What is useful white beans: benefits and harm to our body

20.04.2019 Beans

White bean is a climbing, artisanal plant that belongs to the legume family. During the ripening period, hanging pods grow on the stem, each of which has 8 oval-shaped milky-white beans. Doctors recommend adding it to the diet, since the benefits of white beans are multifaceted for both adults and children.

Chemical composition

The legume plant contains cobalt, potassium, sulfur, iron, and amino acids. It contains almost the entire list of vitamins, to a greater extent groups B, K, E and PP. Per 100 grams of boiled product is:

  • energy value - 104 calories;
  • proteins - 20 grams;
  • fats - 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 48 grams.

There are 96 calories in canned beans. Its chemical composition is equivalent to meat. Therefore, it is recommended to add vegetarians to the diet in order to saturate the body with nutrients that are healthy and well-being.

White bean varieties

There are several types of white beans in total. The list of beans is as follows:

  1. Nevi is a pea-sized milky white product. It has a pleasant aroma and quick cooking under the influence of heat treatment. This variety is rich in fiber and iron, easy to digest, so doctors recommend using it when losing weight.
  2. Chali is another white bean variety that is common in Turkey. It has a large size and a pleasant aroma. Most often used for cooking stews.
  3. Lima - in form, the variety is similar to a growing moon or miniature tangerine slices. It tastes like butter. It contains a sick amount of dietary fiber and vitamin.

One of the most popular varieties in Russia is Moscow white green-beans 556. This variety was specially bred for cultivation in the short summer, characteristic of the central strip of the country. The product is rich in iron and dietary fiber, in addition, it is very nutritious and quickly saturates the body with energy value.


With regular use of white beans, you can significantly improve health, improve memory and brain activity, normalize sleep, strengthen blood vessels and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this white bean is useful for women, and for men, and for children.

Benefits for women

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First of all, the product is useful for women who have problems with the menstrual cycle. Due to the penetration of iron into the body, hematopoietic activity begins to intensify. In addition, the nutrients found in white beans have the following benefits:

  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • skin condition improvement;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • reduction of puffiness, which is especially necessary during pregnancy;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Gynecologists and pediatricians recommend that young mothers during lactation eat boiled beans or add it to the dish. She will make breast milk a useful protein, make it nutritious, the baby will be better at eating.

Young children are susceptible to a new product. If the beans are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother for the first time, you need to add them in a small amount and see how the baby's body will react to them.

Benefits for men

Green beans are rich in healthy protein. It is necessary for those men who are actively involved in sports or are forced to work in hard work. It is recommended to add it to the dish for dinner to restore strength after a busy day. In addition, this protein product is essential for gaining muscle mass.

Another benefit is the preservation of reproductive function. Vitamin E contained in legumes helps improve sperm quality and potency. Especially the product is needed for young people who plan to become a dad. Regular consumption of beans helps prevent adenomas and the genitourinary system.

Benefits for children

Children under 6 years old are not recommended to use this variety in pure boiled form. At this age, the digestive system will be difficult to digest such heavy food. It is better to add the product to the dish in a small amount. Its main benefit for the growing organism is the strengthening of the immune system, the prevention of diseases of viral or infectious origin.

A product rich in vitamin B is essential for the full functioning of the nervous system. It is recommended to use a white bean variety for schoolchildren, who are loaded with classes at school, home lessons and additional classes.

The benefits of losing weight

The benefits and harms of beans during weight loss are obvious. It does not contain many calories, so you can eat it for lunch or dinner, but it is not recommended to eat at night. But, it is so nutritious that the body will be charged with energy value for a long time. The protein contained in it affects the formation of muscles, which will positively affect hard physical exertion.

As far as harm is concerned, a non-white bean variety, like any product, cannot be eaten in large quantities. This contributes to the collection of fat mass and poor digestion. You can not combine it with high-calorie meat or pasta when losing weight.


