Characterization and description of the tomato "Tlacolula"

16.02.2018 Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the most common and popular cultures in the world. Tlacolula tomato seeds were brought to our latitudes from Mexico. The variety got its name in honor of the city from which the seeds were distributed.

The fruit, in contrast to the varieties familiar to us, has a very unusual appearance.

Grade characteristics

Mid-season, high-yielding variety: 115 days elapse from seed germination to fruit ripening. It has thick walls and an original pear-shaped with a ribbed surface. It has excellent taste due to its high sugar content and lack of organic acids.

In order to get seedlings on time, sowing seeds is necessary in late March or early April. In addition, the Tlacolula tomato variety is light and heat-loving.

Characteristic of the fetus:

  • the largest weight of one large tomato reaches 300 g;
  • have a bright pink or raspberry color in the technical stage of ripening, the color of the fruits in the biological stage is yellow-green;
  • tomatoes are large, fleshy and with a shiny skin;
  • their flesh is sweet, juicy and aromatic;
  • tomatoes are well stored;
  • the fruits ripen faster if you collect them unripe and put in a warm place.

Note! A good and large crop can be achieved by growing a tomato in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Only in the southern latitudes does the variety take root in open ground.

The plant bush has the following features:

  • branched, therefore, requires garter;
  • tall plant, reaches from 1.5 to 2 meters;
  • on it, brushes from 3 to 7 pieces are formed, and 6-7 fruits ripen, and the largest tomatoes on the lower branches;
  • for a large crop, 2 stems with 3-5 brushes are left on the bush.

The Tlacolula tomato variety does not tolerate waterlogging, so the plant should be watered when the topsoil is dry or in hot weather.

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There are varieties of Tlacolula such as White, Tlacolula Yellow, Pink Pink and de Matamoros.

Landing Features

  1. In one bag there are 10 tomato seeds, which before sowing should be soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, in order to disinfect.
  2. Before planting seeds (transplanting seedlings) in open ground, the soil must be disinfected to prevent the appearance of pathogenic fungi.
  3. The soil must be loose for air to circulate.
  4. Planting seedlings should be at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other, to a soil depth of 18 cm. It is recommended to add wood ash to each well.
  5. Every 2 weeks, fertilize alternating mineral with organic.
  6. As you grow, you need to form a bush and tie up the plant.
  7. Always water the beds with warm water.

Important! Tlacolula variety is capricious in growing, therefore, only observing all the rules of agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest.


Most reviews on Tlacolula growing websites are mostly positive. Since the variety is still quite rare and not common, seeds are recommended to be bought from trusted manufacturers.

Vegetable growers planting this variety note that tomatoes are universal in use: they are added to fresh salads, subjected to heat treatment, canning, and even freezing. The peel is thin, the taste is delicate and sweet, and therefore, often the housewives make tomatoes in their own juice and sauces. And also the fruits tolerate long transport, so they are ideal for growing for sale.

The only caveat is that the plant does not tolerate drought, and in a dry summer it may not produce a crop.

In a word, summer residents love and approve the Tlakolula variety for planting.

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