
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 23.02.2017

Characteristics of tomato "Swamp"

Tomato "Swamp". Agree, the question immediately arises why it is such a strange name that a tomato has. What was he associated with breeders, maybe culture prefers swampland? Of course not. Its ambiguous name got a tomato for a very unusual color. We are used to the fact that tomatoes are red or yellow, but the “Swamp” is green. Even when it ripens, the fruit still does not blush, they can only have scarlet inclusions. With the name sorted out, now it's time to move on to the characteristic of tomato "Swamp", and then to its cultivation.

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general description

Variety refers to the new. It was created by breeders from Russia. It is best to grow bushes in greenhouse conditions or under film. It is possible to grow the “Swamp” on the street, but only in those regions that are closer to the south. Variety fruits early, has a very unusual color of tomatoes. Tomato has both positive and negative characteristics.

In general, the dacha responses of the “Swamp” tomato are very different. Someone praises for good taste, someone believes that the variety can be planted 1-2 times for a change, but not more. The fact is that the fruits cannot be stored for a long time, transported over long distances, they require special care. Most often, "Swamp" is planted precisely because the fruits look exotic.

Tomato "Swamp". Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Early ripe variety. The first unusual in color, but fully ripe fruits, you can collect in 90-95 days after sowing the seeds.
  • The height of the bush more than a meter. If the tomato grows outside, then the maximum reaches 110 cm, if in the greenhouse, then 150 cm.
  • Refers to indeterminate species.
  • Leaves of a grade differ in nothing from standard. They are large, but the amount is small.
  • Treats salad varieties. One of the strengths of the "Swamp" its taste. But also experience has shown that the variety behaves very well in salting. Canned fruits can be in the whole form.
  • Tomato requires formation. The maximum yield gives when leaving two stalks.
  • Requires garters and pinching. The latter is required infrequently.
  • The fruits have a pronounced ribbing, slightly flattened shape.
  • Mass of tomatoes from 150 to 250 grams. If grown in a greenhouse, then there may be fruits weighing 310-320 grams.
  • Yield is average. With square meter receive on the street to 5.5 kg, in the greenhouse to 6 kg.
  • Commercial appearance worthy, but, as already mentioned earlier, the fruits do not lie for a long time. Their flesh is loose.
  • It is appreciated for taste, aroma, an exotic look, early ripeness.
  • It does not have absolute resistance to diseases.

Here is such an unusual variety. To grow it or not, you decide. It may be worth trying to diversify your table, beds and winter twists. And so that you can better understand how to get the green fruit "Swamp", read our article below.

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Speaking in general, the tomato can not be attributed to the capricious. Yes, it needs to be grown in a greenhouse, yes, it is necessary to form and tie it up, but after all, such techniques are required by many varieties. Is that the harvest is small, and stored little. Plant best seedlings after cabbage, cucumbers, carrots.

Since the variety can be sick, and often this is due to the high humidity in the greenhouse, the seeds of the tomato “Swamp”, of course, need to be prepared before sowing.To do this, use the standard scheme - soaked in a solution of manganese, and then treated with a stimulant, which will help not only improve germination, but also improve immunity. Well helps "Immunocytofit", "Zircon", "Epin-extra", "Baikal EM 1". After processing, the seeds are dried and sown.

You can land in a general tank or in peat pots to avoid picking. In terms of timing it is better to do in late February and in March. Soil can be made from peat, earth, sand in equal quantities. To exclude infection of seedlings from the soil, it is better to shed boiling water in advance. After the seeds are laid out on the surface and slightly deepen. Next, moisten, cover with a film until germs. After which the seedlings need to be constantly watered, to provide them with light.


When landing, always stick to the dates of the lunar calendar and remember that they are different every year.

Before transfer to the greenhouse, seedlings should be hardened, and the soil should be prepared at the main site. For this, it is dug up, humus and mineral fertilizers are applied. The walls of the greenhouse and the soil should be well treated to eliminate the risk of subsequent diseases.

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Planting of seedlings produced in May, on one square meter planted no more than 3 bushes. Be sure to prepare in advance support. Saplings are watered only with warm water, and always after the airing of the greenhouse. This is done in the evening. If you notice signs of disease, you can treat bushes "Thiovit Jet" and copper oxychloride. For prevention use "Kvadris".

Top dressing bring every 14-20 days. Use ready-made preparations or organic. In order to form two stalks, the stepchild in the upper sinus and the main stalk are left; the other stepsons break off.

These are the main techniques of agricultural technology. You do the rest as usual, and soon you will have beautiful green fruits.

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