Characteristics and description of the tomato "Ultra-ripe"

21.02.2018 Tomatoes

Each gardener wants to get an early harvest, because after a long winter you want fresh natural vitamins. You have to choose an early variety from a huge assortment of tomatoes, and it is so easy to make a mistake with a choice.

One of the excellent varieties "Ultra-early", its characteristics can be read below.


Refers to ultra early varieties, ripe fruits appear 70 days after emergence. Determinant bushes grow 40-60 centimeters in height. "Ultra-early" is one of the wonderful and persistent varieties bred by breeders in Siberia. It can be grown throughout the country, where it is colder better to plant in greenhouses, in the southern regions you can plant on beds.

Fruits are arranged by brushes, in one there can be up to eight tomatoes. Tomatoes are rounded in shape, at the stage of ripening are painted red, the weight of one is approximately 100 grams. They have excellent taste, the pulp is fleshy, the skin is dense, does not crack during processing, tomatoes are well suited for whole-canning. You can use it fresh and close it for the winter in the form of tomato juice, salads and sauces.

With proper agricultural technology, up to 12 kg of tomato can be harvested from one square meter, which is a fairly high indicator for early varieties. It is characterized by amicable ripening of fruits, which facilitates harvesting. Fruits can be stored for a fairly long time, they also perfectly tolerate transportation.


  •         Early ripening.
  •         Universal application.
  •         Possibility of storage and transportation.
  •         Great taste.
  •         Unpretentiousness to weather conditions.
  •         Good yields.
  •         Fruits are not susceptible to disease.

Disadvantages - not identified

Diseases and Pests

Due to the fact that the fruits ripen quite early, they very rarely manage to contract late blight. And only if there are sharp changes in temperature, or in the greenhouse excessively high humidity. For preventive purposes, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, transfusion of plants is not allowed, and seedlings are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Growing seedlings

This variety can be grown in two ways: seedlings and without seedlings, but to get an earlier harvest, it is better to use the first. In early March, the start of the preparation of seed. To begin with, the seeds are disinfected, the procedure is carried out if the producer did not take care of this. Then, for germination, they are placed in a warm place on a moistened cotton cloth for 4 days. In this case, the seeds should not be allowed to dry.

A special container is filled with soil, it is advisable to take prepared soil for seedlings. Before sowing, the soil mixture is moistened, and I make grooves, approximately 1.5 centimeters deep. After laying the seeds, sprinkle on top with a soil layer of 1 cm.

Before the first shoots appear, the container with the seeds is removed in a dark, warm place and covered with a film, thus creating a greenhouse effect. After the shoots appear, the container with seedlings is placed in a bright place, providing +18 degrees during the day, +16 at night. When the seedlings release a pair of real leaves, they are dived into separate containers with a capacity of 500 ml, you can use plastic cups.

Important! The place for the hardening procedure should be carefully selected, it should be protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

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Before planting, the seedlings are hardened, they are taken out for a week to the street or balcony for the first time for 10-15 minutes, increasing the time spent in the fresh air every day.

Transplant and care

When planting plants, you need to focus on their appearance: the seedlings should have at least 5-7 leaves and one inflorescence, the approximate height of the seedlings at the time of planting is 25-30 centimeters. It is also necessary to pay attention to weather conditions, the soil should warm up to 16 degrees, and the threat of night frosts must pass. The land is prepared in the fall, applying organic fertilizers, in the spring before plowing it is irrigated with a solution of copper sulfate.

On the bed "Ultra-early" planted in early June, this variety loves light and fertile soil. Of course, you can’t grow tomatoes in one place for several years, it’s also better not to plant them after potatoes. It is better to alternate tomatoes with cabbage, onions or cucumbers. For planting, you need to choose a sunny area, because tomatoes love light and heat. In case of danger of frost, seedlings for the night can be covered with a film.

Bushes can be planted in the greenhouse already in early May. Wells are dug at a distance of 35 centimeters, between rows it is recommended to leave approximately 60 cm. At 1 m 2 place 6 bushes. Before planting young plants in the holes, wood ash is introduced.

To prevent fungal diseases, the lower foliage is torn off, providing a good air circulation for the plant. Despite the fact that the "Ultra-early" is not a tall variety, it is recommended to tie it up so that the stems do not break under the weight of the fruit. Removing stepchildren is not required. You need to water regularly 1-3 times a week, depending on the weather, it is better to do it early in the morning or in the evening after the heat has subsided. Loosen the soil about once every two weeks.

In order to keep moisture in the soil longer, it can be mulched. Top dressing should be carried out at least 3 times during the growing season.


The "ultra-ripe" is a wonderful productive variety; it, like all early varieties, is mainly used for food. Also, after harvesting, you can plant legumes in its place, for example, beans.


Alena 30 years old

This year they planted a greenhouse and decided to plant early varieties, selected Ultraskorely from tomatoes, sowed seeds in March, planted them in May, planted seedlings growing strong and healthy. Already at the end of June, they ate ripe and tasty tomatoes, all flat, the same weighing about 100 grams, a good harvest. I liked the variety next season. I will plant it more.


Maria 46 years old

We live in a village, grow tomatoes for sale, early varieties are especially valued, because tomatoes are very expensive in early summer. This season, planted a new variety, “Ultra-early”, began to prepare seeds in late February, sowed seedlings in March, and ripened tomatoes in the tenth of June. 6 bushes were planted on one square meter, and 13.5 kilograms of tomato were harvested from them.

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