The properties of white beans are beneficial for women, men and children. But, to introduce it to the diet can not all people. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis
  • ulcer and any other diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
contraindications beans

With caution, you need to eat it for young children, especially preschool children and the elderly. You should add the product to the dish in a small amount, not more than 100 grams. Nutritionists and medical professionals do not recommend eating beans at night, there is a risk of bloating and problems with stools.

It is strictly forbidden to eat beans raw. Its vegetable protein substances lectins negatively affect the intestinal mucosa, which leads to eating disorder or poisoning. Only under the influence of high temperature does the splitting of harmful compounds occur that can harm the body.


Due to the presence of vitamin, trace elements, dietary fiber and nutrients in the composition, the beneficial properties of beans are multifaceted. For this reason, it is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, and even traditional medicine.

In cooking

A caring mother and wife should be able to cook dishes with the addition of white beans in order to preserve their youth and health of their households. Creating such a nutritious culinary delight requires knowledge of several rules:

  1. The smooth surface of the grains contains toxic substances. To get rid of them, you need to boil the product for 5-10 minutes.
  2. White varieties of the legume family boil for a long time. They must first be soaked for 8-10 hours in cold water.
  3. Bean beans require a lot of fluid. Otherwise, they will be hard and dry even after prolonged heat treatment. In the process of cooking, it is worth monitoring the amount of water and adding it if necessary.
  4. Cooking should be done strictly over medium heat.
  5. You need to salt only soft ready-made grains.

Ready white beans can be added to the soup along with meat or instead of it, to diversify it with a salad or side dish. Perfectly combined with vegetables and fish. You can also cook aromatic gravy with the addition of tomato paste. The only product these beans do not combine with is potatoes. Dishes turn out to be viscous and excessively high-calorie.

In cosmetology

Widespread use of large white beans in cosmetology due to the high content of vitamin E in it. It helps to create a rejuvenating effect, strengthen the skin, eliminate acne and age spots, saturate with nutrients. In total, 4 female products from beans can be distinguished:

  1. Scrub. It is prepared simply, for this you need to grind the boiled beans in a blender and combine with an equal amount of chopped green tea. They need to massage their skin for several minutes, then rinse with cool water. Additionally, you can provide a consistency of 1-2 drops of tea tree or bergamot essential oil.
  2. Refreshing mask against age spots. To prepare it, you need to combine the softened boiled beans with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. A thoroughly mixed mixture should be applied to the face skin in a dense layer, washed off after 25 minutes.
  3. Mask against bruises and circles under the eyes. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need to mix softened white beans with an equal amount, passed through a grater, an apple without a skin, chopped oatmeal, fat cream and 1 egg. The finished texture needs to be applied to the skin around the eyes. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  4. Mask for dry skin. To prepare it, mix beans with chopped oatmeal. Add 1-2 drops of orange essential oil to the product.

It is possible to use a cosmetic product based on white grains no more than 1 time per week. Preliminary, the skin should be cleaned with a foam or gel. After washing off the mixture, apply a nourishing cream or a refreshing tonic to the skin.

Before creating a mask or scrub, it is recommended to pass the boiled product through a sieve, so that a homogeneous soft puree without the content of peels and lumps is obtained.

Use for the treatment and prevention of diseases

Beans are widely used in folk medicine in the form of grains, seeds, and even flowers. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it for the prevention or treatment of diseases associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels, stomach, joint damage, skin damage and others.

With diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Favorably on the cardiovascular system, substances called flavonoids and anthocyanins act. They are rich in white bean pods. On their basis, you can create a healing broth. This requires:

  1. Pour 100 grams of the main component with 5 cups of water.
  2. Put the pot with the contents on medium heat. Cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the bean broth and strain.

The broth improves the work of the heart, has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, and serves as a preventive measure for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Apply it 3 times a day for 30 minutes. The course of therapeutic therapy with a folk remedy lasts 20-25 days, after which a break should be made.

Diseases of the stomach, kidneys, bladder

For patients with chronic diseases of the stomach, kidneys or bladder, bean infusion is recommended.But, it is not the main treatment, but serves as an addition to the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. To cook it, you need:

  1. Grind the bean leaves so that they look like powder. This can be done with a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Pour the resulting powder with boiling water. For 1 tablespoon, 1 liter of liquid is required.
  3. Insist contents for 4 hours.
  4. Strain the finished infusion.

