Description and description of tomato "Wild blue cards"

29.01.2018 Tomatoes

Exotic tomatoes have come into our lives. It is difficult to surprise a professional agronomist with an ordinary tomato variety. A variety of American origin, Wild Blue Cards, is part of the rare tomato group.

Characteristic of tomato "Wild blue cards"

The tomato is mid-season, tall. The height of the bushes reaches 1.2-1.8 m. Equally fruiting in open and closed ground. Resistant to various weather conditions. Leaves are no different from ordinary tomato leaves. The stalks are powerful, leafy average. To get a good harvest, it is recommended to form a plant in two stems. You can collect ripe fruits for 111-125 days, from the appearance of seedlings of tomato sprouts.

Fruits are rounded and rounded with flatness. A memorable element of the tomato is the color. One part of the fruit is colored in purple, and the other in red or burgundy. Violet color prevails in those parts of the fruit where the sun's rays directly fall on the tomato. The flesh is dark red, the core is a light red hue. The seeds are yellow and are in a green shell. The taste of tomato is sweet with a slight acidity, which is difficult to notice.

The weight of one tomato is on average from 80 to 120 grams, but with good nutrition, the fruits increase in weight. Harvest from one bush in the formation of 6-8 brushes, is 5-6 kg. On one brush 5-6 fruits are formed. The plant is resistant to major diseases of tomatoes. Plant 4 sprouts per 1 m². Used fresh and cooking preserves.

Tips for growing and caring for a tomato

  1. Preparation for planting any vegetable in the garden begins in the fall. For tomatoes, it is also necessary to prepare the soil in advance. On open ground, plowing is carried out, if possible, fertilized with organic fertilizers.
  2. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a growth stimulator, which will make the plant more resistant. You can use "Epin-extra." To prepare the solution, you need 100 ml. water and 1-2 drops of drugs, soak the seeds for 4-5 hours. Seeds in the soil are placed to a depth of 1 cm. You can sow the seeds with a pick and without, as it suits you. Without picking, plants worry less.
  3. The air temperature during sowing should be 24-25 degrees, after germination, reduce it to 20 degrees. Before planting in open ground for 8-10 days, it is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature in the greenhouse to 13-15 degrees. This process is called hardening of the plant. It is necessary so that the plant on the open ground quickly adapts. Water the seedlings only with warm water.
  4. Before planting, complex fertilizers (a mixture of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus top dressing) are added to the wells with a flow rate of 30-40 grams per 1 m². Tall plants are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. Pegs are placed near the bushes, to which plants will be tied as they grow.
  5. During the period of gaining green mass, it is necessary to constantly stepchain the plant and tie it to the established support. Watering the plants should be moderate, you do not need to fill the plants. To increase the yield, it is necessary to fertilize the tomato during flowering and the formation of fruits. You can use "Monophosphate" - a water-soluble fertilizer. For 1 m² you will need 10-15 grams of fertilizer and 10 liters. water.
  6. Loosen the soil throughout the entire period of growth and fruit formation. The pest of the tomato is most often the Colorado potato beetle. Pest drugs: Colorado, Anti Beetle, Prestige.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Wild Blue Cards variety has the following advantages:

  • excellent presentation;
  • good taste;
  • disease resistance;
  • tolerance of various weather conditions, it grows well, both in a shaded place and in the sun;

The disadvantage of tomato, like any plant, is the attraction of pests that can ruin the crop.

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Raisa Ivanovna:

The Wild Blue Cards variety mesmerized with its unusual color. We used to plant red and pink tomatoes, and here such an unusual violet-red color, of course, I wanted to try it. I bought one bag for testing. Out of 10 seeds, 8 sprouted. Planted seeds in peat pots. She looked after an ordinary tall tomato, loosened the ground, planted, tied, watered the plant. The fruits grew medium, although several large bushes came across several bushes. The taste is ordinary, I did not notice any specific notes. Pleased with the color of the tomato. Harvested a good, but not high. Next year I will order this variety again.


Marina Alexandrovna:

Rare varieties of tomatoes are my weakness. Every year I buy various unusual tomatoes. This year I bought the Wild Blue Cards variety. Really struck by the color scheme of the fruit. The taste is wonderful. Used a tomato for various salads. I liked the variety.

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