Grapes of Arcadia: characteristics and description, planting and care

14.09.2018 Grape

Grapes "Arcadia" refers to table varieties. Cardinal and Moldova were chosen as the parent material.

Berry culture has gained recognition in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The originator of the selection was Odessa scientist Meleshko L.F. from the Scientific Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after Tairova.

Grape characteristics

The table variety has medium resistance to diseases of fungal origin. Grapes are often attacked by oidium and gray rot. The plant is frost-resistant. Bushes do not freeze when the temperature drops to -24 ° C. Shelter of grapes is a necessary event for the middle zone and the North of Russia. You can grow it in any region of the country, but it is preferable to cultivate it in the South, where the air temperature in winter does not drop below -30 ° C.

Grade description

The bushes are medium-sized, well leafy. The leaves are broad, five-lobed. The vine and shoots are powerful, 60-70% of the shoots are fruitful. The flowers are bisexual, so for their pollination there is no need to plant some varieties of pollinators nearby. The vine ripens well if the weather brings no surprises. The process of complete lumbering occurs in a year. Ripening early, the fruits are formed in 110-120 days.

Bunches grow cylindrical. The density of berries on them is negligible. The average weight of a bunch is 600-800 grams. The maximum weight of the weightiest brush reached 3 kilograms. Berries are formed oval or ovoid. The weight of one reaches 10-15 grams. The pulp is dense, fleshy. The skin is smooth, shiny, covered with a slight waxy coating, painted in amber color. The taste is pleasant, sweet. The fruiting of grapes begins in the first year after the seedling has been planted in the garden. By the fourth year, the yield from one bush is 20-30 kilograms. Use fruits for fresh consumption, also processing for juice.

Advantages and disadvantages of grapes

The hybrid has the following advantages:

  • high annual yield;
  • resistance to most fungal diseases;
  • excellent presentation of bunches and berries;
  • excellent taste of the fruit;
  • early and simultaneous ripening of the crop.

The disadvantages of berry culture:

  • instability to oidium and gray rot;
  • in conditions of high humidity, berries are prone to cracking;
  • due to the large number of fruit-bearing shoots, the plant suffers from overload.

Planting, growing and caring for grapes

Before planting the cuttings, select a site. Place for grapes should be:

You may be interested in:
  • sunny;
  • clay or loamy soil;
  • so that groundwater does not lie close to the surface of the earth;
  • not windy so that drafts do not blow it;
  • the distance from the buildings should be at least half a meter.

Plant cuttings in pits measuring 50 centimeters deep and 50 centimeters wide. Line pebbles at the bottom so that the water stagnates less near the central part of the root system. The minimum distance between garden crops should be 1-1.5 meters. If the soil on the site is fertile, then it is not worth fertilizing.If the soil is depleted, in the autumn it is fertilized with organic matter (2 buckets per 1 m²), and in the spring, plant complex dressings, 100 grams per bush, for planting the cuttings.

Place the stalk in the prepared hole, gently cover it with earth, tamping it a little. Water the plant with a bucket of water.


Useful advice!

To make the sapling better, prune its roots a little and soak the root system in ordinary water for a day.


After planting the handle, put on top a bucket without a bottom. This is necessary to protect the plant from drafts, as well as animals that can break young pagons on grapes.

Berry crop care consists of the following activities:

  1. Fertilizer application. During the growing season, grapes are fed at least 4 times. The first top dressing occurs in early spring, as soon as the first leaves appear. To give vitality, it is recommended to fertilize plants with infusion on bird droppings. It contains all the necessary nutrients for normal development. Preparation: pour two kilograms of fresh chicken droppings with 5 liters of water, leave to infuse for 5 days. At the end of time, dilute one liter of infusion in 10 liters of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a watering can and pour the basal area of ​​grapes.

The second time fertilizing is introduced during the flowering of the plant. Third, during the active formation of berries. Use potash and phosphorus nutrients as fertilizers. On the bush you need 40 grams of potassium sulfate and 40 grams of superphosphate.

  1. Pruning vines. First of all, it is necessary to remove the shoots that grow inside the bushes. Trim weak branches, or those that are poorly lignified. In order not to overload the bushes with clusters, leave 6-8 main branches on the plant, and not more than 50 eyes on them.
  2. To carry out timely and regular watering. In spring, water the plants every two weeks, and in the summer, before the berries ripen actively, irrigate them with a frequency of 1.5 weeks. Water consumption per bush is 30-40 liters. The day after watering, plow the soil under the plants so that there is an influx of oxygen to the root system.
  3. Preventive spraying. To avoid the manifestation of diseases, in the spring, conduct treatment with copper-containing preparations. Gardeners recommend using Bordeaux liquid or a solution based on copper sulfate. The first spraying occurs before the buds open, and the second time when the leaves are fully formed.

Gardeners reviews

Petr Semenovich, 60 years old, Rostov Region.

Grapes "Arcadia" is very tasty, but not profitable from two positions. The first is susceptibility to cracking of berries in bad weather conditions, and secondly, it freezes if shelters are not made in time. Next year I will uproot him and try to plant another variety, more stable. I can not advise it to my colleagues.

Sofia Romanovna, 51 years old, Krasnodar Territory.

I grow grapes "Arcadia" for 4 years. Bunches and berries grow large. It tastes nice, tender. Lies after harvest in a cool place for up to one week. Productivity is high. I sell half of the grown fruits. Regular customers have already appeared. “Arcadia” would not have been the price if it had not been exposed to diseases so often.

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