Dates and strawberry planting patterns in autumn

16.11.2018 Strawberry

Strawberries are one of the most delicious berries that take root in many regions of the world. But it should be planted at certain times when weather conditions are favorable for this work. High crop productivity depends on the season. Experienced gardeners choose planting strawberries in the fall. It is at this time that the berry takes root faster and takes root in the ground.

Planting strawberries in autumn

Benefits of Autumn Planting

Fragrant and tasty strawberries are usually the first to open the berry season in summer cottages. It saturates the human body weakened during the winter with vitamins and other beneficial substances. To get a large and high-quality crop, strawberries are planted in Russia in the autumn.

Landing this season has many advantages over the spring procedure:

Benefits of Autumn Planting

  • If work is done in the fall, then next summer there will be more harvest.
  • During the winter period, the berry gradually grows and gains strength. In the spring, she tries to bear fruit, so she will have to pluck flower buds in a timely manner. If this is not done, then the bushes that did not have time to take root may die.
  • Strawberries planted in autumn take root better. In cool weather, moisture evaporates less often, so the plant does not dry out.
  • During the summer, the earth warms up well and in the fall gives off heat for a long time. In the spring, the soil is just beginning to gain it, and a sudden drop in temperature can adversely affect the development of culture. With early frosts in the fall, they make a shelter that protects the seedlings from negative factors.
  • In the spring, there is a lot of work in summer cottages, so to save time, you should plant the berry in the fall.
  • Subsequent care of the culture is not as difficult as in the warm period.

Berry planting dates vary depending on the weather conditions in the region. For example, in the Urals, a suitable time falls at the end of July and lasts until the very beginning of autumn. With good weather in the Far East, this period can last until the end of September or the first days of October.

As in southern Ukraine, strawberry planting in the fall for the southern regions of Russia can continue until November. And in Siberia, it is completed before the beginning of September. Novice gardeners should know how to plant strawberries in the fall.

Site selection

For strawberries, you should choose a sunny area that is well protected from wind and drafts. If the culture is grown in the shade, it will ripen slowly, and the fruits will turn out tasteless. It is desirable to pick up the soil in chernozem, sandy loam or loamy soil. In sandy or clay soil, the berry does not grow well, and in swampy areas it does not bear fruit.

Selection of a site for planting strawberries

If you plant siderates in front of the strawberries, then you can do without fertilizers. Lupine, vetch and other legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen, and buckwheat with potassium. Mustard and rapeseed will not only saturate the soil with phosphorus, but also relieve it of a number of diseases and parasite insects. You can also use oats, which destroys the nematode. Siderata should be planted and mowed several times during the season. The greens themselves are left in the garden.

If there is no free site for green manure, then radish, radish, garlic, onions, carrots, herbs or corn can be used as precursors to strawberries. There are such crops that should not be planted in front of garden strawberries, for example, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, fennel, raspberries, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, nightshade crops. These plants are affected by the same pests as strawberries. Even decorative flowers will be undesirable precursors for the berry.

In order for strawberries to bear fruit well, they should not be grown in the same place for more than four years.

Bed preparation

Perfectly planted strawberries in the fall guarantee a quality crop. But first you need to work with the soil. For strawberries, prepare the soil in advance. First, weeds and pebbles are removed from the site. You also need to check the ground and destroy possible insect pests. To do this, the soil is treated with ammonium nitrate or store insecticides.

Dig the site at least two weeks before planting the berry bushes. It is necessary to cultivate the earth at a depth of 25-30 cm.

Digging a Strawberry Plot

The culture develops well in a fertile substrate. Acidity should be in the range of 5-6.5 units, and the groundwater level should not exceed 60 cm. Since the earth loses a lot of nutrients over the summer, for it need fertilizer. You can make them together with the insert. The amount of nutrients added depends on the quality of the substrate. For one square meter of land you will need:

  • 8-10 kg of rotted manure;
  • 1 liter of ash;
  • 40 g of double superphosphate.

Soil fertilizer

Instead of manure, humus or compost can be used. Then the soil is left for two weeks to sag. Soil should be loosened before placing seedlings in it.

If you dig the soil and immediately plant strawberries, then after the first watering or rain, it will sag. The bushes will be deeper than expected, and this will lead to their death. If the deadlines are tight, then after digging, you need to hose the ground and wait until it sags. Only then can plants be planted.

Growing seedlings

For planting a berry culture, you can use the material from your garden or seedlings from the store. It should be borne in mind that only local seedlings are suitable. Plants brought from a warm region will not be able to take root in an area with a cool climate.

Before buying seedlings they must be carefully examined. A healthy plant should have 3-5 leaves. It is necessary to choose samples with root processes of white color, reaching a length of 8-10 cm.The diameter of the root neck should be at least 6 mm.

Growing seedlings

Dark and white spots on the foliage of seedlings indicate a fungal infection. You can find out that the plant was struck by a strawberry tick by wrinkled young leaves. The plates should be leathery, shiny and light green. They also have a characteristic pubescence.

