Description and description of tomato "Success"

2.03.2018 Tomatoes

Success is an early ripe low-growing variety of tomatoes. The method of cultivation depends on the climatic zone. So in the southern regions you can plant on open beds. And in the north - in the film greenhouse.

The bush grows to 70 cm and does not need a garter and removal of stepsons. Harvesting begins as early as 85-100 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Its advantages:

  • has resistance to sharp fluctuations in temperature;
  • has excellent yield indicators;
  • well transported;
  • can be stored for quite a long time;
  • has resistance to most diseases.

Tomatoes have a plum shape, glossy, with a smooth surface, their weight is 60-79 g. Color is red. Perfectly suited both for fresh use and for salting.

How to care for tomatoes

To ensure a good harvest of tomatoes, they should be provided with timely and proper care.

There are some nuances for the tomato variety. Success

  1. Pay special attention to watering plants. If the soil is allowed to dry, especially during ripening, this can provoke twisting of the leaves, falling of the ovary, as well as fading of the fruits.
  2. the temperature regime for this variety is also of great importance. For example, at low temperatures, the bushes stop growing and stop flowering. And too high can reduce yields.
  3. Fertilizing tomatoes is carried out only if the soil has a deficiency in any element.

For example, during seedling growth, phosphorus must be added to the soil. Since its deficiency can lead to a delay in the ripening of tomatoes.

If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, this can provoke various diseases, and as a result, a decrease in fruiting.

If, on the contrary, there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, then this can provoke a delay in development and a further decrease in productivity.

How to prepare seeds for planting

Before proceeding with the sowing of seeds, it is recommended that they be treated with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. This is for disease prevention.

After processing, the seeds are sown in prepared dishes (boxes are perfect) to a depth of about 2 cm. Then they are placed in a warm place. No lighting is needed during this period.

After the first shoots appeared, the containers are transferred to another place. It is important to provide sprouts with lighting. To do this, illuminate them with fluorescent lamps.

As they grow, weak shoots should be removed, and when several true leaves appear, a picking procedure is carried out.

Important! Picking is one of the main factors for getting a good harvest in the future. After this procedure, the roots of seedlings become stronger and more hardy.

A pick can be performed in this way:

  • option when one plant is transplanted into new soil;
  • transshipment method - with this method, seedlings are transferred to a new container with a lump of earth.

Planting plants in a greenhouse

Seedlings are planted when it reaches the age of 45-60 days.

  1. The soil must be watered and fertilized.
  2. The number of rows of tomatoes depends on the width of the greenhouse. It is important to know that the aisles should be approximately 30 cm, and the bushes themselves are located at a distance of 35 cm.
  3. During the adaptation period, seedlings must be watered once every two days. Using warm water for this.

After the plants have taken root, watering should reduce the number of waterings. At this time, the bushes are watered once every 5 days.

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About seven days after planting, the plants need to be fed. To do this, use a solution of organics. For example, chicken droppings, which were diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You can also use mullein 1: 5.

A week after the first, perform the second top dressing. To do this, use the same solution, adding to it urea, nitrophosphate and potassium chloride of 10 g.

In our case, plants do not require mandatory pinching, but in order to get larger fruits, as well as accelerating the ripening process, it is better to remove the stepson.

Important! When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, tear off all the leaves growing from below.

Planting tomatoes on an open garden

This should be done in late May - early June. It is important that the threat of frost passes.

For Success, however, as for all undersized tomatoes, the following planting scheme is needed: 30x40 or 35x50. Many gardeners use the tape method of planting, and some use the square method. It depends entirely on individual preferences.

Wells for planting should be 10-15 cm in depth. Next, the plants are watered with the addition of a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Tomatoes will take root in about 10 days.

Advice! If there is still a threat of frost, you should cover the seedlings with a film.

Two weeks after planting, the bushes should be spud.


Alexander, 35 years old

The first time I planted Success this summer. I want to note that the variety fully justifies its name. The plant was not whimsical. Planted the plant in a film greenhouse. Harvest pleased. The variety was generally liked. I liked the taste of the fruits, tomatoes were stored fresh for a long time.


Catherine 54 years old

Met Success this summer. Tomatoes are stress-resistant, they tolerated a fairly cold summer. Favorably responds to fertilizer application. Grew in the garden without stepsoning and garter. The taste is excellent, the tomatoes are juicy, slightly sour, they liked both fresh and pickled. Canning is convenient.

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