Which rat and mouse repeller is better to choose: reviews and recommendations

17.03.2016 Diseases and Pests

Repeller rats and miceRats and mice can only be cute if they are pets in the house. But if rodents wound up in the basement, cabinets in the kitchen, or just running around in the house, then this of course is not a pleasant sight. In addition, rodents can spoil furniture, eat up stocks of grain and other crops, as well as cause unsanitary conditions.

If mice or rats wound up in the house, and ordinary mousetraps no longer help, then an excellent solution in the fight against toothy pests will be the purchase of rat and mouse repeller. But which of the rat and mouse repellers is better? And why should you give preference to this particular device, and not to various chemicals against rodents, for example?

Types of Rodent Repellers

Repellers of mice and rats which is better, reviews? To answer this question, it is not enough to read some reviews, many other factors should be taken into account. For example, rodent repellers differ in principle of action. Therefore, first of all, you should determine which of their devices will be best suited to your living conditions.

There are three types of repellers:

  • Ultrasonic
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Combined

The principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers is quite simple. The device emits ultrasounds that adversely affect the nervous system of rodents, which means that they will quickly run away from the sound unpleasant for them and are unlikely to want to return.

Due to ultrasonic waves, mice and rats begin to lose their orientation in space, and also can not communicate with their brothers. Repellers of rats and mice, which is better, reviews say that in the early days of exploitation of rodents becomes more, so many people are afraid of this result. However, this is absolutely normal. The appearance of a large number of rodents in the early days of ultrasonic guides ensures that the device works efficiently. Note, when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016.

Repeller rats and mice, which is better

Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, rodents feel a sense of danger, so they begin to rush about in search of a way out of the danger zone. Given that they lose their orientation, sometimes the search for that very exit may be a little delayed. Ultrasonic rodent repellents are safe for humans, because the waves from the device do not affect it in any way, so it is fashionable to use the device in a living room. The device also does not cause harm to the health of rodents, but only creates an unfavorable environment for them.

The advantages of ultrasonic devices:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Contains no hazardous chemicals;
  • Non-stop works;
  • It also repels insects;
  • Safe for humans, children and pets (decorative rodents are an exception).

Along with the advantages, the device also has a number of disadvantages:

  • It does not pass through walls, works only in one room;
  • The spectrum of action of ultrasonic waves is reduced if there are a lot of textiles, pulses, furniture and other foreign objects in the room.

Electromagnetic devices have a different operating principle. The device emits pulses that are transmitted over the wires within the same meter. Such impulses badly affect the nervous system of rodents, thereby creating an unfavorable habitat for them. As in the case of an ultrasonic device, in the first days of operation of rodents, it can become larger.

Repeller rats and mice, which is better, reviews

This is due to the fact that the impulses from the device "run" along the walls, between the voids in the building materials, and these are the favorite habitats of rodents. Electromagnetic impulses make mice and rats leave their favorite places in search of a way out, so they begin to creep out actively.If you need to buy quality goods, contact to a trusted device manufacturer.

Advantages of electromagnetic repellers:

  • No chemicals;
  • Non-stop works;
  • It has effects on crawling insects;
  • They get rid of rodents in the ceilings of the walls;
  • Large exposure radius;
  • Does not interfere with the operation of electrical appliances;
  • Safe for households and pets (except for decorative rodents)

Cons of the device:

You may be interested in:
  • The wiring should run along one wall at least. For more efficient work, it is necessary that the wiring passes over the entire area of ​​the room.

Despite the fact that the device has only one minus, it is very significant. Not always in residential premises there are all conditions for the operation of the device.

Combined repellers embody all the advantages of the two previous types, and compensates for their disadvantages. The combined rat and mouse repellers are universal in use and are suitable for use in any room.

Rat and mouse repeller reviews

How to choose a suitable repeller

To decide what kind of repeller to take, follow all the nuances of the room in which it will be installed. The most versatile are ultrasonic repellers or combined repellers. But, combined repellers are a little more expensive, therefore, which repeller of rats and mice is better, Malyshev’s reviews, many of them will prefer ultrasonic repellers. They are affordable, easy to use, effective, and not as fastidious as, for example, electromagnetic repellers. Quality device can be found here.

