Description and description of the tomato "Gold Cherokee Green"

18.01.2018 Tomatoes

Most of us are used to the fact that a ripe tomato must be red, pink, maybe still yellow, as an option. But such a tomato variety as Cherokee Green Gold completely refutes this opinion, expanding the color scheme of these tasty and healthy vegetables by one more color - brown-green-gold.

Characterization and description of the variety

Tomato varieties Gold Cherokee Green is not so easy to find on the market. It is quite rare, but not a young variety. It was launched in 1997 in the United States.

The owners of this tomato variety are mainly collectors. Not only the external characteristics of the fetus are interesting, but also the unusual taste properties of the tomato. Breeders were able to successfully combine a juicy sweet taste with a touch of tropical fruit. The tropics give the vegetable its seeds.

Ripe fruit on the outside is brownish yellow. Some collectors call it the color of old gold, which, in fact, follows from the name of the variety. The peel is thin, but the vegetable usually does not crack. Inside the tomato has a bright emerald color with a small amount of green seeds. The pulp is juicy, aromatic.

Tomato belongs to mid-season tall varieties. The ripened fruit is medium soft to the touch, flat round in shape. The surface is ribbed and shiny. Green tomatoes, not yet ripe, on the contrary, are light green in color, hard. The average weight of the ripened fruit is about 300-500 g, and the tomatoes from the first brush are especially large, the rest are usually smaller.

Ripe tomato bush Gold Cherokee Green can reach growth of 1.8 m, has several stems. The leaves are saturated green in color, there are quite a lot of them, they are evenly located along the entire trunk of the plant. If planted in open ground, the height may be less.

The plant does not branch much in width, the growth goes more in height. Each stalk usually has 4 to 5 brushes. 5-6 fairly large fruits are placed on one brush.


Tomato varieties Gold Cherokee Green can be called quite productive. With good care, you can achieve fruiting up to 7 kg from one bush. It all depends on the climate, growing conditions and proper care at each stage, from seed selection to fruit ripening.

Ripening speed

Since the variety is from mid-ripening varieties, the ripening period of the tomato is somewhat stretched. It takes about 110-120 days from seedling emergence to the beginning of fruiting, and another week or two before the full ripening of the first fruit.

Tomato sings gradually, throughout most of the summer. Therefore, other varieties of tomato can not be planted, all season you can make a salad of delicious fragrant tomatoes.

Features of growing and caring for the variety Gold Cherokee Green

Seedling planting dates

Seeds for seedlings must be planted in cups or special boxes 60 to 65 days before the date of planting in the ground. The soil is used standard for vegetables. Boxes with seedlings should be kept in a warm and ventilated place.

It is necessary to transplant to a permanent place when the earth has already warmed up enough, this falls approximately in the month of May. It is necessary to carefully monitor and protect the plant from possible frosts.

Growing Features

Before planting, seeds must be soaked in water so that they swell. This will increase their germination. Empty seeds unsuitable for planting will simply float to the surface. They can be thrown away.

For 1 square. m is recommended to plant no more than four bushes tomato. It is necessary to form a bush in 2 - 3 stems, to pinch in time. The lower leaves should be torn off immediately as they begin to dry out or turn yellow. Adult bushes must be tied up so that the branches do not break off under the weight of the fruit.


Important! To increase productivity, when planting in the soil, it is necessary to put in each well a tablespoon of a mixture of superphosphate with potassium sulfate. And at the time when the fruits begin to form, you need to feed the plant with a solution of magnesium sulfate under the root.

During the growing season, watering is done only with severe drought. Water should be at room temperature, not cold. It is necessary to ensure that the water does not wash out the roots during irrigation, it is necessary that they remain underground, since in addition to the main root, additional roots go out on the trunk, through which even more nutrition of the tall bush and, in fact, the fruits themselves is performed.

In all bushes, it is necessary to fluff up the earth around the stem, if necessary, so that additional oxygen enters the root. A weed also regularly breaks out so that it does not pick up all the nutrients from the vegetable.


Gold Cherokee Green is not suitable for long-term storage or transportation, because the tomato of this variety has thin skin and the fruit is quite juicy, so there is a risk that the tomato simply crackes or crushes, losing its original appearance.

