Bourdak grapes: description of varieties, photo

3.08.2018 Grape

Burdak Grapes

Alexander Vasilievich Burdak is an amateur breeder from the Dnipropetrovsk region, the creator of many unique in their characteristics grape hybrids. His creations are desired not only by private traders, but also by industrial farmers, growing crops for sale.

Features of A.V. Burdak's selection


The well-known breeder has conducted more than 300 crosses between intersorted and hybrid forms. As a result, I received a huge number of different grape varieties. All of them are characterized by an extraordinary ability to adapt in any climatic conditions, demonstrate consistently high productivity, high commercial quality. In addition, caring for Burdak grapes is simple, since it is unpretentious in temperature, top dressing and stock. He easily takes root in any soil or on a foreign bush.

By the way!

Burdak creates all his hybrid forms with the help of multiple interspecific crosses.

An important advantage of Bourdak varieties is the absolute resistance of hybrid forms to low temperatures. They easily tolerate frosts of -23-25 ​​degrees. This characteristic allows avoiding the hassle of sheltering the vines for the winter in the south of the country, since grapes are not needed at all.

Popular varieties of Bourdak

Each variety opened by a self-taught breeder has its own name and quality standards. But all together they are called varieties of Bourdak. A large family includes grapes of various shapes, colors and ripening dates. But all of them are united by one thing - high immunity to diseases, frost resistance and very tasty berries, each of which hides its own highlight.


grapes on a branch

The hybrid appeared due to the crossing of the Gift by Zaporozhye and the Burgundy Mantle. The variety has early ripening (110-125 days), the first grapes are visible already in early July, and by the end of the month they are completely ready for use. Shoots have a fast growth force - in just one year the lashes can grow by 4 - 5 meters. Bruno is a very productive variety. On each shoot, 4-5 inflorescences are formed. The bunch has the form of a cone. By structure, it is somewhat loose, absorbing up to 50 berries. The mass of the bunch reaches 1-1.5 kilograms. The berries themselves are large, weighing up to 14 grams. They are oval in shape with a slightly pointed end. The color is purple or bluish. The pulp is dense, juicy, high in sugar. The taste is refreshing, harmonious.

It is well pollinated in any climate. It is noteworthy that, like many varieties of Bourdak, Bruno perfectly tolerates a long-term temperature drop to -23 degrees. If cultivation takes place in the southern region, then there is no need to shelter the lashes for the winter.


grape sort

The hybrid form was obtained by selecting immediately three unpretentious frost-resistant varieties - Sofia, Viva-Hayka and Kishmish Luchisty. Grapes have early ripening. It is characterized by special endurance to adverse climatic factors and high resistance to disease. Summer residents note that this is one of the best varieties in their segment.

Burgundy berries with yellowish barrels are large, fleshy, have a slightly elongated shape. Crispy peel of medium thickness. The pulp is juicy, but not watery, sugary. The taste is bright, refreshing, fruity with a raspberry flavor. The mass of berries reaches 20 grams. Grapes are collected in bulk clusters of cylinders weighing up to 800 grams. It is noted that grape fruits have high commercial qualities. They are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate during transportation.

Cleopatra matures on 115 days after the start of the growing season. Flowering mainly with female flowers occurs in early June. Fully ready to eat grapes by mid-August.

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and frost resistance (up to -23 degrees), Cleopatra will produce excellent harvests both in the south and in the central zone of Russia.


yellow grapes

Hybrid, which is based on Atlant and Angelica varieties. Bred in 2014. The berries are large, weighing up to 23 grams, elongated in shape. The color is yellow pink. Optimum sweetness in taste, pulp turgor on top. The fruits show good sugar accumulation even in difficult years. However, the taste of Dixon shows a traditional, without frills, but harmonious, with a good fruity aftertaste, memorable.

The growth rate of the shoots is high, in a year the lashes can grow up to two or three meters. On each shoot several large inflorescences are formed, which are tied in bulk, loose, weighing 1000 grams of bunches. They ripen on 120-130 days from the beginning of the growing season (late August).

