If roses turned black after winter, what should I do?

8.06.2015 the Rose

roses after winterIf you panicked - roses turned black after winter, what to do, our tips will help you return your beauties to normal. After winter, open roses in a timely manner. The late opening of the covering material threatens that the bushes may stagnate. Mold will appear in them, and then it will be difficult to bring them back to life. But you can’t rush either - because the threat of frost, too cold weather can greatly upset your beauties. Hibernation is stress for roses, and you need to return them from this stress not only on time, but also gradually.

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When to open roses after wintering

Of course, climatic conditions are different for everyone. It is necessary to focus on the weather, however, certain certain periods are available. Around mid-March, you need to start removing shelter from the bushes, but gradually - first open the upper sidewalls, then the bottom for ventilation, then the sidewalls, and so open the bushes for a week or two. At this time, the buds are already swelling, roses are preparing for spring life. Moreover, it is better to choose a sunny day for a full opening, or even a cloudy day, so that the sun, active at this time, does not burn the bushes.

How to trim and process rose bushes after winter

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If you didn’t have time to open your favorite bushes in time, or if there were any troubles with them during their hibernation, you can still fix the situation. Do not worry, for this, pruning and a solution of potassium permanganate will help us. Blackened shoots need to be removed, moreover, on time. Gently rinse all sorts of potassium permanganate wounds if it is impossible to remove any shoot - after treatment, carefully glue the adhesive plaster on the affected area so as not to spread the lesion.

If mold is found, it must be carefully removed and washed with potassium permanganate (a weak pink solution). Bushes need to be rid of dried and broken branches, remove everything until the first kidney that has shown life. Then treat with Bordeaux liquid (take 3% solution) - this will protect the roses from fungal diseases. Before laying the buds of our beauties, caterpillars may disturb, aphids can cling to bushes and begin to draw juices from them. In this case, stock up with insecticides, for example, Intavir or Decis. It will also not be superfluous to cultivate the soil near the roots of Prestige.

How to spray roses after hibernation

fertilizer and watering roses

After the winter, our beauties want to eat - they need to be fed so that they gain strength for lush flowering. Add nitrogen in early May, or mullein, and repeat the procedure after a couple of weeks. When the buds begin to form, feed the bushes with calcium nitrate (1 spoon per bucket of water) based on a bush of 3 liters of fertilizing. Water your beauties often, avoiding drying out, they do not like this, and it is advisable to mulch the soil. Subject to these simple rules, your favorite flowers will thank you with their beauty and fragrance.

If you want more flower bed with herbs organize - read tips on how to do this.

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