How to treat apple trees from diseases and pests in early spring

3.05.2018 Apple tree

The yield of an apple tree directly depends on the state of "health" of the tree. To avoid the manifestation of diseases, pest attacks, spring treatments will allow. You can protect plants with various drugs that are available for every gardener. Consider how, when, and what preparations to use for spraying apple trees in the spring.

Preventive spraying of apple trees in spring

Trees are treated against diseases and pests before the flowering phase of the fruit crop. As soon as the air temperature rises above + 15 ° С, everything wakes up, diseases and pests are no exception. In order to actively develop and multiply, they need to eat, so they begin to settle on young plants. Therefore, the only option to protect trees from an impending ailment is timely preventive spraying.

Apple processing steps

The process of spraying fruit crops occurs in three stages.

  • The first phase of treatment occurs at the beginning of March, the air temperature should warm up by at least + 10 ° С. The apple trees have not yet woken up, the kidneys are not active. Before spraying, cut off all dry, diseased branches. If the tree has been growing in the garden for more than five years, the trunk is cleaned from pests.

High-dosage fungicides are used for spraying at this stage. The tree trunk must be whitewashed with quicklime or painted with garden paint.

  • The second phase occurs in early April, when the kidneys begin to swell and bloom. This period is dangerous due to the appearance of a flower beetle, which can ruin the entire future crop. Plants are treated with a contact insecticide, for example, Fufanon. To prepare a working solution, 10 milliliters of the drug must be dissolved in 10 liters of water, completely spray the whole tree.
Important! Observe the indicated dosage so as not to burn the kidneys.
  • The third phase of spraying occurs after the flowering of the apple tree. All spraying is aimed at combating fungal and bacterial diseases, the appearance of pests. During this period, treatments with various biological, chemical and folk solutions are applied, which will help to maintain the “healthy state” of the plants.

Preparations for spraying the apple tree

Plant treatment should be comprehensive and systematic. To protect the trees use:

  • Copper sulfate, which is a broad-spectrum fungicide. It is used to prevent diseases of fungal origin, putrefactive processes, the appearance of pests, disinfects wounds, and helps to heal them.

To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 100 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water, and then immediately spray the plants. It is impossible to store the finished solution for longer than 5-7 hours, after a lapse of time flakes begin to form, which can clog the sprayer tube. Processing can be carried out: before budding, after the appearance of foliage.

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  • Iron sulfate is used to destroy lichens, fruit rot, powdery mildew, and the treatment of black cancer. The cost of the drug is available for the ordinary gardener.Spraying with a solution based on iron sulfate is allowed only until the buds open, so as not to cause burns on fragile leaves. Processing with vitriol not only allows you to protect plants from attacks of diseases and pests, but also is foliar fertilizer. Iron is one of the most necessary components that allows you to increase the fruiting of the apple tree and increase the overall plant resistance

The working solution for spraying is prepared on the basis of 500 grams of iron sulfate and 10 liters of water. After mixing the components, the mixture is left for 10 minutes, so that the crystals are completely dissolved, completely spray the entire plant.

  • Bordeaux fluid is used to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases on plants. The solution is prepared on the basis of 10 liters of water, 120 grams of quicklime and 100 grams of copper sulphate. All components must be thoroughly mixed so that no large particles remain. The resulting solution is completely sprayed with the whole tree. Processing can be carried out before blooming and after budding. For preventive purposes, treatment with Bordeaux liquid is performed every 2-3 years.
  • Urea is used to spray apple trees against the appearance of diseases and pests, as well as rapid swelling of the kidneys. To prepare the solution you will need to take 500-700 grams of urea (urea) and 10 liters of water. Pour the urea into a bucket of water and stir until completely dissolved, then you need to pour the solution into the sprayer, treat the shoots and trunk of the tree.

Folk remedies

When the chemical industry was not yet developed, there were no modern preparations for treating plants from the disease, our ancestors used folk methods. Consider how you can spray apple trees without resorting to chemistry:

  • a decoction based on bitter wormwood will save the apple tree from the codling moth and flower beetle. The spray solution is prepared on the basis of 300-400 grams of dry wormwood and 10 liters of water. First you need to soak wormwood for a day. After 24 hours, the infusion is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire, boil for half an hour. After cooling, it is filtered and 50 grams of grated soap is added, after which the trees are sprayed. It is necessary to process plants immediately after the blossoming of the apple tree;
  • infusion of wood ash allows you to cope with pests and diseases. Preparation of the solution: take 300-400 grams of finely sifted wood ash, pour 5 liters of boiled water, put on fire for half an hour, strain, pour 5 liters of cold water, add 40-50 grams of grated soap, mix thoroughly, process apple trees.
  • Diesel fuel and colloidal sulfur. Who would have thought that the processing of trees could be done with diesel fuel. Diesel is used to stop the rotting process. The solution is prepared on the basis of 0.5 liters of diesel fuel and 10 liters of water. It is necessary to spray before the swelling of the kidneys, so as not to burn them.

Colloidal sulfur treatment helps prevent mildew and scab from appearing on the apple tree. Preparation of the solution: take 30-80 grams of sulfur and dilute in 10 liters of water to keep the solution longer on the branches, add 30 grams of grated laundry soap to the mixture.

Biological preparations for processing

Modern mixtures are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners, the most common and effective include:

  • "Trichodermin" - will prevent the appearance of fungal diseases on the apple tree. The working solution is prepared on the basis of 20 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water, sprayed until the buds open;
  • Actofit is used as a prophylaxis for the appearance of a moth, flower beetle, aphid, and apple moth. Preparation of the solution: prepare a bucket of water (10 l.) Pour 40 ml into it. stir, pour into the sprayer and treat the trees.

Conducting preventive spraying is a necessary agrotechnical measure, which will allow you to grow a healthy and rich crop. Spring treatments reduce the risk of diseases and pests by 70%. It’s easier to prevent the disease than to treat the plants later, remember this “golden rule”.

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