Tomato New generation Burchema: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

3.02.2018 Tomatoes

What only varieties of tomato does not exist. There are early, middle, late. Summer residents of the whole variety will be able to choose the best option. Tomato The new generation of Burcham is unique. The fruits have a delicious aroma. The variety is resistant to diseases and gives a good harvest.Tomato The new generation of Burcham attracts the attention of many summer residents. The variety is high yielding. If you follow the cultivation technology, you can easily harvest a rich crop.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The variety is considered mid-season. The bushes are spreading, up to 1.8 meters high. The fruit ripens for 105 days.

The fruits are fleshy, pink in color, rounded in shape. The weight of a tomato can be from 400 grams to 1.2 kg. Tomatoes have a great taste, pleasant aroma.

The variety is grown everywhere, it is resistant to many diseases, can resist viruses. Crops can grow in any climate. Experts recommend growing the variety in greenhouses. The fruits are well stored, have a presentation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Each variety has its advantages and disadvantages. As for the merits, experts call the following:

  • the variety is high-yielding;
  • resistant to cracking;
  • able to withstand many diseases.

No flaws were identified.

Growing Features

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. It is advisable to start planting work in March. The time for planting seeds depends on when it is planned to transfer the seedlings to the ground.

It must be remembered that plants need light and heat. The optimum temperature for growing seedlings is 20-25 degrees.

Pay attention, if you plant the seeds too early, the seedlings will be overgrown, stretch, weaken. In addition, the plants take root poorly and can break.

The choice of site should be approached carefully. The best predecessors for tomatoes are cucumbers, cabbage, onions. It is not advisable to grow tomatoes after potatoes, eggplant, pepper, physalis.

It is necessary to prepare the soil in the autumn period. Dig the earth and apply organic fertilizer. With the onset of spring, superphosphate and potash fertilizers must be added to the soil. Before planting, it is worthwhile to carry out loosening, and fertilize the soil with nitrogen and potassium compounds.

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Tomato planting and crop care

Variety A new generation of Burcham should be planted rarely. After planting, the earth must be loosened.

Important! During the growing season, the soil must be loosened regularly. Especially the procedure is necessary after rains or watering.

Tomatoes are considered a capricious culture, they should be looked after with care. Care consists of simple events:

  1. Hilling. 10 days after transplanting seedlings to the garden, it is necessary to carry out the first hilling. After 20 days, the procedure is worth repeating. Hilling improves the thermal regime of the soil, helps to form additional roots.
  2. Top dressing. If necessary, you can feed crops.
  3. Weeding. Tomatoes negatively relate to weeds. Weeding must be done in a timely manner.
  4. Watering. Particular attention should be paid to watering during flowering.It is necessary to perform the procedure in the afternoon, it is advisable to choose cloudy weather.

Please note that watering 1 bush requires 0.9 liters of water.

The main purpose of the variety

The tomato of the New Generation Burchema is meaty. Great for salads. Dishes are excellent and very tasty.

Many housewives make conservation, and in the winter they spoil the whole family with amazing treats.

Resistance to disease and adverse conditions

The variety is resistant to diseases such as fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, late blight, cladosporiosis. Fruits have good keeping quality, they can be transported.


Andrey, 44 years old:

“Tomato The new generation of Burcham is our favorite variety. We grow tomatoes for a long time, the variety stands out among many others. The fruits are large, fleshy, tasty. Dishes are excellent.

The growing technology is quite simple. It is enough to observe the basic conditions, and the harvest will surely please. ”

Angelina, 37 years old:

“I took a whole plot for tomatoes in the country. Tomato The new generation of Burcham stands out from many varieties. First of all, I would like to say about the seedlings themselves. The bushes are large, tall. Large fruits are visible on them.

Tomatoes are tasty, soft. We use them fresh, do preservation. All the households are delighted with the prepared dishes. ”

All summer residents love tomatoes. Even despite some difficulties, many are engaged in their cultivation. Listening to the advice and recommendations of experienced gardeners, you will be able to grow a good crop on your own plot.

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