Dikson in the rainy summer can be affected by various rot. The variety is unpretentious in care. However, this applies to the already fruiting vineyard. In the early years, young seedlings require constant attention. In a land poor in mineral elements, cuttings are rooted with difficulty. On vaccination, they feel a little better, immediately give out 2-3 kidneys. An adult vineyard is quite capable of surviving the winter without shelter, as it is resistant to low temperatures. Farmers note that Dixon grapes can be safely grown for sale, as clusters and fruits have high commercial characteristics. They hang well on the bush, long retain their taste and appearance.


By the way!

Dixon is perfect for making wines.



grape branch

One of the most popular hybrid forms of blue grapes. Lorano is a practical, high-yielding, reliable variety. The first two years after planting, the culture is gaining strength, firing in the third summer with numerous weighty clusters of berries. The vines mature perfectly. Fruiting is observed on shoots from the very first buds, that is, Lorano can work with short pruning. Each shoot gives 3-4 clusters densely packed with berries, which weigh on average 700-800 grams, but larger specimens are also found. The berries are all one-dimensional, with dense and juicy sugary pulp have a harmonious taste. The average weight of grapes reaches 18 grams. The skin is thin, crunches when bitten. After dyeing, the berries may gain sugar for another week. And in the ripened form, they hang for a long time on a bush, do not burst and do not deteriorate.



Lorano is no longer known for the taste of berries, but for their beauty. Medium in size, they have a rich dark blue matte color.



ripe grapes

A new, promising variety with very early ripening. Harvest is already ripe by the beginning of August, that is, 95 days after the start of the growing season. Gordey is a tall bush with good growth power. Each shoot can withstand a load of several tens of kilograms. Fruits of Gordey are of a nosiform shape, have a green color with yellow. The berries are quite large, dense in consistency, weigh an average of 18-20 grams. The brushes are powerful, moderately loose, in the harvest years can reach a weight of 2 kilograms. Do not pea, do not crumble, do not burst. Even without additional care and top dressing, the average weight of a bunch can reach one kilogram.



The taste of Gordey is quite traditional, grape. However, a note of nutmeg adds spice to it.


The hybrid tolerates cold well, but this is not the most frost-resistant grade of Bourdak. In spring frosts, the first buds may freeze, so you should not open the wood after the winter too early. It is recommended to grow the variety in a southern area. Gordey has a high immunity to diseases - rot, oidium and mildew, and is rarely affected by pests - leafworms and phylloxera.Needs additional protection against wasps and birds.

Grapes are in high consumer demand for the possibility of long-term storage, transportation and aesthetics of ripe bunches. The variety has a universal focus. It is used for the preparation of juices, liquors, desserts, semi-sweet wines.


purple grapes

It differs from other hybrid forms, primarily in the size of the clusters - they are simply huge. Their mass can reach one and a half kilograms. They are concentrated in their shape rounded dark blue grapes weighing up to 18 grams. Together, they form a conical loose cluster, which attracts with its presentation. The taste of berries is juicy, refreshing, sweet with a hint of acid. The peel is dense, but quite consumed.

Ferdinand is also popular due to its early ripening. The growing season is about 115 days. Grapes are ready for use in mid-August. The plant is characterized by tallness and power of shoots, each of which forms several heavy clusters. Fruiting is uniform, consistently good even in rainy summers.

Ferdinand, like many varieties of Alexander Vasilievich, is unpretentious to the growing conditions and climate. He tolerates frosts up to -24 degrees, rarely gets sick and is affected by pests. The purpose of this form is table, that is, grapes can be eaten fresh, as well as prepare various drinks from it, including wine. Many farmers choose Ferdinand for their summer cottages because of the abundant stable harvests of delicious grapes, which also has all the qualities to grow it for sale.


fresh grapes

The hybrid was bred several years ago using two varieties - the Talisman and Arcadia. At the moment, the variety is in the experimental cultivation stage, and therefore it is too early to talk about its yield. It is known that the Senator belongs to hybrids with medium maturity. The berries fully ripen by the end of summer. Ripe, they have excellent trade dress and high taste.

