Description and description of tomato "Golden Bull"

18.01.2018 Tomatoes

The Golden Bull variety is a tomato with gigantic fruit sizes. No amateur and professional in agricultural business will miss the opportunity to grow a tomato of this variety. Breeders achieved incredible results in the crossbreeding of various species, one of the successful was the Golden Bull.

Characteristics of the Golden Bull tomato

Tomato refers to tall plants. The average height reaches 1-1.5 meters. To be cultivated in closed ground, does not like sudden changes in temperature. The tomato is part of the mid-early group. You can grow on the open ground, but the climate should be temperate, without sharp drops and rises in temperature. The period from planting to harvesting is 110-120 days. The plant is strong, the stem is green, the leaves are dark green with narrow lobes.

The formation of the first brush begins with the 9-10th sheet. Other brushes are located in two or three sheets. The fruits are smooth and shiny, flat-rounded. The color of the tomatoes is yellow with golden tints. The flesh of the tomato is yellow, but in the middle is light pink. There are practically no seeds in the fruits. Fleshy and sugar fruits. Up to 5 tomatoes can form on one brush.

The average weight of a tomato is within 600 grams. The main purpose:

  • cooking various salads, other dishes;
  • making juices and sauces.

The yield of one plant is an average of 7-8 kg. One square meter of the greenhouse can accommodate no more than three plants.

Growing varieties in greenhouse conditions

The most difficult period for growing tomatoes is the period of seed germination and seedling. At this stage, plants require a lot of attention and care.

  1. Seeding is done in prepared soil. The soil must be warmed up before transplanting. Air temperature should be at the level of 20 degrees, humidity within 60-70%. Seeds are placed to a depth of not more than 3 cm.
  2. Plant seating requires the preparation of individual holes. In each, you need to add a tablespoon of a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Sprouts are placed in the holes poured with warm water and sprinkled with earth.
  3. At the growth stage, you need to tie the stems to the rods, pick off the extra shoots, water the plants as the earth dries.
  4. When the fruits begin to form, fertilize with fertilizer - magnesium sulfate. In the process of ripening, remove old leaves.
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Important! It is recommended to leave 3-4 brushes on one stalk so that the fruits are large and poured.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato

The Golden Bull variety has both a number of positive aspects and its drawbacks.

  1. The advantage and disadvantage is the size of the tomato. It is not suitable for canning in banks.
  2. Unusual yellow color attracts many housewives. The color of the tomato makes the dish more attractive.
  3. The taste does not stand out among other tomatoes, it is as sweet with a slight sourness, like most popular varieties of tomatoes.


Mikhail Ivanovich:

My wife has long asked me to plant not ordinary red tomatoes, but yellow ones. Ordered seeds online. All 5 seeds sprouted. Due to lack of time, I forgot to stepchild them in time, which affected the result. The fruits grew large, one fruit 400-500 grams. But, again, a lot of ovaries disappeared due to untimely departure. Tomatoes are really sugary and have few seeds.My wife cooked various light salads with tomatoes all summer. "Golden Bull" is a good variety, it is definitely worth a try for lovers of various breeding novelties.

Margarita Nikolaevna:

The Golden Bull variety is a good tomato. Grew it in greenhouse conditions, as recommended. I looked after every day. Once I did top dressing with complex additives. Gathered a good harvest. On one plant there were 3 brushes with 4-5 tomatoes. On average, 7 kilograms left the bush. The tomato is stored for a long time. To prepare a salad for a family, one tomato was enough. I will continue to grow this variety in the following years.

The yellow color of the Golden Bull tomato diversifies the palette of your garden. Taste is not disappointing. You can get enough of just one tomato, as it is simply gigantic.

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