Tomato Stone flower: characteristics of the variety (photo)

24.02.2018 Tomatoes

America is the birthplace of this tomato, and indeed, most varieties of tomatoes. In countries of Western Europe for a long time it was believed that this plant is poisonous and unsuitable for human consumption. However, later this myth was scattered, and tomato cultivation became widespread. Among them is the tomato variety, which was bred in Bulgaria.

In Russia, this variety appeared much later, however, it is still very popular. Many note that the process of planting and care does not require increased attention from gardeners. Special difficulties in the cultivation of this variety in Russian farmers did not arise.

Description and description of the variety "Stone Flower"

A tomato variety like Stone Flower is very difficult to describe in detail. The fact is that recently, such a variety of tomatoes that are similar to each other in taste and cultivation principle has often been bred that it becomes difficult to identify any features that would seem unusual against the background of other tomatoes.

However, in spite of the fact that this variety has very few characteristic qualities characteristic of it that would distinguish it among others in a certain way, the Stone Flower still has its own “zest”, which is unique to it.

If you follow all the technologies for growing this variety, then later you can count on a good harvest. In addition, these tomatoes perfectly tolerate long-term storage and transportation.


“Stone flower” refers to those varieties of tomatoes whose stems and leaves are constantly growing. For this reason, the plant often reaches one and a half meters above the ground and above. This feature of this variety suggests that the plant will have to be pruned periodically, and its stems will need to be properly tied.

The fruit of this variety looks smooth and without obvious roughness on the surface of the skin. The color of the tomato is classic red, and each fruit weighs about 200–250 g, however, there can also be specimens that reach up to 300 g or even 400 g in weight. As a rule, this happens if you regularly water the plant and feed it and provide the most favorable conditions for growth and fruiting. The tomato does not taste different from other varieties; it has the same sweet-sour taste.

Productivity of the Stone Flower variety

As a rule, the main indicator of any crop is its productivity. Speaking about this variety, it is worth noting that with proper care and compliance with agricultural technology for the "Stone Flower" you can not worry, because it gives a plentiful and excellent quality crop. Specialists call this variety high-yielding, because on one bush you can find up to 15 fruits of this tomato.

In this case, getting a crop is not so difficult, it is enough to follow elementary procedures that must be carried out in a timely manner. First of all, this includes the technology of planting this plant, creating the necessary temperature regime, as well as regular watering.

Under these conditions, one bush can produce up to 4-5 kg ​​of tomatoes. Moreover, with 1 square. meters can be collected in one season up to 20 kg of fruit.

Which areas are most favorable for cultivating the Stone Flower variety?

Bulgaria is the birthplace of this variety, however, not only in this country are favorable conditions for the cultivation of Stone Flower tomatoes. According to many professional gardeners, this variety can also be grown in many regions of Western Europe, as well as in Russia. Bulgarian climatic conditions are not the only ones in which the "Stone Flower" can bear fruit well. As a rule, this tomato variety is grown in the northern regions of our country, as well as in the middle lane.

Despite the fact that the culture is not fastidious and quickly adapts to new conditions, it is nevertheless necessary to use special films that are important for covering the plant in order to protect it from possible frosts.

Important! Also in cold times, you can grow this variety in greenhouses, in which it will also be necessary to maintain the temperature.

Features of cultivating the variety "Stone Flower" and how to care for it

No matter how good a crop the tomato variety promises with its characteristics, it can be achieved only if all the necessary work is done correctly and the seeds of this plant are subjected to preliminary preparation.

When growing tomato varieties "Stone Flower" must comply with certain rules. In order to get maximum fruit from the “Stone Flower”, watering and garter of bushes should be carried out in a timely manner. An important factor is the preparation of the soil, increasing its fertility, as well as the addition of special fertilizers to improve the properties of the soil, or lower its acidity. It is necessary to devote a lot of time to how correctly the seedlings are planted.

