How to store cabbage in the refrigerator - do I need a bag?

30.08.2018 Cabbage

cabbage in the refrigerator

A variety of dishes are prepared daily from cabbage. In this regard, people form a certain supply of vegetables in the house so that it is always at hand. But, how should cabbage be stored so that it does not deteriorate? Can I use a refrigerator to ensure product safety?

How and what to store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator

cabbage in the refrigerator

In the refrigerator for vegetables, you need to choose the coldest places where the temperature is constantly kept at 1 degree below zero. Refrigerators sold in the country have a compartment designed specifically for this.

In some models of refrigerated household appliances, such a vegetable compartment may not be. Then the cabbages are placed where they usually keep vegetables and the regulator set the lowest temperature. In such conditions, cabbage without quality loss can lie about 1 month. Sometimes, if put in the wrong place, it can begin to rot after a week of storage. Therefore, the plugs in the refrigerator should be placed correctly.

The housewife, with regard to cabbage, always has one task - to keep it as long as possible in the refrigerator. For this, many different methods have been developed that protect the plugs from moisture. It is possible to prevent moisture from entering the stored head of cabbage if you put it in cling film during storage.

But such preparation requires a series of actions in the following order:

  • select vegetables with elastic heads of cabbage, to which the integumentary leaves tightly fit;
  • cut off the stump so that it sticks out 2 cm;
  • detected damage, cut with a knife;
  • wrap the forks with cling film in 2-3 layers;
  • squeeze out air from the package, smooth out the folds of the package;
  • send the cabbages to the refrigerator by placing them in the coldest compartment.

There is another interesting storage method. To do this, head the cabbage into paper and place them one at a time in a perforated plastic bag. The paper will absorb the protruding moisture and regularly need to change the paper wrapping.


With any type of storage, you must strive to prevent moisture droplets from forming on the heads. Cabbage forks are stored in the refrigerator for 1 week without a wrapper.

Head of cabbage


For storage, you need to select small tight forks. If you bought them late in the fall, then this is most likely suitable for long-term storage, a late cabbage variety.

Avoid storage of cabbage of other ripening dates, as well as loose heads of late varieties. Such specimens can lie without damage for no more than 3 months.

Of great importance in the selection of forks for storage is the preliminary preparation of the vegetable. All forks are subjected to a thorough inspection and, if cracks, traces of damage from pests, dents from transportation are detected, they are rejected and used as intended as soon as possible.

The stem remains are pruned without fail. The shorter it turns out - the better for efficient storage. From the remains of stems, cabbage during storage can produce peduncles or small heads of cabbage, which will adversely affect the quality of storage.


Forks, before storage, should be freed from the integumentary leaves, leaving no more than one pair of leaves. During storage, these leaflets will protect the cabbage heads from damage to fungal and bacterial infections.

In addition, heads are rinsed in running water. By this method harmful insects, particles of earth and sand are washed out of the forks. At the end of the preparations, all forks are wiped with clean cloth rags to remove all moisture. Dried heads can be stored.

Features of storing different types of cabbage

The difference in storage duration is observed not only between types of cabbage, but also between varieties of the same species. Varieties of late ripening can be stored much longer than early varieties. And by type of cabbage it is known that the shelf life of colored, as well as broccoli and Peking, is a little more than 2 weeks, and kohlrabi - up to 35 days.

How to store white cabbage


There are many suitable places where you can successfully store this cabbage. However, for residents of apartment buildings, a refrigerator has become a familiar place. By placing the vegetable in a special compartment, you can be sure that it does not deteriorate for 90 days.

It is worth noting that during storage the cabbage will fade, it will not be so attractive. If from time to time removed from a head on a pair of leaves, it will be possible to slightly extend the duration of storage. With this option, the forks will not lose their useful qualities, all vitamins, mineral salts will be preserved almost fully.

The shelf life of cabbage in the refrigerator can be significantly extended if each fork is wrapped in a protective film. It is argued that this approach will increase the safety of the product by 2 times, and the storage quality will be very different for the better - cabbage will not lose its crunch and taste.

