Apple tree aphids - how to get rid of folk remedies?

1.09.2016 Apple tree

how to get rid of aphids on an apple treeIf you have a garden, it will become interesting to you at some point in time - how to get rid of aphids on an apple by folk remedies? And not only the apple tree, plums, in particular, are affected by this small pest, now it will attack the cucumbers in whole colonies, and shrubs, and pepper with tomatoes does not pass by. Aphid is a pest very nasty. Not only does it attach itself to young leaves and buds, sucks out the juice and leads to the death of the plant, it also attracts ants. They simply adore molasses, which aphids secrete as a result of sucking the sap from the plants. Therefore, they protect it, graze, like we herds of cows that give us milk, and moreover they often drag them into their minks for the winter, so as not to destroy their herd in winter cold.
Take a look: how to get rid of ants in a summer cottage.

Therefore, it is necessary to start fighting aphids in a timely manner, and always together with the destruction of ants, otherwise they will quickly drag it to another place. Although - there are winged species of aphids, which can overcome up to 25 km, flying to you from distant places. But all the more, a serious struggle is required with her. And we will consider how to deal with aphids precisely by folk methods, so as not to damage the garden and garden crops.

How are aphid attacks manifested and what lead to:

You may be interested in:

• when there is a lot of it - the leaves become sticky by sight, and to the touch - this is from molasses, and aphid colonies are visible;
• if you look under the leaf, you can see even more aphids there - the condition is critical!
• leaves twist, fade, fall off - it’s absolutely critical, urgent to fight with all our might!
• buds covered with aphids do not open - you can’t see the flowers.

How to deal with aphids folk methods

apple aphid

• The fight against this small dirty trickster must begin in the fall. Walk through the garden, paying particular attention to the apple tree, plum tree and young plants. Collect all affected leaves and branches and burn them.
• In the spring, spray the trees before the buds open, repeat after harvesting.
• Keep an eye on the leaves. If you see dark spots - molasses aphid has already led to a sooty fungus: remove leaves, burn, wash slightly damaged leaves with hot (up to 80 degrees water jet).
• Basal shoots with its tender young leaves - an incredible treat for aphids - clean in a timely manner, its benefits are zero, juices pulls juices from a tree, and even aphids lure.
• For prevention purposes, water the garden well, make sure it is strong - the aphids are small, healthy leaves will not bite healthy, but fading weak ones are easy.
Soap solution is good for spraying (take a laundry soap 300g and dissolve it in a bucket of warm water.
• Also, such a font does not like aphids: boil 300g of ash and 40g of laundry soap in a bucket of water, charge the sprayer and bathe the affected parts of the apple tree and other trees with shrubs.
• Take onions 200 grams, without peeling cut, in a bucket of water you need to insist it for a day and strain, go to attack the aphid.
• Garlic also repels aphids, you need to take 100 grams of garlic, insist 2 days in 2 liters, then use 50 g of the concentrate obtained in 2 buckets of water for spraying.

An ordinary dandelion also fights aphids well, and it scares away the coppers, and it will relieve spider mites.In a bucket of water, infuse for 2 days the roots or leaves of a dandelion (300 g), then strain, and you can go, attack aphid colonies.
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