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The short shelf life is compensated by a long and gradual fruiting, until the beginning of autumn, so the gardener can at any time enjoy fresh vegetables directly from the bush so that it does not stale for a long time.

Destination Tomato Gold Cherokee Green

This tomato variety is suitable for fresh use. Thanks to interesting external characteristics, a yellow-crimson skin color and an emerald core, it will be a wonderful decoration for any salad or just vegetable slices.

Very interesting taste and color has juice from tomato of this variety. By consistency, it is quite thick, almost without seeds, so you can not get rid of them. The taste is very bright, soft, sweet with a fruity aftertaste. The color is emerald, unusual for a tomato. If you give this juice a try, not everyone will immediately understand what it is made from.

Interesting! In addition to the high content of vitamins of groups B and E in the composition of tomatoes, as well as iron, these seemingly simple and “ordinary” vegetables can cheer you up. In tomatoes, tyramine is contained, which in the body turns into serotonin, which is considered the hormone of happiness.

Resistance to disease and adverse conditions

The tomato variety Gold Cherokee Green is quite resistant to all kinds of pests and specific diseases. As a precaution, seeds can be treated with any pesticide before planting. This will relieve many problems in the future, including the Colorado potato beetle.

As a prophylaxis of fungal diseases, treatment is carried out with preparations containing sulfur or copper.

Benefits of Tomato Gold Cherokee Green

Like all tomatoes, this variety has its advantages, but it is also not without drawbacks. The benefits are as follows:

  • Like all tall varieties, due to growth it gives more brushes with fruits, and accordingly, it is possible to collect higher yields from it in comparison with low-growing varieties of tomatoes.
  • Beautiful, unusual presentation of the fruit, excellent taste.
  • Resistant to pests and specific diseases.
  • Unpretentious in leaving.
  • Strongly not branching, so more bushes can be planted on the site.
  • Large fruits.
  • A long period of fruiting throughout the summer.

Disadvantages of Tomato Gold Cherokee Green

This variety has practically no significant drawbacks. Here are its main "weaknesses":

  • In growing Gold Cherokee Green bushes need to be tied up so that the trunk does not break under the mass of fruits.
  • It takes a long time from planting to fruiting.
  • It is used only in fresh form and in the form of juice.
  • It has a short shelf life.
  • It can only be grown in a greenhouse or in southern regions with a warm climate.
  • A rare variety, not everywhere you can get seeds.

Regions where tomato is grown Gold Cherokee Green

This tomato variety is quite thermophilic. The harsh climate of the plant will not stand. It is preferable to plant a tomato in a greenhouse or in open ground, but only in the southern regions of Russia with a mild, warm climate.

Although the variety is quite rare, its fruits are very useful, especially for children and people who are allergic to red tomatoes, because, due to its color, the tomato Gold Cherokee Green is free from the allergen contained in red.


Tatyana, Altai Territory.

Having learned about this variety, I still managed to find the seeds, albeit with difficulty. Planted and looked after according to the regulations. We are very pleased with the harvest. One-on-one tomato, has a pleasant, unusual taste. The little daughter, accustomed to red tomatoes, at first did not even believe that it was a tomato.


Arkady Ivanovich, Moscow Region.

Green Cherokee Green did not come across a variety before, until I tried two years ago a fruit of this variety from a friend, a collector. He took the seeds from him. Most of all I liked the color of ripe vegetables, the tomato already shone in the sun. I could not grow a tomato of such large sizes, but one nevertheless almost reached 350 g.


Sylvester Grigorievich, 58 years old, Lgov

Although they say that this tomato variety is rare, I managed to get the seeds very quickly. I first met the Cherokee Green Gold tomato five years ago when I was visiting, and I was treated there with a delicious tomato salad. Of course, I forgot the name of the variety, but recently I had to try this tomato again, in a different place. Its taste is not comparable with any other tomato variety and I will never confuse it. This time I wrote down the name and planted Cherokee Gold last season. The vegetable is absolutely unpretentious, good productivity. It’s bad that it is not stored for a long time, although this is not a drawback at all, because at any time from ripening the first fruits and until autumn, you can safely pick a fresh fruit directly from the bush.

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