Storage on the balcony

This storage option also deserves attention if the balcony is glazed and properly insulated. On the balcony, for this they put a cabinet with shelves and a closing door. The forks are also wrapped in cling film and stored in a single row on each rack. However, if you have a winter temperature there drops to -2 degrees and below, then you should abandon this venture.


cabbage picking

Sometimes, for the preservation of cabbage, urban residents use the pantry available in the apartment. Forks, before laying for storage, are also wrapped in cling film. Every 10 days you should conduct an audit of heads of cabbage for their decay. In such conditions, the vegetable product will lie for 2-4 months. Cabbage, with various storage methods, can retain its qualities for different times.

How much cabbage is stored in the apartment?

  1. Forks in open form, at 20-24 degrees Celsius, can last no more than 7 days.
  2. Cabbage, properly stored on the balcony, may not lose its beneficial properties within six months.
  3. Forks wrapped in foil and refrigerated can last for 150 days.
  4. Cabbage, frozen in the freezer, is well preserved for 300 days.
  5. Dried cabbage will remain useful for 1 year.

To successfully store white cabbage, she needs to create the following conditions:

  • temperature - from minus 1 to +5 degrees;
  • air humidity - from 80 to 95%.

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator


The way in which cauliflower is stored in the refrigerator is far from the best. For a long time to save so the vegetable will not work. It is guaranteed to lie in the refrigerator, without loss of quality, about two weeks, and at best 1 month.

In the open form, it is not recommended to place the vegetable in the refrigerator. Cabbage should be well covered by wrapping it in 2 layers in a cling film, thick paper or placing it in a sealed plastic bag. For each head you need to pick up a separate package. Packed cabbage is placed in the upper compartments of the refrigeration device.


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Before laying the vegetable in the refrigerator, some preparation is required. With a fork cut off all the leaves and roots.

If you want to keep the vegetable for a long time, for example, one year, you need to place it in the freezer. And there, it can be saved both in whole form and in parts. Some housewives store in a freezer cauliflower, previously steamed in boiling water.

How to store broccoli in the refrigerator


Despite the good resistance of broccoli to low temperatures, its storage is fraught with a lot of difficulties. The big problem is that it fades very quickly and does not tolerate excess moisture. However, there are ways to store such cabbage for a year.

Broccoli should not be in a warm room with low humidity. In this regard, the broccoli refrigerator is a good place to store. It requires a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees above zero and a relative humidity of 90-95%.

But even in such storage conditions, cabbage will retain its qualities for no more than 2 weeks. Long-term storage of broccoli for 6-12 months can be achieved by sending it to the freezer.

Over the long period of use of broccoli, several effective ways of storing it in the refrigerator have been developed:

In a container of water. This method will ensure the storage of cabbage for 9 days. To do this, take the following actions:

  • pick a suitable container and pour a little water into it;
  • install cabbage in it so that the inflorescence is at the top;
  • cover the inflorescence with a perforated cellophane bag;
  • send broccoli in containers to the refrigerator;
  • water in the tank should be replaced daily.

Storage in a paper towel. This method is suitable only when you want to keep broccoli for no more than 4 days. Why do you need to do the following steps:

  • spray device spray all inflorescences;
  • wrap broccoli loosely in paper towels;
  • wipes should absorb excess moisture;
  • send the cabbage to the refrigerator.

Storage of cabbage in bags in parts. The method is suitable if you want to ensure the safety of the vegetable for 3 days. Why do you need to do the following:

  • take a synthetic bag and make 6 holes in it for ventilation;
  • put in each bag by inflorescence;
  • send the packaged vegetable to the refrigerator.

Broccoli does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is not washed, sent for storage. If the dirt is very strong, then you can wash it, but then the cabbage should be well dried.


For long storage, you will need to freeze broccoli. If this operation is performed according to the rules, cabbage will not lose its useful qualities and good appearance. To freeze a vegetable, you need to properly prepare it:

  • vegetables selected for freezing should be washed well in a solution of vinegar (3 teaspoons of vinegar in 5 liters of water);
  • having kept cabbage in a solution of vinegar for 20 minutes, rinse it with running water and dry it;
  • disassemble the forks for inflorescences 3 cm in diameter, the length should be the same;
  • blanch the vegetables for 3 minutes, and then immediately dip the inflorescences in ice water;
  • dry the cabbage;
  • pack inflorescences in bags, removing air from them;
  • send broccoli sachets to the freezer.

If there is a need to prepare a dish of broccoli, several bags are removed from the freezer and the product is thawed in heated water.

How to store sauerkraut in the refrigerator


Fermented cabbage fermented by the usual method can, under appropriate conditions, last for several months. Therefore, it can be eaten all fall, winter and even spring.

