Tomato Jelimber: characteristics and description of the variety (photo)

26.02.2018 Tomatoes

Jelimber tomatoes are popular among gardeners due to their pleasant taste and high yield. Some varieties do not require special care and in practice show resistance to diseases. You can find only positive reviews about this tomato variety due to its high yield.

Jelimber tomatoes are considered medium to medium early. They grow well in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, as evidenced by the characteristics and description. The yield of the variety is quite high, which makes these tomatoes popular. In the photo of tomatoes, you can see beautiful dark pink fruits.

Description of the variety and features of its cultivation

Tomatoes of this variety must be planted in a timely manner. In height, they reach up to a meter. Variety bushes can be formed with a maximum of three stems to get a quality crop. The plant has a dense foliage, the fruits have a dark crimson color. Tomatoes have a flat rounded shape. They are quite large. The size of one fruit is an average of 2500 grams. Depending on the care of the plant and the conditions created, the weight of a tomato can reach 300 grams.

Juicy and fleshy fruits have a pleasant taste, have a dense peel. Thanks to its excellent qualities, attractive appearance and rich taste, Jelimber is used to make salads, fresh pasta and sauce. Tomatoes can be served fresh and as a decoration for dishes. Colorful tomatoes are popular, in demand.

Tomatoes of this variety differ in the method of cultivation. Gardeners, knowing about these characteristic features, are actively applying in practice. In most cases, Jelimber tomatoes are grown in greenhouses, seedlings, adhering to this scheme.

Interesting! Jelimber loves average air temperature, so before planting, gardeners take into account humidity and air temperature. A favorable climate for the growth of this tomato is the central region of Russia.

To get a good crop, you need to start the sowing process around March. Gardeners use wooden crates, or plastic cups for growing seedlings, which are medium-branched. After hardening, it is necessary to transplant into open ground.

In order for the seedlings to grow strong and get enough nutrition, 4 sprouts per square meter are planted. As soon as 8 leaves are formed, the first flowering begins to appear, and later it is noted every 2 leaves. Tomatoes require regular maintenance. In order for the soil to receive sufficient nutrition, it must be loosened. With constant and regular care, one bush of tomato Jelimber gives at least 3 kg.

There is another way to grow crops - seedling. With this planting scheme, special grooves with holes are created in the open ground. In order for the soil to be favorable for seeds, it must be provided with proper nutrition.

Summer residents use ashes and fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium as fertilizers. Preparations can be purchased in special stores for gardeners. After the soil is ready, you can begin the process of watering and sowing. In each hole you need to put a few seeds, sprinkle with earth and water.

It is advisable to check the acidity of the soil before planting. Soil condition must be taken care of before sowing, as tomatoes do not like acid soil.You can check the acidity using special indicators, then apply a solution to neutralize the soil. For these purposes, a remedy from water and apple cider vinegar is suitable. Ready-made mixtures are sold in stores that help normalize the acid-base environment in the soil.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Each type of plant has both positive and negative properties. Jelimber tomatoes have the following advantages:

You may be interested in:
  • great taste;
  • fruits are smooth, without cracks;
  • high productivity;
  • Do not spoil for a long time;
  • demonstrate resistance to temperature extremes and diseases.
Jelimber tomatoes have one drawback - tall bushes often break. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to tie in time. It is this minus that makes some summer residents refuse to grow Jelimber. In the process of tying, it is worth sticking to a special technique so as not to damage the bushes with tomatoes.

Gardeners tie up a plant if grown in greenhouse conditions. For this process, you need to take a strong wide tape, cord, thread from twisted fibers. To start the garter, initially install a rail, which should be at some distance from the root of the plant. Then, you need to take a stalk of tomato, tied with a rope. It is not necessary to tie it up strongly, since it is possible to damage the bush. Around the rail in several knots tied with a ribbon.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tomatoes showed excellent resistance to various diseases and pests. In the autumn period, the plant is exposed to such a disease as late blight. To reduce the risk of damage, gardeners should plant a tomato away from potatoes. Phytophthora first affects potato tubers, and tomatoes become infected if they are close. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of diseases in a tomato.

These include - temperature drops, high humidity, an excess of nitrogen. Larvae of jaguar and aphid also harm tomato leaves. So that the soil does not become a favorable environment for the emergence of larvae, it must be fertilized in time and ensure comfortable conditions. To get rid of the disease, pests, you can use folk remedies. Water copes well with garlic, soapy water or vinegar.

Interesting! You can use a special container for spraying the prepared product. This can be used only if the summer resident noticed the first signs of the disease. In other cases, you can use insecticides, which can be purchased at the store.

Tips and tricks for summer residents

Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting Jelimber tomato on a bed next to bell peppers, nightshade and eggplant. To get a good harvest, you can plant on a bed with onions, lettuce and carrots. Mustard or coriander with a specific smell can help attract the insects necessary for pollination of the crop. If these remedies do not help, then you can independently pollinate by shaking the plant.

Buying seeds in the process of growing tomatoes is a responsible matter, since the quantity of the harvest will depend on the quality of the planting material. Seeds must be in a special tightly sealed package. Some summer residents make a purchase on the Internet. But before ordering such a product, you should read the reviews of those who have already purchased and sowed these seeds.

On official portals and in specialized stores, quality is always monitored, because, otherwise, customer confidence will be lost and, accordingly, negative reviews may appear.In such stores there are certificates that confirm the authenticity of the seeds and their high quality.

If the soil is not fertile, then you can use the simple method - sprinkle the holes with ash. Thanks to this method, the plant will receive vitamins and minerals that affect the quality and yield. These indicators can also be achieved through the selection of quality seeds. Due attention must be paid to this process, as productivity will depend on the quality of the seeds.

Important! Fruits grown both in soil and in the greenhouse ripen very early. Experienced gardeners know that tomatoes can be stored for a long time in a sterilized jar and in a cool place. As such, tomato Jelimber will remain fresh for 3 months. Mistresses can make pasta from fresh tomatoes and serve with fried dishes, pasta. At the same time, your homework will be delighted with the aromatic taste of dishes.

At the portals, summer residents share their impressions regarding the Dzheliber variety. It is worth noting that the reviews are mostly positive. Many gardeners note excellent and pleasant taste, as well as high productivity. Some write that you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort on caring for the plant, but at the same time you can get a good harvest. Others complain that it takes time to garter and pinch the plant. Before you decide to land, you can weigh the pros and cons.

If you ignore the garter process, then the bushes break, and the quality of the fruits deteriorates accordingly. Growing a tomato Jelimber is a private matter for everyone, but a beginner summer resident can get recommendations and advice from those who have already planted and have extensive experience.

Tomatoes of this variety perfectly tolerate transportation and do not lose their taste for a long time. Based on these indicators, the variety is popular not only among summer residents. It is grown by many businessmen and gives a good profit. The use of tomato Jelimber due to the fact that it includes vitamins and minerals. It can be consumed fresh.

Many gardeners who lead a healthy lifestyle and prefer to use dietary food, prefer a tomato of this particular variety. After eating Jelimber tomato, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day.

So, from the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion. In order to get an excellent harvest, you need to take a responsible approach to buying seeds, check the expiration date and carefully study the indicators indicated on the package. Timely care, the use of fertilizer, as well as watering, tying will help to harvest a good crop and enjoy the Jelimber tomato.

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