Description and description of tomato "Overture"

21.02.2018 Tomatoes

The hybrid variety Overture is suitable for lovers of medium-sized tomatoes, suitable for both preparing fresh salads and pickling in general. Its main advantages are high productivity, excellent taste of fruits, their strength, and non-susceptibility to cracking.

And also - the ability to be perfectly stored: the harvested crop of fresh tomatoes can be eaten when the autumn cold has already hit the window!

The main characteristics of the variety

  •         Early ripe (fruits can be removed 100-110 days after sowing seeds).
  •         Suitable for growing in open ground and in the greenhouse.
  •         Hybrid variety - when re-growing from collected own seeds there is no guarantee of repetition of the properties and qualities of the mother plant.
  •         Inderminanten - therefore, in the process of growing will require constant pinching of bushes.
  •         Excellent yield: from the bush it is really possible to collect up to 6 kg of fruits, from a square meter with proper care - up to 25 kg.
  •         Tall variety: in closed ground reaches a 1.8-meter height. In the open, it grows slightly lower - up to 1.3 m.
  •         Bushes weakly leafy, with powerful stems, require mandatory garters to the support.
  •         The fruits are small, each weighing up to 120-150 g, which allows you to use them not only in fresh salads, but also for pickling in general.
  •         If necessary, ripened fruits can be left on the bushes without removing for 10 days.
  •         The texture of the fruit is quite strong, with occasional excessive watering, the fruits, like some other varieties, do not crack.
  •         Tomato is not affected by cladosporis, veticillosis, tobacco mosaic virus.
Advice!To collect the largest yield, it is preferable to form a bush in no more than 1-2 trunks.


  •         The chip of this variety is that its fruits can maintain their presentation for quite some time. Without creating special conditions (for example, in open air in drawers) they are perfectly stored for four weeks.
  •         The variety has one more advantage. Those who will be engaged in the cultivation of Overtures for sale will be able to appreciate it. The fruits sit firmly on their “legs” in tomato brushes. And to realize them in this form is much more presentable.

Growing seedlings

Sowing seeds should be about 50-70 days before seedlings are planted in the region in the region. But first, both the seeds and the soil in which they will develop must be carefully prepared.

Presowing preparation

  •         A good effect is given by freezing the seeds before sowing in the freezer for 1 week. If there is no such amount of time, it is advisable to put it in the freezer for at least two days.
  •         On the eve of sowing, seeds will benefit and soak. The simplest option - in solutions of purchased biostimulants - "Epina", "HB-101", "Ecosila".
  •         A good effect is achieved by soaking in an aqueous solution of aloe juice (1: 2). A week before using an aloe vera tree leaf, it is necessary to put it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator so that useful substances are activated in it.
  •         Garden soil, sand, purchased soil, from which the soil mixture is prepared for sowing seeds, must first be disinfected - at least pour boiling water over it. The best option is to re-spill with the Fitosporin solution (for detailed instructions, see the instructions for the drug).

Sowing seeds

It is better to sow immediately in separate containers so that the roots during transplantation are not injured. Peat cups are ideally suited, with them then seedlings can also be “resettled” into the soil of a greenhouse or garden.It is important in the first weeks to shed plantings abundantly with water so that the peat cups get wet, thereby allowing the root system of the plant to spread along the soil horizons.

Important Terms

For seedlings to grow strong and healthy, it is necessary to know and take into account the main nuances of caring for it.

  •         A location with plenty of light, ideally on the windowsills of the south-west and south-east orientation.
  •         On too sunny days or in the midday hell (on the southern windowsill) seedlings should be shaded. Even ordinary sheets of paper, installed as a screen between a window pane and young plants, will help them not to sunburn and not to become weak.
  •         Sufficient humidity (at least 60%). Keep it as such will help regular daily spraying of seedlings from the spray gun.
  •         Neat watering. Seedlings cannot be poured - this threatens the development of a disease such as the "black leg", you can not dry too - the root system will dry out, and as a result the plant will die.
  •         If necessary, pick in the phase of the first pair of true leaves.
  •         In the same phase (after a dive) - top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer in half the dose of the recommended in the instructions attached to the drug.
  •         Before planting seedlings in open ground, it would be nice to harden it. First, for a very short period of time, then increasing it more and more, seedlings are taken out into the open air (in the garden or on the balcony). On the eve of planting, it is useful to train tomato seedlings in the greenhouse to spend the night. So they will get used to the new atmosphere in which they will have to develop in the future, and the process of engraftment in the new conditions will be much less painful.

Advice!In the process of growing seedlings, it is good to treat it with biostimulants once every two weeks (for example, with the HB-101 preparation). This activates the defenses of plants, strengthens their immunity and accelerates growth.

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Planting in a greenhouse and open ground

  •         The plan for planting seedlings is 40x50 cm, otherwise - for 1 square meter for 4 plants.
  •         By the time of landing in the soil, the temperature of the soil should be steadily kept at a level not lower than +10 degrees.
  •         In the open ground the first 1-2 weeks (until they take root well), the seedlings should be covered, for example, with spanbond.
  •         The soil should be prepared in the fall: improved by the application of horse manure or complex mineral fertilizers (in the dosage indicated in the instructions for them). As an alternative, you can pour rotted manure or compost at the bottom of the planting hole. In this case, you will have to be more careful with the introduction of organic fertilizers. It is important not to overdo it with them: otherwise the green mass will develop rapidly at the expense of setting and ripening of fruits.
  •         Tomatoes will have to be tied up immediately and in the future to do this again and again as the bushes grow.
  •         Start stepson after the formation of the first flower brush. Below it pluck all the leaves. Leave a maximum of two main stems.
  •         Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive. After watering, the greenhouse should be well ventilated.
  •         During flowering, for better formation of ovaries, it is useful to spray with a solution of boric acid (1 g of the drug per 1 liter of warm water).
  •         To protect against late blight, it is not superfluous to spray bushes with whey.


Last year Overture tomato was grown both in an open garden bed and in a greenhouse. She noted: in the greenhouse, the fruits ripen a week and a half earlier, the bushes grow higher, because each yield is higher. I was a little surprised that growing in a greenhouse does not affect the size of the fruit. Greenhouse tomatoes did not seem to me larger than grown in open ground.

Larisa Viktorovna


In my opinion, this is an ideal variety of greenhouse tomatoes.I don’t know who invented that small fruits are suitable only for pickling, the salad of them is excellent! The first batch of seedlings was relocated to the greenhouse in late April, the second - in early March. It's funny, but in the very near future, the second batch overtook the first in growth and “soloed” the first crop earlier. In early July, I removed the first box of pink fruits, so that the next could ripen faster and more ovaries could form in a season. He put the box in a cool place - the tomatoes lay strong, pink for a long time. From mid-July to mid-August, a box of tomatoes could be removed every week. Very productive grade!

By the way, the last fresh tomatoes “Overtureks” we had eaten as a family already in December!

Victor Timofeevich

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