Senator vine is very tall. Crohn is large, growing rapidly. Each year, the sleeves grow by 3-4 meters, well overgrown with stepsons. The variety has a female type of flower, but is pollinated very well. The clusters are large, conical in shape, strongly pointed at the end, weighing more than 1000 grams. The berries are large, oval in shape, their sizes reach 30 * 35 millimeters. Weight - 20-23 grams. On absolutely all fruits are the same size, peas are not found. Fruit color is dull white. Ripen grapes turn light yellow. The skin is thin but dense. The inside is fleshy, juicy, but not watery. Delicate taste with thin muscat.

In rainy summers, the Senator variety shows good fruit viscosity and only a slight shift in ripening time. The hybrid is resistant to winter cold (tolerates a drop in temperature to -24 degrees).

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There is another hybrid of grapes called "Senator", only it refers to the selection of Pavlovsky. They differ in size and color of the fruit.



Combines the characteristics of other varieties of Bourdak. So the structure of the bushes and the timing of the ripening of the harvest, Golitsyn can be confused with Dixon, and the developmental features - with the Vatican. Indeed, these forms are very similar to each other, but Golitsyn has his own characteristics, for which he fell in love with the winegrowers of our country.

The berries are rounded and slightly smaller than those of Dixon. Their weight barely reaches 12-13 grams. The color of the ripe grapes is yellow-green glossy. The inside of the fruit is juicy, dense, fleshy, seedless.And the taste is mediocre, traditional for grapes, but refreshing with a pleasant wine aroma.

Brushes are also medium-sized, but dense, weigh 600-650 grams. The average size of clusters is more than compensated for by their large presence on the bush. The bush is tall, powerful, with a well-developed root system. Every year, numerous shoots grow by 2-3 meters. Many of them later bear excellent fruit. Golitsyn matures in the early stages. Harvests begin to be harvested in mid-August.

By the way!

Especially good fruiting bush grown from varietal seedlings, and not grafted to the stock of another grape variety.


Grape vatican

The variety is remembered by large kilogram clusters, a beautiful burgundy shade of berries. Productivity is high.

Grapes have an oblong shape, weigh an average of 18-20 grams. The pulp is juicy, balanced. The taste is harmonious, purely grape. In warm sunny summers, the mass of the brush can reach 1.5 kilograms. The vine is powerful, vigorous. It easily withstands 40-50 kilogram load. Harvest ripens at the same time by mid-August. Vegetation is 115 days.

The Vatican does not require special attention. Perfectly takes root on stocks. Properly rooted seedlings begin to bear fruit in the second year. By the third year, the variety begins to show its high productivity. The plant has a good tolerance of spring frosts with the preservation of all buds.


Grapes of Catalonia

The hybrid form is obtained from crossing varieties Talisman and Burgundy Mantle. The optimum grade for keeping on a small farm. The variety is undemanding to growing conditions, soil fertility. The seedlings planted in the fall begin to bear fruit the very next summer.

The fruits of Catalonia are small in size, but rather heavy, in weight reach 18-19 grams. Oblong in shape. Thick peel does not interfere with tasting the taste. The pulp is sugary, fleshy. The taste is juicy, tart grape. 30-40 berries, tightly adjacent to each other, form a weighty brush weighing from 600 to 1000 grams. Such bunches form one vine up to 5-6 pieces. Tall bushes easily withstand the load, do not burst and do not deform.


By the way!

Catalonia has bisexual flowers, so there are no problems with pollination.


The hybrid is a super early grape. Vegetation lasts about three months, which allows you to enjoy delicious fruits in late July - early August.

Catalonia is not prone to frequent diseases and pests. Even wasps fly around this variety as they cannot pierce the dense berry skin. But the hybrid is afraid of colds. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it on southern plantations, or to reliably shelter it for the winter, growing it in Central Russia.


Raja grapes

Hybrid variety, the owner of strong-growing powerful bushes. Early ripening, the crop is ready for cutting already at the end of August. Ripe berries have a good appearance, the peel is painted in a beautiful red-violet color. The weight of the berries reaches 20 grams. What attracts the variety is the unusual shape of the berries. Along the fruit are plum-shaped constrictions, which causes a resemblance to Chinese and Japanese grape varieties. Bunches are long loose cylinders. Their average weight in the harvest summer can reach one kilogram. But usually the brushes are less weighty - 500-700 grams. The pulp in grapes is dense, but not hard, with an optimal amount of water. The taste is grape, without sourness.

