Description and description of the tomato "Tempter"

21.02.2018 Tomatoes

The tempter is a mid-season variety with yellow fruits. The period from the appearance of the first sprouts to fruiting is 110-115 days. Designed for growing in a greenhouse.

The bush of this plant is tall and it needs a mandatory garter to the support and pinching. The best fruiting results were shown when forming in one or two stems.

Advice! If you want to get large fruits, you should grow the plant in one stem and pick off the extra ovaries.

The fruits of the Tempter are large, the shape is flat-round, slightly ribbed. In ripe form, they have a yellow-orange color and a mass of 300-400 g. Some specimens can grow up to 800 g. The fruits have delicate pulp and excellent taste. They are used both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of various sauces and juices.

Interesting! Another name for the tomato, which is often found in seed catalogs, is “Snake the Tempter”. Growing healthy tomato seedlings

First of all, you should prepare the seeds of the vegetable for growing in a film greenhouse. To do this, they need to be selected by placing 5% in saline. Ten minutes later, seeds that have surfaced should be removed. After performing this procedure, they need to be laid out on a damp cloth, cover with another and left for 20 hours in a warm place. All seeds are ready for planting.

The landing process itself

  • First of all, you should take the container and place the prepared soil in it and how to shake it. This is necessary for a perfectly flat surface. Next, it is tedious to spread the seeds on the surface of the soil.
  • The next step is to treat the seeds with a weak potassium permanganate solution. To do this, spray seeds with a spray gun.
  • Then you should fill everything with a layer of substrate, 1 cm thick. Then, cover the container with a film and put it in a warm place. No lighting is needed at this stage. Seed care consists in checking them once and every 2-3 days and spraying them using warm water.

Attention! At this time, you should pay attention to the "caps" from the peel of the seeds. They can be a hindrance to the opening of leaves. They must be moistened with water and very carefully removed.

With the advent of the first sprouts, you should remove the film from the container, reduce the temperature and add lighting.

  • When the first true leaves appear on plants, gently pick. To do this, you can use all the small containers that are in the house: plastic cups, bags, plastic bottles.

Attention! There is only one difficulty in growing plants in plastic cups - due to the small volume, the soil can dry out and crack. To prevent this, you can apply granulated tea remaining after brewing. This unusual method of mulching will allow you to better save moisture.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

The best time for planting seedlings in a film greenhouse is April-early May.

Important! The soil should be heated to a temperature of +15 degrees. If you neglect this rule, then the plants may not take root, as there is a possibility of root decay.

Room preparation:

  • in greenhouses covered with a film, the coating is replaced;
  • carry out sanitization;
  • carry out adjustment of the irrigation and ventilation system.

First of all, you need to make holes, the depth of which is 20-25 cm. The distance is about 70-90.And the distance between the bushes can be left about 30-35 cm.

Advice! Before planting, the soil of the greenhouse should be well fertilized, then there will be no problems with a lack of nutrients during the fruiting season and active growth.

The next stage is directly planting seedlings. Tanks are brought into the room, planted in prepared holes and we carry out the garter. To do this, hang the hooks and, having wound the rope around them, lower it to the plant. Tie a bush as low as possible.

Creating a favorable microclimate for tomatoes in the greenhouse

  1. Lighting requirement. Tomatoes are photophilous plants. It is important not to overdo it with the lighting. With its excess, the leaves can increase, but there will be no ovary.
  2. Temperature. It is considered the most favorable - 22-25 degrees during the day and 16-18 degrees at night.
  3. Humidity. The most optimal humidity is 60%. Large - can lead to cracking of the fruit.

Watering Rules

Plants need water at a time when the fruits are "poured." But, excess moisture can lead to late blight and brown spotting.

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The watering schedule can be made as follows:

  • from April to early July - once every three days;
  • from July to August - once every 4-5 days;
  • from August to September - once every 5-6 days.

Diseases That Affect Tomatoes

White spotting

Signs: stems with leaves are covered with dirty white small spots with a dark border. And by the end of summer, small black dots appear.

How to fight: this disease can be defeated by spraying with such means - 1% Bordeaux liquid or 0.5% copper chloroxy.

Black spotting

This disease depresses the stems, as well as the fruits of tomatoes. Initially, dark spots appear on the petioles. The spread of the disease is largely dependent on the weather. High humidity is a favorable environment for him.

How to fight: Spraying is carried out, as is the case with white spotting.


This disease most often affects shoots of tomatoes. The lower part of the stem begins to darken. Appears due to excess moisture.

How to fight:

  • sanitization of soil and seeds before planting;
  • moderate watering;
  • airing the room in which seedlings grow;
  • avoid shading.

Vertex rot

It occurs in a dry climate, low humidity. It appears on the top of the fruit - it is covered with hard, brown spots. They infect all the flesh of a tomato.

How to deal: provide the plant with the necessary moisture.


Brown spots appear on the fruits, in the future they affect the entire pulp of the tomato.

How to fight: It is necessary to spray tomatoes with a solution of phytosporin. You can also add the drug to water and water the tomatoes. This will help remove all fungal spores from the soil.


Vladimir, 52 years old

I bought tomato seedlings on the market on the advice of a neighbor in the country. Planted in a greenhouse. Since this variety is not resistant to disease, he carried out disinfection. Bushes tied up immediately after planting. In general, I liked the variety, the fruits are delicious.


Olga, 40 years old

I ordered seeds in the online store, because I really liked the reviews. Grown in a small film greenhouse. The plant is rather capricious and requires a lot of attention, but it pleased the harvest. We ate the whole family tomatoes, in addition, I prepared a lot of juices and ketchups.

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