Tomato Yellow scallops: variety description, yield, photo, reviews

22.03.2018 Tomatoes

Tomato Yellow scallops is an indeterminate, mid-season variety. Plant height reaches up to 1.8 m. Cultivation is carried out both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Productivity is excellent.

The yellow scallop tomato was bred by Ukrainian breeders. Tomato has many advantages, including not being whimsical, resistant to cracking and has good taste. Therefore, it is in great demand among summer residents and gardeners.

Characterization and description of the variety

Tomato Yellow scallops is a mid-season variety. The general maturity of the vegetable occurs in about 110 days from the moment of planting the seeds in the ground. The plant grows large, its height reaches up to 1.8 m. The leaves are medium sized, thin saturated green.

Due to the high growth, it is advisable to take at least 2 stems during the formation of the bush so that it is strong and able to withstand adverse environmental conditions.

General characteristics of a tomato include the following:

  1. The plant is quite productive.
  2. In the care is not whimsical, has resistance to dangerous diseases and cracking fruits.
  3. The tomato is suitable for transportation.
  4. Variety tomato Yellow scallops can be grown in open ground or a greenhouse.
  5. The fruits are neat, heart-shaped. The peel is smooth and thin. The color of the tomato is yellow, as is the flesh. Tomatoes are juicy, fleshy, large.
  6. The taste of tomato is excellent, richly sweet with an imperceptible sourness. Therefore, the vegetable is widely used for making juice and other dishes. Low-calorie fruits are great for people on a diet.
Interesting! The weight of the fruit with good agricultural care and proper planting can reach up to 500 g. The average weight ranges from 200 g.

Tomato yield Yellow scallops

Tomatoes of the Yellow Scallop variety have excellent yields, which is why they are interested in many gardeners and gardeners. It is believed that from one bush of tomato you can get up to 4 or more kg of fruits. This is only possible if you follow the growing technique and properly care for the plants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Yellow Scallop tomato are:

  1. High yield tomato.
  2. Unpretentiousness in cultivation and leaving.
  3. Plants are not afraid of temperature extremes.
  4. Tomatoes have excellent taste.
  5. The fruits are large, fleshy, juicy. They tolerate transportation well, do not crack.
  6. Due to its good taste, the vegetable is used to make juice, salads, first and second courses. Also good fresh.
  7. Tomatoes are low in calories and contain quite useful ingredients.
  8. The plant has some resistance and good immunity to the main dangerous diseases.

Among the shortcomings of the tomato, Yellow scallops distinguish a high growth of the plant, which complicates further care and increases the risks of damage to the bush in adverse weather conditions.

Rules for growing a tomato

Mid-season tomato variety Yellow scallops are grown in the traditional way, like the rest of the tomatoes. Planting is carried out approximately 60-65 days before the alleged planting of seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

The first step in growing tomatoes is to prepare the soil. Basically, sandy soil is used for such vegetables. For planting seeds, the substrate is prepared independently or purchased in a specialized store.

Next, the substrate is distributed into containers, plastic containers. It is advisable to choose containers with small openings below, so that the necessary gas exchange is ensured and there is no stagnation of the liquid.

Note! The planting of seeds of tomato varieties Yellow scallops is carried out in the middle or end of March, to plant seedlings in early or mid-June.

The next step is planting seeds. For this, the soil in prepared containers is thoroughly moistened. Then make shallow furrows and immerse seeds in them infrequently. Top up with soil. To accelerate the germination of sprouts, containers with plantings can be covered with polyethylene. So, for plants the optimum humidity, temperature and illumination will be formed.

Also, before planting, the seeds, if necessary, can be treated with growth preparations. This will provide a quick and friendly germination of seedlings. After growing seeds, sprouts are given proper care. If necessary, the soil is moistened, weeds are removed and fertilized.

As soon as the seedlings have grown enough and a warm temperature is established on the street, it is transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. For this, the earth is pre-excavated and the necessary fertilizers are applied in the form of mineral and organic compounds.

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Shallow holes are dug around the entire perimeter of the site. They should be slightly moistened. Seedlings are immersed in the ground to almost half its length or to the level of the first leaves. Top with soil and a little tamp. Then produce watering plantings.

Interesting! So that the bush is stronger and does not break as a result of the wind and under the influence of large fruits, it is desirable to form it in 2 or 3 stems.

Care Rules

Caring for any plants is an integral part of a rich harvest. Therefore, to achieve high plantings will help proper watering, timely cultivation, weed, disease and pest control. As well as loosening the soil, fertilizing and mulching the plant.

Tomatoes are watered as necessary, as the earth dries. The approximate moisture consumption is up to 1 liter per well. Watering is necessary under the root system, avoiding contact of water with the upper part of the greenery to avoid burns to the leaves. For irrigation take water at room temperature.

On hot days, watering can be carried out up to 2 times, in the rainy period, plants are not watered to prevent diseases and rot. After watering, tomatoes must be weeded and loosened.

Mulching is carried out every 2 weeks. Also, tomato Yellow scallops should be tied up, because the growth is high. Harvesting is carried out as necessary. It is advisable not to delay this so that the fruits do not overripe, because they will be poorly stored.

Fertilizing tomatoes contribute at least 3 times for the entire period of plant growth. To do this, use mineral and organic fertilizers. For example: superphosphate, wood ash, potash, nitrogen compounds and other substances.

The fight against diseases and pests is carried out using chemicals that spray plants. Timely care, proper cultivation and compliance with irrigation techniques also help prevent diseases.

Diseases and Pests

Each vegetable in the garden is prone to certain diseases that must be combated. Tomato Yellow scallops have excellent stability and immunity, but if you disrupt care, water the planting incorrectly, diseases can not be avoided.

Tomatoes can be affected by mosaic, rot, blackleg, late blight, and other diseases. All of them negatively affect the growth and development of the plant, inhibit the formation of fruits and, in the absence of struggle with them, lead to the death of seedlings.

Among the common pests that infect tomatoes are aphids, whiteflies, cubs, wireworms and some other insects. Proper plant care, preventative spraying of tomato products and planting the plant in the right place will help to avoid their appearance.


Margarita, 42 years old:

“Tomato Yellow scallops are an indispensable table variety of vegetables. The productivity is excellent, the taste is magnificent. The fruits are large, with a delicate yellow tint. The pulp is soft and juicy. I'm happy with the cultivation, I will continue to plant this variety. ”

Valentina, 56 years old:

“A friend advised me to plant Yellow Scallop tomatoes. I have been looking for tomatoes for fresh consumption for a long time, so that they are large and tasty. And so I found it. I'm glad I planted it. There were no diseases in plants, no pests were observed. The only thing that was difficult for me was to look after the bushes, since the variety is indeterminate. ”

Daria, 34 years old:

“For a long time I was looking for a suitable tomato variety for planting in the country. Last summer, I planted Yellow Scallops and was pleased with the harvest. The fruits are large, tasty, juicy. They are great for fresh consumption, for juice and salads. ”

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