trunk freezes inside. Most often, these cracks are located near the vaccination site. For treatment, you can use, again, either a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a light solution of potassium permanganate. Apply solutions with a brush to a clean, damaged area, and then glue with a medical plaster.

Important! If you do not cure the bush from this scourge, then soon the frost will become foci for the propagation of fungal infections. The rapid spread of fungal spores is facilitated by high humidity.

If in winter roses were sheltered too late, then in spring, after the opening of shoots, on them maybe mold. Also, such a problem often arises in a situation when the grower decides not to process the stems of the bush with a solution of iron sulfate or just a soap solution with the addition of copper for the winter. It will be necessary to carefully remove the mold with a damp cloth, and then treat all areas with the means described above.

As can be seen from this material, it is important not only to meet the deadlines for when to open roses in the spring after winter shelters. In order for bushes to please with active and proper growth, excellent flowering, you need to deal with them constantly. It all starts with the proper preparation of the bushes for the winter, their shelter in the fall, as well as the timely and phased, correct removal of the shelter in the spring.

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