A folk remedy can be used for pancreatitis, cystitis, gastritis, urolithiasis and pyelonephritis. During the day, you should drink half a liter of infusion in small sips.

Joint damage, disorders of the nervous system

The beneficial substances contained in white beans help restore the body after undergoing a major operation or injury. The body needs them for diseases such as gout or chronic rheumatism. Cooking a folk remedy is not necessary, it is enough to add 1-3 tablespoons of the product to the dish 2-3 times a week.

Insulin addiction

Beans are needed by people with diabetes. It acts as an insulin for the body, therefore, it helps to lower blood sugar, normalize heart function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, accelerate the process of regeneration and wound healing. Great benefit for the body will bring soup puree, for the preparation of which should:

  1. Pour 400 grams of dry grains with water. Leave to infuse for 10-12 hours.
  2. Add the cauliflower, onion, garlic, boiled egg, sunflower oil and spices to the softened beans to taste.
  3. Cook foods until cooked over medium heat.
  4. Stir with a blender.

Puree soup can be consumed daily. It contains a mass of nutrients and vitamins necessary for diabetics. In addition, it is very nutritious, enrich the body with energy value for a long time.

Skin diseases

White bean beans will help to cope with a number of skin lesions: wounds, cracks or ulcers. This will require a powder consistency. To get it, you need to grind the dry grains with a coffee grinder and a blender. A small amount of this agent must be applied daily to the affected area of ​​the skin and do this until the disease completely disappears. You can combine it with drugs for oral administration.

"Men's" diseases

Many men are prone to diseases related to the genitourinary function, which significantly reduces the quality of their life. There is no need to cook folk remedies. For the treatment and prevention of "male" diseases, it is necessary to add bean grains to the product. Among other things, it helps to increase potency and stimulate sexual desire.

Tips for eating beans and what are its harms

Beans should be added to the diet in moderation, not more than 200 grams for women, not more than 400 grams per day for men, not more than 100 grams for children. Overeating her will lead to gas and discomfort in the abdomen. It is worth considering that it weakens the intestines, so diarrhea is considered a common side effect.

To avoid such side effects, it is recommended to add spices to the dish during cooking, for example, coriander, black pepper, cucumber or ginger. They facilitate the assimilation of heavy food in the stomach.

How to store and choose beans

For cooking dishes or folk remedies, it is recommended to use fresh beans in the country or garden. But, for someone, the process growing plant crops can be difficult or impossible. In this case, you should buy the finished product in the store, paying attention to the following characteristics:

  • grains should not show signs of rotting or mold;
  • they must be whole;
  • if the product is suitable for consumption, then after opening the package there will not be an unpleasant odor;
  • it is better to choose beans in a dry form than in canned one, there are no harmful substances in it.

For storage a plastic or glass container tightly closed with a lid will do. You can put it in any dry and warm place, for example, in the closet of the kitchen set. If you want to prepare the product in boiled form, then you need to shift it into a plastic bag and freeze it.



“More recently, I wanted to show off photographs of friends from the sea to my friends, and when I began to review, I noticed that my face everywhere looked tired and wilted, not as young as before. A friend advised me a mask of beans and oatmeal. I did it for 2 months, and the skin of my face was tightened again and refreshed. I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of almond or coconut oil to the recipe, as it is applied easier and the skin receives additional nutrients. ”


“In the distant student years, during my exams, I lost my menstrual cycle due to stress. Having told my grandmother about my problem, I heard from her about bean broth. I began to drink it every day, the next month everything returned to normal, and there were no more failures. But, before being treated with alternative methods, it’s still worth going to the doctor to identify a gynecological disease. ”


Beans are a tasty and healthy product, rich in substances necessary for a full life activity. It is necessary to eliminate and prevent diseases, improve appearance and well-being. Before use, it is worth examining contraindications and possible side effects.

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