In order not to get into trouble with the selected repeller, you should carefully read the characteristics of the product. Which will help to understand whether the selected device will work effectively in the exact place where you are going to install it.

In the characteristics, the spectrum of action is always indicated, however, the area of ​​action is indicated with the expectation that the room will be empty. Therefore, before buying, you should evaluate the area taking into account its congestion with other objects.

Also, keep in mind what exactly is stored indoors. If the cause of the pest attack was the storage of products, then using an ultrasonic repeller with rats and mice, it will be possible to say goodbye only after 2 months, they will not leave quickly. And if there is no food in the room, then the rodents will leave faster, within two weeks.

Repellers of rats and mice, which is better, reviews say that some can work at low temperatures, for example, the Tornado, Spektr, Sonar models. Therefore, paying attention to this point is also worth it, especially if you plan to place the device where there are temperature differences.

Also, you should make sure that the action of the repeller does not affect pets in any way, if there are any in the house. For example, the ultrasound that domestic repellers publish is mostly heard by pets and will cause them discomfort. Therefore, it makes sense to see the products of foreign manufacturers. For humans, the ultrasound emitted by repellers of mice and rats is completely safe and not heard.

Reviews of those who have already used repellers

To understand which mice and rat repeller is better (reviews of a clean house), you should take into account the reviews of those who have already tried rodent repellers. Often in reviews you can find many recommendations, tips, and also find out if the device is effective.

Galina: I am a man of the old school, I am used to fighting rodents, which are constantly found in our country, using standard methods: mousetraps, chemicals.However, the mousetraps did not help to milk the desired result, and chemicals became unsafe to use after small grandchildren visited the cottage often. Well, you never know how much they’ll climb into, and God forbid poison? I was always skeptical of any new-fangled devices like rodent repellents. But, the children insisted that I buy this small device. They persuaded me for a long time, as a result they bought three repellers for rodents “Tornado” themselves.

Two in the room and one in the kitchen, the most favorite places for rodents in my country house. In the kitchen and in one of the rooms, the appliance began to work gradually. At first there was a major rodent raid, but the children explained that this was normal and would soon be gone. In the other room, I did not find any changes at all. It turns out that we installed the repeller in the wrong place, upholstered furniture blocked the action of ultrasonic waves. I had to do a permutation, since there are few sockets in the room. Having freed up the area for the repeller, the rodents began to gradually resort. A month later, I completely stopped noticing mice or rats. In the kitchen, droppings disappeared in the shelves, bags of groats are whole. So the device worked. We almost never turn it off, we are afraid that the mouse will return. In general, a good device, the main thing that works and copes with pests!

how rat and mouse repeller works

Igor: On the advice of a neighbor, I bought myself an ultrasonic repeller in the garage. I do not understand the types of this device that I was advised to take. Although in the store, the consultants also offered me an electromagnetic device. As I understand it, there is a lot of fuss with such a device, if the wiring is somehow wrong in the wall, the device will not work. I bought two devices at once, for sure. The mice left the garage somewhere in about three weeks. The only negative is that, probably, my dog ​​heard this ultrasound, already whimpered when he was in the garage, it was clear that he was somehow not comfortable. Now I just do not let the dog in the garage. Otherwise, a good device is better than any mousetraps.

Lera: I live on the ground floor, there are cellars below us, so rodents are our frequent guests. At first I used a mousetrap, and everything was fine with me. Then there were more mice, and they, apparently, learned to bypass this contraption. I began to search on the Internet for various methods of controlling rodents (otherwise I was already tired of cleaning up their droppings, not to mention the fact that I was scared of them), I came across reviews about ultrasonic repellers. They are safe for humans, they don’t take up much space, I don’t have any pets, I think we should try. For a long time I chose which repeller of mice and rats is better, according to reviews I found the most about the Tornado, and bought it. I was pleased, glad that the reviews were not deceived. The device is working properly, and most importantly, no more mice from the basement!

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