Phytophthora-resistant greenhouse tomatoes - varieties

18.03.2016 Tomatoes

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blightLike any other plant, tomatoes can easily be exposed to various diseases, it can be fungi, a variety of viruses that affect only plants, mold or nematodes. Often, infection occurs if the virus penetrated the seeds or if the disease hit a fertilizer that was introduced into clean soil. It is the soil that can become the only method of infection of a tomato plant, so it is necessary to select varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses resistant to late blight, in this case they will be healthy and bring a rich harvest.

As already mentioned, the carrier of the disease can be exactly the soil in which the seedlings are planted, and since small plants are often placed in greenhouse conditions, this only contributes to the spread of the disease, since the greenhouse is always quite warm and humidity is high. If the plants are grown in the open ground, the appearance of diseases can contribute to the extra fertilizers that were applied to the soil, the wrong percentage of soil moisture, cold and wet soil, and also too hot weather. In some cases, gardeners not only select tomato varieties for the greenhouse that are resistant to late blight (the video is worth a look), but also carry out additional activities that help seedlings to avoid a variety of diseases, including late blight.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blight

Before you plant small seeds in the soil, to grow seedlings from them, you need to put the seeds for a while in a solution of potassium permanganate and water. Also, the soil is treated with special substances, these preparations must contain copper, they are purchased in a regular flower shop. To prevent the development of diseases in tomatoes, gardeners often simply transplant plants from one place to another, it is believed this also helps to grow crops, without exposing them to the danger of contracting diseases. But still, the most popular option is to develop high-quality and the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses resistant to late blight (with photo), often such plants are considered varieties of hybrids. Even today, scientists are trying to create more and more new hybrid varieties that can bring a sufficient number of fruits and will be very resistant to a wide variety of diseases.

It is best to buy such plants not on the street, but in a specialized store in which such varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse, which are resistant to late blight, have undergone not only processing, but also a thorough check. I would like to note that the collection of seeds of such plants will not bring any sense, since most likely the tomatoes will no longer have the same properties, it is best to purchase other seeds and plant them again in the ground, which is why it is advised to leave packs of seeds to choose already proven varieties and manufacturers.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blight

If you know the feedback from experienced gardeners, then they have already been able to identify the best varieties of tomatoes that perfectly resist late blight and other diseases. Phytophthora is considered a dangerous disease, since it spreads with the help of fungal spores and destroys both small seedlings and adult bushes. It can affect not only the stems and leaves of the plants themselves, but also affect the tomato fruits. Most often, this disease can affect the plant if it grows in greenhouse conditions with an increased percentage of moisture. If the disease affected the plant in the open air in the ground, then the reason for this may be too long rainy days, due to which the soil was moist and cold for too long.I would like to note that today both tall and tomatoes are grown, in which the bush has a low growth, they can perfectly cope with this fungal disease.

The best varieties that can resist a fungal disease

Bohemia. This variety of tomatoes for greenhouses, resistant to late blight, reviews is considered determinant, yet the bushes reach an average size, often they reach a height of up to eighty centimeters.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blight

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The hybrid variety brings quite large and heavy fruits, weightiness is created due to the large amount of pulp. Six brushes can be located on one bush at once, and up to five large tomatoes ripen on one brush, during one season one bush can bear an average of four kilograms of fruit, the maximum fruiting can reach six kilograms of tomatoes from one bush. It is this variety that is considered ideal for planting in a greenhouse, since the variety perfectly resists fungal diseases, including late blight. Such fresh vegetables are most preferably used for making fresh salads, and tomato snacks are created from them, for example, lecho or homemade tomato paste is cooked.

Blitz. This is one of the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse Phytophthora-resistant is also perfect for planting in a warm and humid place, its bushes are stunted and often reach only eighty centimeters in height. Also, the variety is suitable for planting it in open ground. When the planting is completed, there will be virtually no need for tomatoes except watering and fertilizing, and the first fruits can be seen only after eighty days. One fruit can have a small weight, tomatoes reach a weight of not more than one hundred grams, so it’s great to use them not only as a fresh vegetable in a salad, but also for whole spinning in jars for the winter, the taste after salting is excellent. I would like to note that this tomato variety for the greenhouse is resistant to late blight gavrish, and it also fights well with necrosis and tobacco mosaic.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blight

Opera. This type of tomato can be attributed to the fact that they are sung quite early. When the first seedlings are planted in the ground, after three months of growth, it will be possible to take off the first tasty and ripe fruits. This sort of tomato for a greenhouse, resistant to late blight for the middle strip, is suitable exclusively for growing it in greenhouse conditions. I would like to note that the greenhouse should be quite high, as the bushes can reach more than one meter in height.

Spartacus. Due to the fact that the bushes of this plant have a sufficiently large height, up to six fruits can form on each of the brushes, while each of them can reach a mass of two hundred grams. The fruits are distinguished by excellent juiciness, have a lot of pulp and are suitable for preparing home-made salads from them for the winter. In addition, this tomato variety for greenhouses is resistant to late blight for the Urals, and it is not affected by diseases such as the black leg (a very common disease), cladosporiosis and mosaic. This variety can be attributed to those varieties that ripen in the medium term, the period from planting to the appearance of the first ripe fruit can be almost one hundred and thirty days. Such tomatoes are suitable for growing only in conditions of high humidity and heat, which means they are planted in greenhouses.

Virtuoso. A wonderful tomato variety that will show excellent productivity when planting in greenhouse conditions. Such a tomato variety for a greenhouse resistant to late blight is excellent to use in the early spring, when temperature differences are still possible on the street, since the variety easily tolerates a slight decrease in air temperature and climate change.This variety also belongs to very persistent tomatoes that can overcome many diseases, especially for more fungal days. More than seven kilograms of fruits can be obtained from one bush of such a plant, while the bushes can reach a height of more than one and a half meters, and from four to seven long brushes are formed on the stem itself, red and juicy fruits grow on each of them.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to late blight

Some good varieties for Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are not many good varieties of tomatoes that can withstand many diseases, so you can make out some of the most popular hybrids. The most popular varieties have already been identified, they can transfer not only diseases, but also easily tolerate the climate of Ukrainian cities.

For example, such an interesting variety as Matryoshka, such tomatoes are medium tall, as it grows about one meter in height from a bush. Each fruit is red and reaches a size of one hundred grams. It is preferable to use it for spinning in the winter season or for preparing fresh salads. greenhouse tomato variety resistant to late blight will be a find of the gardener!

All of the presented varieties really tolerate a variety of diseases, but each of the presented in the article can best resist late blight.

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