When to sow petunia for seedlings in 2017

14.03.2017 Petunias

When to sow petunia for seedlings in 2017In the material, we carefully consider the question of when to plant petunia for seedlings in 2017. Of course, much depends on the specific phases of the moon, for gardeners and gardeners the use of the lunar calendar is an important rule of planting. But, you should also pay attention to the climate, the duration of daylight hours.

So that in June, petunia pleased with flowering, you should think about when to plant seeds for seedlings in late February or early March 2017. If you sow seeds earlier, then they will need to provide additional lighting. To do this, buy a special foot, which is mounted above the box: the lamp helps to extend the daylight hours so that the seedlings develop well. A few hours of highlighting per day will suffice.

About Lunar Calendar Cycles

The second important aspect when sowing petunia for seedlings in 2017 is the Lunar calendar. In each month during the year, favorable days can be found for planting petunias. Here it is better when choosing to focus on when you want to see lush and plentiful flowering.

As for the winter period, experienced gardeners advise you to think about planting the seeds of this flower on seedlings in late February, somewhere around the twentieth. Moreover, to navigate in 2017 is the second phase of the moon, which brings the satellite closer to the full moon.

Important! I especially want to note that after choosing a day, you should decide on the time of day when it is best to plant the seeds of this flower. Here we are talking about the period after lunch.

Recommendations from experienced summer residents

Many gardeners agree that petunia seeds planted during the first spring month are the strongest. This is all due to the fact that in March there is already enough light for the active growth of the plant, plus the days are getting warmer. But this does not mean at all that in January or February there is no opportunity and chance to grow excellent seedlings.

When to sow petunia seeds for seedlings
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Usually, seedlings planted in January or February has its right to exist. But care for it is much more complicated due to the need to highlight the plant every day. If you make a mistake somewhere in the care, then in the end the seedlings will be elongated and weak.

But, if the seeds are planted in the ground in early February, then this plant will bloom a week earlier than those seedlings that were planted in early March. In principle, this is not such a big gap. So, if you do not want to bother with seedlings for a long time and a lot in February, then you can safely plant seeds in March.

Advice! Suppose you planted seeds in March, therefore, flowering will be quite late. But, to stimulate growth and rapid flowering, you can water the sprouts with special stimulants.

How to sow petunia

It is best to plant the seeds in the soil, which consists half of the purchased land, and half of the land from your site. Petunia seeds in appearance are similar to poppy seeds: they are very small and it is not very convenient to sow a plant. But here a little trick will help: pour the seeds onto a sheet of paper, then roll it up and take care to plant the seeds through a small hole.

When to sow petunia for seedlings

Planting seeds in moist soil. Then cover the container with film or glass, send to a warm place until the flower sprouts. When the shoots appear, remove the film and transfer the seedlings to a constant place of growth.

So, at home, the best months for planting petunia seeds are the end of February and the beginning of March.Most varieties with this time of planting begin to bloom in late May or early June. But when growing petunia seedlings in winter, it is necessary to additionally highlight it.

Advice! The lunar calendar shows that in 2017, the favorable days for growing petunias in January are the 5th, 8th and 9th, 15th, 16th and 17th. In February, this is the 2nd, 13th-16th, and also the period of February 20-21th. In March, seed planting can be done on the 14th, 15th, and also on March 20-22. As for the unfavorable days, when you should definitely refuse to land - this is January 11, 12 and 24, February 7.8 and 22, and also March 5, 6 and 23. Other flowers for the garden: perennials photo with names.

the timing of planting petunias for seedlings 2017

So, when to plant petunia for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, it is disassembled in all details in this material. In principle, the timing of flowering seedlings, planted in February or March, does not differ much, but the care may differ in the direction of greater attention.

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