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The seedlings purchased in the store should be immediately planted on the site or buried in a shaded place in a moist, loose substrate. If the material is taken from its site, then it is recommended to give preference to one-year or two-year berry bushes and dig in the first outgoing 2-3 antennae. It will be more convenient to grow seedlings in plastic cups or other small containers. When the plants take root, they grow back nip out the growing tendrils, which prevent the resulting outlets from eating from the mother bush. Separate young specimens before planting in the ground.

Seedlings are prepared within a week. After removing excess leaves and cutting dry or deformed roots, the plants are treated with fungicides from fungal infections. The bushes are sprinkled with a small amount of earth and left in a cool place. To prevent young strawberries from drying out, it is recommended to wrap it with moss.

An hour before planting, seedlings must be well watered. The roots can be soaked in the infusion of garlic, which will scare off the parasites.Growth biostimulator will help bushes to take root and develop faster. You can simply place the plants in a clay mash, which will protect the root system of seedlings from drying out.


Strawberries should not be planted in heavy rain, but this is also not recommended in hot weather. For gardening, choose the right time. The best option is the next day after rain, then the soil will be saturated with moisture and help the seedlings take root faster. It is advisable to plant a crop in the evening, in cloudy weather - in the middle of the day.


There are several ways to plant strawberries in the fall. There are 3 schemes for planting seedlings:

Ordinary strawberry planting

  • Nesting. The main bush is placed in the middle of the prepared plot, and another 6 bushes are spaced at a distance of 30–35 cm from it at intervals of 50 cm between them. In the future, strawberries can be propagated with antennae.
  • Carpet. The entire area of ​​the plot is planted with plants, the distance between which varies between 20−25 cm. This scheme is used for small beds.
  • Private. Seedlings are arranged in rows. The distance between them should be 40-60 cm, and between bushes - 20-30 cm. This method is used for large plantations and when growing crops on covering material.

The intervals between seedlings depend on the variety of strawberries. Spreading species will need more space than compact ones.

In order not to injure the seedlings, you need to know how to plant strawberries in the fall. First, the ground is leveled and loosened, and then holes and rows are marked. Dig holes 10-15 cm deep and must be watered if there has been no rain in recent days. In the middle of each depression, a small mound of earth is formed. The seedling is placed on top and spread on the sides of the root. The bush is covered with soil, carefully supporting it. The root neck should be flush with the ground.

Saplings are compacted and watered abundantly. The soil must be loosened so that oxygen and water quickly enter the plants. Mulch strawberries with peat or humus.

Strawberries are plentifully watered

Some gardeners and gardeners plant a berry crop with covering material. This tool helps keep the soil moist and loose, and also protects the bushes from freezing and drought. Shelter will not allow the extra antennae to take root and weed grass to grow. In addition, it helps the fruits stay clean. Popular materials for sheltering strawberries are film, agrofiber, organic mulch, or living plants. In large areas with the help of such a shelter you get a real greenhouse. For convenience, you can make tracks from tiles or boards between the rows.

Berry care

Caring for strawberries after autumn planting is easier than after spring.

Berry care

In order for the seedlings to take root quickly and become strong, it is necessary to provide good conditions for them. The first week of the plant should be watered as it dries. Use warm, settled water. Pour bushes under the root. The procedure is best done in the morning. When the seedlings get stronger, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week.

The berry should not be fed after planting, since the soil had previously been treated with fertilizers. Bushes can be watered with a solution of agents that stimulate the formation of roots. It is recommended to process strawberries with Epin or Zircon. They improve the protective properties of the culture and reduce the effects of negative factors.

Strawberries should be checked regularly for insect pests.Leaves and soil are treated with Karbofos, Bordeaux liquid, or copper chloride. Some gardeners prefer to use organic products. It is necessary to remove the antennae in a timely manner and get rid of weeds.

Before winter, oh young bushes should be taken care ofso that they can survive the cold season. Strawberries - one of the rare berry crops, which has a high resistance to frost. It perfectly tolerates a temperature of -20 degrees and is even able to survive short-term freezing up to -30 degrees. Snow can be a great shelter for bushes. Its layer should be 10-15 cm.

Mulch plot

But for safety, the site should be mulched with other materials. The layer of shelter should be more than 5 cm. As a mulch, lapnik, peat, sawdust or straw is used. You can use the foliage of fruit trees if the plants are not sick in the summer. Since short-term frosts are possible at night, the beds are advised to cover with spandbond, agrofibre or lutrasil.

If you create all these conditions for strawberries, then the bushes will be able to grow stronger and winter without any problems. In the spring, mulch is removed and the top layer of soil is removed by 2-3 cm. This will help get rid of possible insects. It is also necessary to loosen the earth and clean it from dry and deformed leaves.

Compliance with simple rules in the autumn season will not only save gardeners and gardeners from unnecessary work in the spring. Garden work on planting strawberries even kettles can do it. If you make the main effort this season, then next year the plant will bloom well and will delight you with large and tasty berries.

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