How to plant an apple tree in the fall

26.11.2018 Apple tree

The binding of apple trees is not a mandatory procedure. But, nevertheless, many experienced gardeners or summer residents seek to implement it annually. The goals of planting trees are different. To obtain a positive effect, it is recommended that you first study the features, methods and timing of the binding of apple trees of various varieties and ages.

Why vaccinate

Every year, gardeners are engaged in spring or autumn grafting of fruit trees. The main goal of this procedure is the ability to identify new varieties of apples and improve fertility. But, this is not all its benefits. There are several more reasons why you need to tie an apple tree before the winter or summer season:

  • expanding the range of trees in the garden;
  • restoration by binding branches to a hemp of a dried or diseased tree;
  • the ability to grow several types of varieties on one tree to save space on the site.

There are several reasons why gardeners perform this action. The procedure is quite simple, but after its implementation, a positive effect does not always occur. This is due to the assumption of various kinds of errors. It is important to study in advance the question of how and when to plant apple trees: in spring or autumn.

how to plant an apple tree in autumn

Normal timing for vaccination

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the timing of vaccination. The opinions of gardeners in this opinion are divided. Some believe that the ideal time for this is spring, while others assure the need to do this useful procedure in the fall or winter. Regardless of the time of year, the following conditions are important for binding:

  • optimal air temperature - up to -15 degrees;
  • the minimum period of time before previous frosts is 1 month;
  • lack of heat;
  • lack of rain at the time of the procedure.

Compliance with the deadlines for a favorable binding gives a guarantee of achieving a good result. In the middle zone of the country with a predominance of temperate climate, the best period is mid-August - the first half of September. In some regions, for example, in the suburbs, air temperature decreases later, therefore, vaccination can be done before the first half of October.

Before binding the apple tree, it is recommended to study the weather forecast. If frost is expected in the next 3 weeks, then this procedure is best left in the spring.

In what months can an apple tree be planted in autumn?

Gardeners argued that the most favorable period for vaccination is warm or cool autumn. This is due to the fact that during the winter the plant grows better and the first fruits of another variety may already appear by the new summer season. But, it is important not to miss the moment. The best time is September. This is especially true for the treatment of aging trees.

October and November are also favorable for the budding period. But, in this case, you should regularly monitor the air temperature, it is important that the thermometer did not have time to release to a mark below - 15 degrees. In October, it is recommended to plant young trees and seedlings. As a binding method, for the cool autumn months it is recommended to use the “over the bark” or “split” method.

how to plant an apple tree

Necessary tools and materials

Crowning is a simple, but still important event. One wrong action can lead to the fact that all the work will be in vain. But, you can also do harm to the tree, which will provoke its drying and death. The first step in grafting apple trees in the fall is to prepare the necessary equipment and materials.

  1. Knife. It is important that it is sharp and suitable for cultivating garden areas. An ideal option for this purpose is secateurs.
  2. Insulating tape. Unfortunately, not every summer resident has it. An alternative is a strip of polyethylene or twine.
  3. Garden Var.

First you need to prepare the stock and scion involved in the binding. A stock is a seedling or a small tree on which a cuttings or buds are attached. Priva - this is exactly the very same stalk that you want to bind. Of course, you also need desire, some free time and skills.

Through open sections, bacteria or infection can enter the plant. It is recommended that you first disinfect with a special solution hands and all tools that may be required for work.
how to plant an apple tree in autumn

What can be used as a stock

Experienced gardeners and summer residents recommend using seedlings from apple trees, whose age is from 2 to 3 years, as a stock. Their distinctive property is that they are more able to adapt to new conditions. This is especially true for wild shoots with a high degree of resistance. Rootstock can be grown independently. This requires planting seeds in open ground.

Scion preparation

The graft, which will be used for grafting to a seedling or tree, must first be cut into several parts with a sharp knife or secateurs. This should be done previously before budding, since they are not subject to long-term storage. The optimal scion length is from 25 to 30 cm, the thickness is from 1 to 1.3 cm. Another important requirement is the formation of at least 4 healthy kidneys on it after vaccination. Rootstock and scion should be used only from healthy plants.

Vaccination Methods

There are endless options for how to plant an apple tree in the fall. But, to make dozens of them to a person who does not have a solid store of knowledge is quite difficult. For inexperienced gardeners, there are 4 methods for combining several varieties of apple trees - budding, copulation, grafting into a split or behind the bark. The first is the most common, as it is effective and does not require a large amount of inventory and materials.


Budding is one of the very first methods to combine several plant varieties into a single whole. He is so simple that even the person who recently became a gardener can handle it. Before starting work, disinfect hands and necessary tools. In preparation for budding, it is not necessary to cut the cuttings; for grafting, ready-made grafting material is used. The budding algorithm is reduced to the following actions:

  1. Inspect the annual plant and find a healthy kidney on it.
  2. Cut the kidney along with a small piece of wood adjacent to it.
  3. Take the stock in your hands and make a cut on it, similar to the letter “T”.
  4. Slightly open the tree bark at the cut points.
  5. Insert a kidney under the cortex so that it faces up.
  6. Slightly spread the corners of the bark located on the stock.

Do everything with the kidney carefully so as not to damage it. After completing all the actions, tightly wrap the already grafted kidney with tape or a strip of plastic film. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the work done no earlier than in 2-3 weeks.A sign of successful binding is the formation of new kidneys. If this happens, then the fastening bandage can be slightly loosened.

