How to grow Beijing cabbage in a greenhouse year round

14.09.2018 Cabbage

growing cabbageMore recently, Beijing cabbage or petsai was considered a curiosity and was not popular among consumers. But due to its beneficial properties and taste, it has become popular. Cultivation of Beijing cabbage in greenhouse conditions made it possible to obtain a tasty and healthy vegetable throughout the year.

Features of greenhouse cultivation

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse involves maintaining the right temperature for the crop. Its seeds germinate well already at +4 degrees. Ripen bushes do not tolerate changes in temperature conditions. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no differences.

The best temperature at which Peking grows well is +12 - +22 degrees. If the thermometer shows below these indicators, the plant throws arrows, flowering may begin. At high temperatures, the bushes are poorly formed.

In the greenhouse that is heated, you can easily set the required temperature and control the duration of daylight hours, create optimal conditions for good head formation all year round. This variety delights with fruits already on 45-55 days after the appearance of sprouts, while white-fruit ripenes on 90-165 days. This allows you to get up to three crops per year.


Beijing cabbage is a culture with a short daylight hours. And in low light, the culture actively heads out and builds up mass.

Greenhouse varieties

When choosing a variety, it takes into account how quickly you want to get a crop. The earliest varieties are considered hybrid, with a ripening time of 50 days. From such varieties you can get a plentiful crop of up to one ton. In early spring, you can plant varieties such as:

  1. F1 Spring Beauty. The variety easily tolerates insufficient lighting. Heads of cabbage grow up to 2 kg.
  2. F1 Spring Jade. The variety withstands temperature extremes and is not subject to disease. One head of cabbage can grow up to 3 kg.
  3. Vesnyanka. 35 days are enough for complete formation.

In spring and summer, it is best to plant the F1 First Vitamins variety. He practically does not throw arrows and withstands a sharp change in temperature.

In the autumn period, choosing a variety, it is important to consider their ability to tolerate cooling. Autumn varieties yield 60-65 days after germination. Popular are hybrid varieties such as:

  • beauty F1;
  • F1 jade;
  • September F1.

When planting cauliflower, it is important not to plant spring varieties in autumn and vice versa. This can lead to shooters and spoiled crops.

Planting culture

Land for good ripening must be airy and fruitful. However, the soil should not be excessively airy, as it can dry quickly. Too heavy soil is prone to the emergence and development of diseases. Therefore, the most optimal option is neutral soil, which has medium acidity.

Planting the crop is necessary according to the following scheme: between rows should be 45 cm, and the distance in the row is up to 2 cm. 2 grams of seeds are enough per square meter. Too deep seeds are not necessary. The temperature in the greenhouse until shoots appear should not be below +20 degrees. When sprouts appear, the temperature for one week is set less than +9 degrees. This is necessary for the adaptation of the bushes.

As soon as the plants grow, they must be thinned, leaving the strongest. The distance between the bushes should be 15 cm. After a week, the distance between crops is increased to 35 cm.

But petsai can be grown with seedlings.But since the bushes negatively relate to transplanting, the seeds must first be sown in separate pots. Three seeds are sown in one container, which germinate already on the 6th day. Then choose the strongest plant. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. As soon as 4 leaves are formed, the seedlings can be planted in the ground.

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When watering, it is important not to abuse the moisture. Excess moisture will lead to the formation and development of rot and disease.

Peking cabbage care

For Beijing cabbage, proper watering is important. The plant loves moisture, but do not flood the soil very much, as waterlogging will lead to the death of the crop. Water for irrigation should be warm. Petsai does not like dense plantations. In such conditions, the culture becomes ill and poorly developed.

Do not forget about plant nutrition. Organic fertilizers with nitrogen and potassium are well suited for this. For one growing season, two top dressings are enough, first with organic, and then with mineral fertilizers. When feeding, it is important to consider that Beijing cabbage is able to accumulate nitrates. Therefore, chemicals and artificial fertilizers should be used with caution.

Peking cabbage is also attacked by various pests. You can protect it using the following steps:

  • abundant watering of bushes (cruciferous flea is afraid of moisture);
  • pour tobacco dust with wood ash between the beds;
  • plant caraway or dill nearby, the smell of which is not tolerated by fleas.

Once the heads of cabbage have condensed, they can be cut off. But not all varieties are equally well stored. For example, spring varieties are not subject to storage, they must be consumed immediately. Autumn varieties are stored for a certain time.

To keep the cabbage longer, it must be wrapped in cellophane and then a newspaper. Storage temperature should not drop below zero. The optimum temperature at which the culture lasts up to 5 months is +3 or +5 degrees.


To cultivate a culture such as Beijing cabbage is a healthy and profitable business. Moreover, you can do this all year round. This will allow you to get a lot of healthy vitamins all the time, and also become a stable source of income. For beginning gardeners, cauliflower will diversify their nutritious diet.

Culture does not require serious conditions and requirements for breeding plants. If you follow all the simple techniques of agricultural technology, you can get a juicy and healthy product.



Peking cabbage is very much appreciated in my family. Therefore, I grow it all the time in the greenhouse. The main rule is proper watering. Since the roots of the bush are located on the surface, and they are weak, when leaving, it is important to prevent the top layer of soil from drying out.



Previously, I bought Beijing cabbage in supermarkets. But last year I accidentally read about the secrets of growing her home. Agricultural technology is simple, so I decided to try to plant it in a greenhouse. For bushes, it is important to observe the temperature regime. And it is also important not to plant it very thickly, then the heads of cabbage will be large and juicy.

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