Tomato Opera: characteristics of the variety, reviews (photo)

12.02.2018 Tomatoes

Early ripe tomato varieties deserve special attention of gardeners. The Opera variety appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to gain special popularity. In addition, growing tomatoes in greenhouses is becoming available to most gardeners.

Recently, many gardeners give preference to early ripe tomatoes. In addition, hothouse cultivation of vegetable crops is becoming more and more popular, therefore, there has been an active growth in the popularity of opera tomatoes.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Fact! Opera is an early ripe indeterminate tomato variety. From germination to fruiting takes 100 - 105 days. A hybrid tomato variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses. Often, a tomato bush grows to 1.5 meters, therefore, mandatory garter to the support is required with further pinching.

Experienced gardeners note that it is desirable to form a tomato in 1 to 2 stems. In this case, an improvement in yield indicators is guaranteed.

The main differences between ripe Opera tomatoes:

  • round shape;
  • smooth smooth skin;
  • dense meatiness;
  • skin red;
  • the average weight is 100-110 grams.

Proper care for Opera tomatoes guarantees a decent and rich harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Opera tomatoes have many important benefits:

  • the possibility of obtaining an early harvest, and the hybrid vegetable crop in question is considered one of the most popular;
  • the ability to successfully grow greenhouse tomatoes, which are ideal for making fresh salads and preservation;
  • increased resistance to diseases and pests, thanks to which tomatoes can be grown with minimal risk;
  • the optimal yield indicator, because from the 1st plant it is possible to get up to 5.5 kilograms;
    pleasant taste characteristics guaranteeing the versatility of using Opera tomatoes.

Gardeners note that tomatoes still have certain disadvantages. For example, cultivation is often, possibly, only in greenhouses and it will be necessary to show special responsibility when caring for such a vegetable crop. This is due to the fact that Opera is an early ripe tomato variety, characterized by its vulnerability to weather conditions.

The rules for growing varieties

The hybrid variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses, but cultivation is nevertheless recommended, subject to certain rules. For example, the optimal planting scheme is 40x60 centimeters, since such an arrangement of tomato bushes contributes to an increase in yield indicators. In addition, tomato bushes are recommended to form in 1 - 2 stems for more active fruiting.

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Note! Tomatoes of the Opera variety are particularly sensitive to weather conditions, so greenhouse cultivation is recommended. The climate features of Russia indicate that hybrid tomatoes usually cannot be grown in open ground due to too pronounced risks.

Sowing tomato seedlings is recommended in the first half of April. A transplant can be done in about a month. After the bushes begin to grow actively, their garter will be required to eliminate unnecessary risks.

Each gardener should understand that proper care for Opera tomatoes is a must:

  1. Regular application of mineral fertilizers in the soil, it turns out, is extremely important. This largely depends on how correct and active the growth of the tomato bush will be.
  2. Moderate and regular watering becomes mandatory. It is advisable to choose drip irrigation and irrigate in the evening or in cloudy weather, since the water must not be allowed to heat up on the leaves of tomato bushes.
  3. Mandatory is the introduction of mulch, with which it will be possible to eliminate the risk of fungal infection of a vegetable crop.
  4. Prevention of diseases and pests is mandatory, although the Opera variety is highly resistant to such threats. Any preparations are used only until flowering and the formation of fruits begins. In the future, you can use only folk remedies that are safe.

Comprehensive care for opera tomatoes is a must. This largely determines how useful and high-quality the crop will be.



“Opera is one of the best hybrid varieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses. Proper preparation for growing vegetables helps to improve yield. In addition, tomatoes can please with impeccable taste and versatility of use. "


“I have been growing vegetables for a very long time. Of course, I prefer the classic varieties. However, last summer I tried a hybrid greenhouse variety of Opera tomatoes. Harvest made me very happy, although leaving requires more attention. ”


“Opera is a good early ripe tomato variety. Easy care, fast ripening of tomatoes and impeccable taste are the main advantages of the variety. ”

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