Raja variety is ideal for sale due to the presentation of bunches in which there are no peas and spoiled berries. Such grapes for a long time maintain the quality of the species and taste for 7-10 days. In addition, the fruits are easy to transport, as the dense skin withstands significant loads and does not burst. Raja survives frosts well to -23 degrees.



The main advantage of the hybrid is that it has high resistance to the most dangerous diseases of grapes - mildew and gray rot.



Domenic Grapes

One of the last breeding varieties of Bourdak. It has ultra-early ripening berries. The fruits begin to stain already in mid-July, and the grapes are completely ready to eat at the end of the month. The grapes are drop-shaped, slightly elongated. When ripe, the peel turns black. The berries are medium in size, very tight even in ripe form, with difficulty tearing themselves away from the stem. The pulp is firm, dense, crackles when bitten. The taste is bright, similar to plum with a slight acidity. The amount of sugar is 15-16 Brix.

Dominic deserves the attention of summer residents of absolutely all regions of the country. He is extremely unpretentious, immune to disease. Bunches have a chic presentation. Thanks to the thick skin, the fruits are stored for a long time, do not burst and are not damaged by wasps.

Natalya Rostova

Natalya Rostova grape

Hybrid form received from the parent pair Atlant and New gift Zaporizhia. The grape bushes have tremendous growth power, during the season the shoots grow by 5-7 meters, the berries ripen completely. Diseases are not observed. Ripe berries can hang on the bush for a long time, not crumbling and not wilting. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, traditionally grape, acid-free, with a nutmeg flavor. The amount of sugar is 18.8 Brix. The inside of the fruit is dense, moderately juicy, crispy.

The flowers of Natalia Rostova are bisexual. Flowering and pollination passes without problems even in cool weather. On each shoot, 2-3 inflorescences are formed. Ovaries are uniform, peas do not exist. The clusters are dense, gather about 30 medium-sized fruits, each weighing 15 grams. The weight of the brush is 700 grams.

Natalya Rostova - grapes of early fruiting. Ripe berries turn greenish yellow. They are cleaned in mid-August.



She is well acquainted with the works of Alexander Burdak. Many of its hybrid varieties are striking in the taste of fruits and large-fruited. The last one I planted was Senator. This year, the bush is already well rooted, has grown long shoots. It grows powerful, so far on a branch there is one bunch, so there was no need to normalize. The fruits have not yet ripened, but the prospect is already visible. Acid gradually takes the place of sweets. The pulp is dense, fleshy. Although the vineyard is arranged on a site with a close occurrence of groundwater, I do not observe a single burst of berries. I believe that the Senator is one of the most successful breeds of Bourdak.



I tried several different varieties of Bourdak. So far, I liked Dixon and Nicole. The first berry has a large, unusual shape. The color is light pink. The clusters are large, weighty. The vineyard has a ripening period rather late, but it can be with me, since the main part of the culture is in the shade, it can therefore take longer than usual to get color. Nicole ripens well, the finished berry is sweet, fleshy. Not bad in our cold and rainy summer shows itself year after year by Lorano. It is well pollinated, clusters of 800-1000 grams. The berries are large, one-dimensional.



Of all the varieties, I was most impressed with the Cleopatra hybrid. This is a relatively new selection, there is little information on it. But I like to experiment, so I got vaccinated. Shoots have good growth power, over a year the bush grows a significant part of the vine. Ripening occurs by the end of August. I consider it an early grape. Ripening clusters are simply huge, weighing up to 800 grams. The berries themselves are elongated cylindrical in shape, all the same in size. Ripe fruits have a burgundy color, weigh 18 grams. What else you like about this variety is its frost resistance. It can easily be grown even in Siberia, as it tolerates extreme frosts well.


Every year, the folk breeder presents his fans with new hybrid forms. Some of these are Nicole, Nelson, Zarina and others.It is too early to talk about them, since their productivity and resistance to growing conditions have been little studied and are at the experimental stage.

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