On a note! It is best to dry the seeds from the previous crop, and then plant them for the second time in the same soil. The fact is that such seeds have already adapted to the characteristics of a particular soil and have a certain immunity, so it is likely that plants that grow from this batch of seeds will give an excellent harvest.
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What is the timing of planting seedlings

The Stone Flower tomatoes are mid-season, so it makes sense to wait for the moment when they ripen completely. However, planting directly in open ground, it is necessary to prepare seeds in about a few months. It is possible to plant this variety in greenhouse conditions, but seedlings must be dealt with in advance.

In order to improve the properties of the future plant, it is recommended to soak tomato seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. To increase the fertility of the soil into which planting is planned, it is necessary to calcine the soil with an oven. When it is time to plant, you need to make small dimples and place seeds in them. After that, cover the seeds with a special film to create the necessary microclimate inside. After the first few small leaves appear, you can dive the plant. At this stage, the plant is already ready for planting on open ground.

If you prefer to buy seeds, then by all means pay increased attention to their quality. On Russian sites specializing in the supply of seeds of plants of different varieties, you can not only order quality products, but also see which varieties are the most productive.


How quickly the Stone Flower tomato ripens

After planting, you must wait about 3 months to achieve full ripening of this tomato variety.This variety can be planted in the greenhouse already in mid-May, and when planting in open ground, it is better to do this in early June. Each square meter should be occupied by no more than four bushes of the plant, since the branches of such tomatoes are very sprawling and require a lot of free space.

Interesting! If the stems are too large, do not prune them. It is best to throw a long branch over the crossbar and bend at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, fix and leave in this position.

Top dressing of tomatoes of the Stone Flower variety

Before selecting the necessary fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account some features of the soil, climatic conditions in which this variety of tomato grows directly. Plant nutrition should be as follows:

One and a half weeks after the direct planting of the plants, it is necessary to enrich the soil with natural nutrients, among which bird droppings have become most popular.

However, before this, the soil must be mulched.

  1. After two weeks after the ovaries have formed, it is necessary to fertilize the soil.
  2. It consists of chicken droppings, a solution of manganese and copper sulfate.
  3. At the harvesting stage, fertilizers must be applied in the amount of 2.5 liters.


After the first flowering of the plant, it is necessary to carefully form bushes. It is extremely necessary to do this because if the plant is given free rein, then it will direct all its forces exclusively to the nutrition of green leaves, and not to the growth and strengthening of the fruits.

The tomato variety "Stone Flower" throughout the process of growth gives more and more shoots. Those that are on the side are particularly actively developing, and it is precisely to them that more attention needs to be paid. To get a good harvest, you need to use herding.

It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If the plant is grown in Central Russia, then the shoots, as a rule, actively begin to grow around the middle of summer, while they do not have time to properly form and mature. For this reason, excess lateral processes are simply recommended to be cut off. In addition, experienced gardeners recommend pinching the places where the lateral shoots grow most actively, so that the plant does not spend food and strength on their growth.
  2. When growing plants in the conditions of Central Russia, it is necessary to leave several stems on one bush. If the gardener plans to leave one stem in one bush, then it is best to plant the Stone Flower tomato sprouts as densely as possible to each other.
Such an unusual variety is liked by many lovers of this delicious vegetable. Its cultivation does not require too much labor and time. In connection with the simplicity of caring for the plant, even a novice gardener who has no experience in this matter will be able to grow this variety of tomatoes.

Reviews about the tomato "Stone Flower"

Reviews about this variety of tomatoes are quite diverse.

Irina Konstantinovna, 64 years old. Saratov region:

“I really like to constantly experiment in the garden. Therefore, I often try to plant some unusual varieties. I like to plant tomatoes, and I decided to try the Stone Flower variety. Tomato did not give me unnecessary trouble, it’s a pleasure to grow its bottom! Next year I will plant only him. ”

Elena Serafimovna, 43 years old. Reutov city, Moscow region:

“Tomato has a very pleasant aroma of freshness, but I did not find any interesting flavors that are usually found in other varieties of tomatoes. However, quite large fruits grew, it was enough for the whole family with interest, moreover, it remained for conservation. I think that next year I will plant it again. I’ve already prepared the seeds. "

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