Description and description of the tomato "Grandma"

12.03.2018 Tomatoes

Tomato Babushkino can rightfully be called the favorite of gardeners and, despite the appearance of numerous productive hybrids, he is always in the lead.

Characteristics and description of the variety

This tomato is not included in the State Register, but this does not in any way affect its popularity. Seeds are usually purchased through collectors, and then many gardeners collect their seed material.

The plant is powerful, tall, so immediately you need to think through issues with supports and garter. One of the best options is to grow Babushkino on a trellis. Tomato belongs to the varieties of indeterminate type, grows in greenhouses up to 2.2-2.5 meters.

In open ground, it is usually grown in the southern regions, where the height of the plant may be slightly lower. In Central Russia, as well as in all regions to the north, in the Urals, in Siberia, it is recommended that Babushkino grow tomatoes only in film or polycarbonate greenhouses.

ON A NOTE! The variety is unpretentious, resistant to many diseases. But at the same time, preventive measures cannot be excluded from agricultural technology.

The bushiness of the bush is medium, leaf blades are small, dark green in color. Up to 10-12 brushes are formed on one bush, plants themselves are usually formed in two stems.

The fruits of the variety Babushkino are rounded, slightly flattened, there is a slight ribbing near the peduncle itself. By weight - usually fruits reach 300-350 grams, but there may be more "weighty" specimens - up to 600-800 grams.

The skin color is bright red, with a pink tint. The peel is dense, just as dense, fleshy and juicy is the pulp of tomatoes. The taste is excellent, with a very bright tomato aroma. In some fruits, a slight acidity may be felt.

There are few cameras, seeds (especially in the fruits of the first brushes) are also very few. The fruits of the Babushkino variety contain a large amount of solids, so tomatoes are stored well (up to two months).

The purpose of tomatoes is universal, but basically Babushkino’s fruits are still used for juices, mashed potatoes, sauces. They are tasty in salads, and small tomatoes are suitable for canning. Pickled tomatoes are delicious, while they can be rolled whole (small fruits), or in sliced ​​form.

Pros and Cons of Babushkino Variety Tomato

One of the main advantages of this tomato variety is its unpretentiousness. Grandmother’s “succeeds” everyone, and experienced gardeners, and those who have only mastered the “tomato” science, have appreciated it.

Bred almost two decades ago, this tomato pleases with its productivity, and resistance to various weather troubles, to diseases, as well as delicious fruits.

Also in the "pluses" we bring:

  • universality of the use of fruits of the variety;
  • excellent taste;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to return frosts;
  • the ability to collect their seeds (Grandma’s is a variety, not an F1 hybrid).

The variety is mid-season, the first fruits, and they are usually very large and fleshy, are removed from this tomato already for 115-120 days. Therefore, it is possible to grow the Babushkino variety in regions with a short summer. The undoubted “plus” is the keeping quality of the fruits and their suitability for transportation. At the same time, the fruits of Babushkino retain their excellent taste, and do not lose their presentation.

The disadvantages are not so significant, but they are.First of all, it should be noted that such a tomato variety needs high-quality nutrition. Numerous fruit brushes on the bush is very important to provide with all the necessary substances, so nitrogen, phosphorus and especially potassium should be abundant.

ON A NOTE! With a lack of potassium in the fruits of the tomato, yellow spots may appear near the stalk. This is a signal that you need to make the necessary feeding.

It is also very important to ensure regular watering, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Judging by the reviews, with poorly organized irrigation, the fruits can crack. The seeds inside the pulp are very few, and if it is good for food, then in another matter - the collection of seeds, a problem is created. Typically, seeds from a variety are taken from fruits that are formed on 4-5 brushes, and not on the first.

Some consider the “minus” of Babushkino’s tomato to be necessary to form a plant, but this is a condition for a high yield.

Some recommendations for the cultivation of tomato Babushkino

Conventional agricultural technology involves the preparation of tomato seedlings, planting it in a greenhouse, quality care.

Preparing seeds for sowing

First you need to calculate the timing of sowing Babushkino seedlings. The best time is considered the end of March or the beginning of April, but it is important to take into account the peculiarities of your region.

In most areas, when growing greenhouse tomatoes, they are planted in a permanent place in May (mid or end of the month), but adjustments are possible. For example, in the Northwest do not rush, even if tomatoes are grown in shelters, otherwise you will have to additionally protect the seedlings with covering materials.

Having determined the deadlines, they prepare the soil, containers, where tomatoes will be sown, and also carry out all the necessary measures with seeds.

  1. For disinfection, seeds are immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate (1-2%), while strictly maintaining the time - no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Germinate in wet tissue.

You can soak in growth stimulants (Zircon, Epin), also an ash solution is suitable for these purposes. Some gardeners use aloe juice or honey solution to stimulate the germination of tomatoes.

Soil is also prepared in advance by buying it in specialized stores or by harvesting it yourself. Store mixes are convenient, but it is very important that they include not only peat or land, but also humus, baking powder. If the mixture is peaty, then river sand, humus, and earth are added to it (usually sheet or turf is used).

IMPORTANT! Any soil needs to be disinfected, for which a saturated solution of potassium permanganate is used. Be sure to follow the order: they warm the soil, spill, and only then, if necessary, apply fertilizers (for example, superphosphate).

Tomato seeds are sown in the prepared soil no earlier than 3-4 days after its disinfection. You can sow first in common boxes (containers), and then later to dive seedlings.