Of course, room temperature is not suitable for long-term storage.In such conditions, the product quickly acidifies. Maximum long-term storage can be achieved by placing sauerkraut in the freezer. It is important to remember that to defrost it will be necessary to take out their freezer as much cabbage as you intend to consume. Re-freezing is undesirable.

It is considered optimal to store sauerkraut in glass jars, enameled pots in which it was fermented, at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees. It is desirable that the temperature is kept in this range and even for a short time does not fall below 0 degrees.

Such conditions can be created in the refrigerator. In this household appliance, the temperature meets the requirements for storing such cabbage and there are no temperature jumps in it. The only drawback of the refrigerator is its low capacity. No matter how you try, putting all the blanks into it will fail.


As we have already said, sauerkraut in the refrigerator, without loss of quality, can be stored for several months.

How many stewed cabbage is stored in the refrigerator

stewed cabbage

Sometimes it becomes necessary to preserve stewed cabbage for some time so that later it can be quickly used as a side dish for any dish.

  1. It is known that such a dish contains a lot of vitamin C, but after 24 hours, when stored at room temperature, most of it disappears.
  2. Another thing is if you put stewed cabbage in the refrigerator. There it is without loss of quality, maybe for 3 days. The truth is noticed that after 2-3 days of such storage, her taste changes not for the better.
  3. It is also possible to place stewed cabbage in the freezer for longer storage. In such conditions, it can be kept for up to six months. Her taste, however, will not change.
  4. Before placing such a dish in the freezer, stewed cabbage must be prepared. Preparation consists in laying it out in small pots. Packages for these purposes are not recommended.

When you need to cook a dish from this cabbage, you need to extract the product from the freezer, heat it in the microwave, and then put it in the pan for heating.

Is it possible to store cabbage in the freezer

in the freezer

Sauerkraut is allowed to be stored in the freezer. The vegetable is in brine, so even a ten-degree frost will not spoil the quality of the product. Storage in the freezer for a long time is also suitable for cauliflower, white cabbage and broccoli.

Freezing Cauliflower

This vegetable has an exquisite taste and contains many useful elements. To use cauliflower for culinary purposes throughout the calendar year, it needs to be frozen.

The process is as follows:

  1. Place the cabbage in salt water to displace the insects and their larvae.
  2. Then place the forks for 3 minutes in boiling water, where lemon juice was previously added.
  3. After blanching, dip the forks in a bowl of cold water to cool the vegetable. This is necessary to preserve the valuable qualities of the vegetable, its appearance and juiciness.
  4. After drying, tear off or cut the leaves of the cabbage, as well as spoiled fragments.
  5. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences. Place each inflorescence in a separate airtight bag.

In the same way, you can freeze broccoli or Brussels sprouts.

Freezing White Cabbage


For long-term storage in low temperature ranges, pick the highest quality cabbage forks. It should be dense, juicy and not have any damage. Early cabbage varieties are usually sent to the freezer. Such a vegetable subsequently can not be used for the preparation of salads. This cabbage is suitable for frying, boiling and stewing.

The phasing process will look like this:

  1. Choose a suitable vegetable for freezing.
  2. Remove dried, flaccid, diseased leaves, fragments with dark spots.
  3. Wash and dry the forks.
  4. Cut the cabbage into strips.
  5. Sprinkle chopped vegetable over boiling water. This can achieve the preservation of the color and taste of cabbage.
  6. Pack the product in small, sealed synthetic bags.
  7. Send the product to the freezer.



Experienced housewives, in preparing the forks for storage, recommend performing such actions:

  1. Soak each head of cabbage, before laying in the refrigerator, in salt water. For this, 20 minutes will be enough.
  2. Then dry the heads with a waffle towel. This technique can save the vegetable from insects stuck between the leaves.
  3. Inspect stored vegetables regularly. If you notice the loss of the usual color of cabbage leaves, remove the forks from the refrigerator and free it from the wrapper and perishable leaves.
  4. After that, wrap the forks in the film again and send it to the refrigerator.

If fresh cabbage loses its original appearance, you can get it out of the refrigerator and ferment or preserve it.

As you can see, cabbage forks for a long time in small quantities can be stored in a city apartment. Having a refrigerator, this problem will not be difficult to solve. Do experiments, try different options to determine the best one.

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