Only those kidneys that are in "sleep mode" are suitable for the budding process.
inoculation by budding


The method of copulation of fruit plants is possible in one case - when the scion and stock are similar in size. A tree or sapling is suitable for planting only if its trunk diameter is not more than 2.5 cm. Only apple trees whose age has not exceeded 2 years are effectively grafted in this way. To copy, do the following:

  1. Pick up the scion and make an oblique incision, the length of which should not be more than 4 cm.
  2. Pick up the scion and create an identical slice on it.
  3. Close tightly the scion with stock.
  4. Fix the joint with electrical tape.
  5. Treat garden areas that could not be secured with electrical tape.

Accordingly, a simple method of copulation is reduced to combining the scion and rootstock, like a puzzle, through a cut of the same magnitude. It is worth considering that this method is absolutely unique. To plant apple trees is thus permissible in spring, summer or autumn. In rare cases, the procedure can be carried out in the winter, but only by creating a temperature regime suitable for this purpose.

how to plant an apple tree in autumn

Into the cleavage

Due to the huge number of varieties of prolific trees, sometimes there are difficulties with the search for scion and rootstock with the same parameters. Often their diameter is noticeably different. Experienced gardeners use this method to grow multi-varietal apple trees, since due to this growth the bark increases and the tree becomes noticeably stronger. The “split” technology involves the combination of hemp and cuttings at right angles. The binding of apple trees by this method is carried out as follows:

  1. Pick up a stock and carefully cut a branch or trunk.
  2. Strip it with a knife.
  3. Create a shallow gap along it. To prevent crevice, fix the hole with a knife or a narrow screwdriver.
  4. Pick up a graft for grafting.
  5. Create oblique slices on both sides of it. The length of each of them should not exceed 4 cm.
  6. Insert the scion into the cleavage of the stock. Make sure the slices are completely hidden.
  7. Wrap the branch with tape or tape.
  8. Additionally treat the free spaces with garden var.

The uniqueness of the “split” method is the ability to combine several varieties of apple trees at the same time. This is due to the fact that several grafts can be fixed in one cleavage at once - from 1 to 6. After a successful grafting, apples will soon form on fruit trees, which will noticeably differ in appearance and size from each other.

Only seedlings are suitable for stock, whose age is from 3 to 6 years. The diameter of the barrel should be from 2 to 10 cm.

Over bark

Using the name “behind the bark” it is reasonable to plant trees of respectable age. Binding is possible in two versions: to a small hemp or to a separate skeletal branch. At the same time, the stock should be located at a distance of at least 50 cm from the ground. Bind, thus, adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Select a skeletal branch on the tree that is located at least 50 cm from the ground.
  2. Transfer it to a dark, cool place and leave it for 2 days.
  3. Clean the places where the saw cut occurred. It is required that he achieve a perfectly smooth and smooth state.
  4. Make a small incision in the vertical direction on the cortex.
  5. Slightly open the hole formed with a knife.
  6. Make an identical cut on the scion.
  7. Attach it with a cut to the trunk.
  8. Fix the joints with electrical tape and garden var.

All 4 methods of vaccinating an apple tree with your own hands are simple. A novice can easily cope with them, and an experienced gardener has long been accustomed to these usual actions for him.For the appearance of the effect, it is important not only to correctly bind, but also to care for the plant after completing this procedure.

vaccination for bark


Caring for a tied apple tree comes down to a regular inspection of the joints. This should be done at least once every 2 weeks. If the first kidneys began to appear, then pay attention to what kind they are. The bandage can only be loosened in the spring when a thaw sets in. Previously, this can be done only if there are suspicions of the negative dynamics of vaccination of scion and stock. In this case, they will need to be reunited.

Harvesting cuttings and branches

It is not always possible to prepare fresh cuttings or branches for binding. They can be prepared in advance and stored in a cool and dark place where the air temperature does not exceed 3 degrees. Cut the cuttings so that their length is from 25 to 30 cm and the thickness is from 6 to 9 cm. Carefully fold them, wrap them in a damp cloth and hide in a secluded place. If long-term storage is planned, then place their ends in containers with moist sand.

What can I plant an apple tree on?

An impeccable vaccination option is an apple tree on an apple tree. However, this prolific plant can be crossed with other similar crops. An experienced gardener was able to identify the most successful combinations of trees. Apple trees can be associated with pear and mountain ash. It is permissible to vaccinate with lemon, but only in greenhouse conditions with appropriate conditions.

How to plant an apple tree in autumn

The method of grafting an apple tree in autumn directly depends on what is used as a stock. Fertile crops can be crossed in the fall on an older, young tree or game. An age tree is a tree whose age exceeds 10 years. Young gardeners consider seedlings or recently planted trees - no more than 2-3 years old.

On an age tree

The problem for many novice gardeners is how to plant an apple tree in the fall on an old tree. It is worth considering immediately that this is a simple, but far from quick way, which can stretch for 2-3 years. The binding is carried out on a stump, on which the bowl is pre-cut. You can attach from 1 to 5 varieties of apple trees to it. But, for this purpose, plants whose age exceeds 25 years are not suitable.

On a young tree

Another issue that worries many gardeners is how to plant an apple tree in the fall. Binding is carried out in 2 ways: on a seedling or tree. You can use any of the 4 methods of vaccination. It is worth considering that the young trees for this purpose are not yet sufficiently strengthened, therefore it is not recommended to attach more than one scion to the section, and all actions must be done very carefully.

To the wild

"Wildlife" is a wild apple tree tree that grows in the garden or beyond. You can bind to it by any method and at different times of the year. The graf for a wild game is prepared in advance - after the first frost, cut suitable branches and make cuttings from them, 20 to 25 cm long. Store them at a temperature of 0 degrees, and you can plant them at any time.


The binding of apple trees is an optional procedure. But this is the only way to achieve a large multi-varietal crop. In order to grow healthy beautiful trees, on which succulent fruits will appear, vaccinations are required correctly. And after 2-3 years it will be possible to taste a completely new crop grown in your garden.

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