Child hands putting tomato seeds into fertile soil in germination tray

Temperature for seed germination: + 25ºC ... + 27ºC, while the containers on top can be covered with film or glass. As soon as the tomato Babushkino gives the first shoots, the shelter is removed, and the boxes are exposed. During this period, the temperature is reduced to + 17ºC ... + 18ºC, the period is up to 4 days. This is done so that the tomatoes do not stretch, are stronger.

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After 4-5 days, the temperature regime is again returned to + 23ºC ... + 25ºC, avoiding drops. Seedlings before picking are watered infrequently, trying to slightly moisten the soil, while not getting on the plants themselves.

Dive Features

When grown in common crates, as well as when sowing seeds in separate small pots, tomatoes need to be dived.Traditionally, this procedure involves transplanting seedlings into larger vessels, as well as pinching the central root. But here, every gardener acts independently and usually everything is limited only to a transplant.

The time of picking tomatoes is the appearance of 2-3 real leaves in seedlings. You can not delay with a transplant, otherwise the plants may stretch. After a dive, the tomatoes are slightly covered from bright light, they are not watered for a couple of days so that the seedlings take root more quickly and grow.

We look after seedlings

Further care for the tomatoes on the window comes down to maintaining the optimum temperature, watering, top dressing. If the seedlings together grow, their stems are strong, then top dressing is not carried out.

If there is a need to apply fertilizers, it is best to use complex formulations that contain all the elements necessary for tomatoes.

About 10-12 days before the estimated date of planting tomatoes begin to harden them. To do this, the tomatoes are taken out to fresh air (on the balcony, veranda) so that they get used to the new conditions. The first time will be enough 15-20 minutes, then the duration is adjusted to several hours.

If the weather is warm in May and there is no cold, you can take the tomatoes directly into the greenhouse, leaving them under cover for the whole day. Still, it is advisable to bring them into the room at night.

We plant Grandma’s tomato in the greenhouse

The main "assistant" in determining the timing of planting tomatoes - these are indicators of air and soil temperature. At a depth of 8-10 cm, the soil should warm up to + 14ºC ... + 16ºC.

There are no special problems with seasoned tomatoes, seedlings are planted in the holes and after a few days the wine that plants have taken root and are actively growing further. Planting scheme for varieties Babushkino: 80x50 cm, and such distances are recommended to be observed.

Wells are shed with water, a handful of humus, a spoonful of ash or superphosphate are poured into it, everything is mixed and then a tomato is planted. Sprinkle the roots with earth, compact. Well, if you use mulch (grass, peat), and then the plants can be immediately mulched.

For about 5-6 days, the bushes are not watered, and then traditional care begins.

Growing in a greenhouse: recommendations

Grandma’s tomato needs regular and plentiful watering. In a greenhouse, they are usually carried out twice a week, focusing on the condition of the plants, as well as on weather conditions. It is important to avoid waterlogging of the soil, therefore they mulch, and also do not forget to ventilate the greenhouses. Tomatoes love drafts, and on hot days it is recommended to leave the window leaves and shelter doors open even at night.

As a top dressing, mullein is used, which is bred in water (1:20), complex fertilizers (for example, nitrophos). The first top dressing is carried out no earlier than 18 days after planting the tomatoes, the next - after about 10-14 days. Potassium fertilizers are added to the second feeding, and potassium and phosphorus are added to the third.

IMPORTANT! Tomatoes need nitrogen fertilizers only in the first growing season. Starting from the moment of budding, it is desirable to include formulations containing potassium, phosphorus. An excellent result gives the use of ash.

To increase productivity, the tomato can be sprayed with compounds with iodine (during flowering), as well as with boric acid. Dusting the soil with ash, on the one hand, is an additional nutrition for plants, on the other hand, it protects against diseases.

This tomato is formed, as already noted, in two stems. Be sure to remove the stepsons, also remove all the lower leaves from the stem (to the first brush). Do this gradually so that the plants do not experience stress.

Harvesting of fruits is carried out both in an already ripe form and in a state of technical ripeness (green). This variety ripens well indoors, in addition, timely cleaning allows other fruits to grow faster.

With plans to take seeds from the plant, the leaves are left on the bush (on the fourth or fifth brush) for full ripening.Then they are removed, ripened and seeds are selected from the pulp.

Reviews about tomato Babushkino

Galina, Vladimir

I read about this tomato in various forums, I decided to write out the seeds. Came from Redko, planted in a greenhouse. Very fruitful tomato, not sick. Last year I had late blight, and Grandma’s - at least that! Not even a single bush got sick, which I was very glad about. His taste is normal, tomato. Ate in salads, I take other tomatoes for harvesting. This year I planted soot again, took its seeds.


Marina, Leningrad Region

The neighbor gave seeds, she praised the variety very much. Now I fell in love with him. The bush is powerful, in the greenhouse I grew in two stems (and probably should have been three), it waved under two meters. The fruits are round, raspberry red, weighing about 350 grams each. Very smooth turned out. Fleshy and tastes - awesomely sweet. Each brush had 4 or 5 fruits. Planting again, if everything is the same, then this is definitely my tomato.


Love, Podolsk

I really love this tomato variety. And although he has a drawback - yellow shoulders (I just can’t get rid of them), I still grow Grandma’s (up to 10 bushes every year). I chased him for a long time, really wanted to try and be convinced of the sweets. Yes, indeed, the tomato is sweet, while I always have tomatoes not red, but red. The variety is very decent, I have it growing for the sixth year. Not going to refuse.

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