Grape diseases: description, photo, treatment methods

5.09.2016 Grape

grape diseases description with photos and treatment methodsKnowing the diseases of grapes, a description with photos and methods of treatment, you can save your vine and the harvest that it gives during the time. After all, grapes are a plant that has long been accompanying a person, and, despite the fact that it is unpretentious in care, he also needs help in difficult times.

Mildew or downy mildew

One of the most common grape diseases, a description with photos of which it is simply necessary to know for everyone who has a beautiful vine on the plot. The disease is fungal, therefore, it multiplies by spores. The fungus is resistant to frost and winter, because it quietly "lurks" before the onset of spring in fallen leaves or mulch. With the onset of spring, when humidity increases, the fungus begins to multiply, which is already a potential threat to grapes.

Visually recognize the enemy by carefully looking at the leaves of grapes: on the affected areas of the leaf plate you can see yellow spots, and on the back of the leaf such spots will also be covered with a fluffy fungus. However, as the disease progresses, holes form at the spot. The disease extends to berries, on which a white fungal plaque forms, such berries are not suitable for food at all.

mildew diseases of the city description of the photo

To prevent this, you need to know not only the description of grape diseases with photographs, but also the methods of their treatment. Mildew can be overcome if the vineyard is treated with such preparations as Ditan M-24, Acidan, Acrobat MC, as well as Cichon, which contains copper oxide and chlorine.

For preventive purposes, it is appropriate to use the good old Bordeaux mixture. We also recommend that you regularly use plant growth activator, which not only increases productivity, but also prevents the development of pathogenic flora.

Grape tick

Visually, this disease is similar to mildew, but there is one nuance that will help prevent confusion. When grapes are hit by a tick, convex spots form on the foliage, while in the case of mildew, the spots are covered with fluff.

grape tick disease

At first, only the lower leaves of the plant are affected, and so that the disease does not progress up, it is necessary to detect it in time and take measures. If the disease is not stopped in time, the bulges on the foliage will turn pink or red. The tick is especially active in hot weather conditions, and then berries can be affected, which are covered like felt.

On the way to combating grape mites, such drugs as “Bi 58”, “Aktara”, “Karate Zeon” help.

Oidium or powdery mildew

With this disease, the foliage and berries of the grapes look as if it was well sprinkled with flour. The most favorable conditions for the propagation of the fungus are moderate weather conditions; in the heat, the fungus is inactive and in many cases bypasses the plant. If Oidium comes to the berries, then they begin to crack and grains begin to fall out of them.

Oidium grape disease treatment methods description

It is important to carry out not only treatment of this disease, but also preventive measures using the drugs "Topaz", "Skor", "Bayleton".


In the case of this disease, the leaves and shoots of the plant become stained like silver. During damp spots can become dark brown.

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grape diseases grape diseases description with photo treatment methods1

Effective for this disease will be drugs that contain copper: "Skor", "Cabrio-top", "Rapid Gold".


The first alarm signal about the disease is the appearance of small brown spots on young leaves of the plant, around which a black border also forms. Due to the fact that the spots are very similar to the bird's eye, this disease is popularly called. The disease also affects the fruits of the plant, which become covered with exactly the same spots, and then crack.

grape disease anthracnose

As soon as the first signs of grape disease according to the description with photos were noticed, it is necessary to begin to apply methods of treatment, otherwise the whole crop will die.

They help to defeat the enemy of any of the following drugs: “Skor”, “Acrobat”, “Radomil”. Processing is carried out once every two weeks until traces of the disease remain.

Bacterial cancer

The disease is bacterial, bacteria enter the bark of the tree and develop their vital activity there. The bark begins to literally “crack at the seams”. This disease is very serious and dangerous in that there are as yet no treatment options that guarantee success. It is recommended that you first try to treat the plant with hydroxy tetracycline, but it rarely helps. If no improvement is visible, then, alas, the vine must be destroyed.

grape diseases bacterial cancer

Where a vine infected with bacterial cancer used to grow, you cannot plant anything for another 4 years. Permanent quarantine work must be carried out on this territory.

Gray rot

Looking at the description of grape diseases with photographs, you can accurately diagnose “gray rot”. Gray rot affects both berries and other parts of the plant, and this disease really looks like rot, slippery and vile.

grape diseases gray rot description with photos treatment methods

It is difficult to cure grapes from gray rot, but you can try to do this with the Euparen and Fundazol preparations, even if they do not completely eliminate the gray rot, they will help improve the situation.

White rot

A disease that is active towards the end of the summer season. It affects berries that visually look like they were dipped in a cauldron with boiling water. A fungal infection spreads at a cosmic rate, therefore, such means as Kolfugo and Fundazol should be used immediately.

grape disease white rot description treatment methods

Helping your vine to cope with diseases, it is important to remember that only timely measures can save both the crop and the whole plant. Also, the guarantee of full and healthy development of grapes is the observance of all agricultural work and the right grape care methods.

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